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Posts posted by bryce

  1. HELLBLAZER has always been driven by character, dialogue and mood


    Christ...Not another one, I've been lobbying to get rid of those elements since day one. Nows a perfect time to get rid of the dated trenchcoat, and pull out the red spandex suit and thigh high boots for John...


    I won’t be trying to shoehorn car chases and exploding helicopters in there.


    Good...those are tired cliche's. Instead John can chase a helicopter while throwing burning cars at it using his newly discovered meta powers of flight and superstrength.


    Of course, I'm sure upper management block you in this move to greatness because they are afraid of the tantrums the "fan" community will throw. That's OK...I forgive you. Give them their faggy character, dialogue and mood for an issue or two, and then have him move to LA, dye his hair black and be granted with a holy shotgun. That way you can have some action and the "fans" will be mollified.


    Oooh...If fact, give him TWO holy shotguns that he uses, one in each hand...and have him bit by a werewolf AND a vampire AT THE SAME TIME! That would RULE!!!





  2. It puzzles me as the two above ressurections are special


    The First is not a demon or angel...He's a piece of the almighty ripped out and given his own form.


    Nergal was originally a human soul...He keeps getting recycled as his soul is damned and can never escape Hell.


    The second and third (were they ever named? I don't want to drag out the trade outta the closet....) I am assuming are fallen angels of Lucifer's host. Has the comic ever decided what happens to Angels who "die"? I remember the Succubus's angelic beau got physically ripped to pieces, but angels don't have souls...so does he get recycled into the heavenly host as well?


    'course...the 2nd and 3rd being pictured could be new demons that clawed their way up and assumed the schticks of the past #2 and #3...



  3. [Editor's note: this message and Mark's reply dragged into this thread after posting. The title 53rd of the Fallen was good though.]




    I just got caught up and I am puzzled. Last I saw the Second and Third got summoned and destroyed by the First a while back...Did I miss a Nergal-like Infernalis-ex-Machina for those two?


    Anyone that answers "Superboy” shall be cockpunched (or clitoral-pummeled if the case requires)



  4. The new artist omitted the scar or wasn't aware of it.


    Superboy punching against his prison altered reality...removing the above mentioned scar.


    Thought John always slept in the buff, too.


    Yeah....Superboy's hammering changed that too...



  5. If you had a walk on part in HellBlazer, what is it you would do?


    Obnoxious, loudmouthed, blowhard yank in SF badgering Johnny about being English at the worst possible moment...


    What do you think John would think of you?


    Annoyed at first that rapidly escalates to evily pissed off as I won't shut up and let it go. John offhandedly mentions what a shame my prolapsed rectum is to some invisible goth fag named Asmoday or whatever...the smug little limey teabag doesn't know who he's messing with, eh?


    Who would you want to draw you?


    Bradstreet at first, but only Corbin gets that evil grin of John's down right.



  6. actually, I like the Ulysses/Greek tragedy twist.


    John gives it up for good this time and stays firm when people hunt him down trying to drag him in. Swampy comes calling on a save the world thing again and he tells him to fuck off.


    Sadly, he goes off and Gemma (who's the new up and coming occult detective) gets tapped to fill John's role However, she screws up through her overconfidence. Someone screams for her that some baddy or ritual is way out of her league and she snaps back "I'm a a Constantine damnit!" Of course, She succeeds but the backlash ends up killing John and Chas (who had after years of estrangement finally made up)


    Later she ends up trying to bring Chas back at their behest of Chas' widow and daughter. She tries to bring Johnny back as well and gets the demon Constantine instead. He drags souls of Sheila, her Daughter and her toddler granddaughter down and leaves the animated, souless body of Chas in trade...She's franticly screaming "Not them, take me...take ME damnit" and the First steps out of the hellmouth and says with a smirk, "Don't feel too bad...Today, you have proven that you truely ARE a Constantine."

  7. When it's "TINE" without the "CONSTAN" I read it as "TYNE."

    "TEEN" vs. "TINE" is the same as "TEEN" vs. "TYNE" for me.

    So that panel works for me.  (The real panel, that is.  Nice try Bryce.)


    Damnit! It IS umlauted I tell you! You'll never take away the love of Yon Kon-syon-tayern from me...



  8. Actually...when you think about it....The First becoming The First is a RetCon...since they added him as the original Satan/Lucifer(though not named) idea before they paid attention to the the fact that Vertigo already had a dandy little Luci running around.


    Plus you could consider the opening to the Rake arc as a RetCon when Firsty gets rid of his supposed sibs. Rather Slick as it was the first time I saw a comic character use a RetCon as a weapon ("ooooooh, I forgot...I'm a piece of the Almighty and yer just a pair of fallen angels. Brothers my huge red ass...")


    Then again....I'm pro'lly the only person who likes The First.



  9. ...Looks like some of it escaped the fire and got out into the real world.






    LONDON - A 300-year-old book that appears to be bound in human skin has been found in northern England, police said Saturday.


    The macabre discovery was made on a central street in Leeds, and officers said the ledger may have been dumped following a burglary.

    Detectives were trying to trace its rightful owner and believe it may have been taken from a dwelling in the area.


    Much of the text is in French, and it was not uncommon around the time of the French Revolution for books to be covered in human skin.


    The practice, known as anthropodermic bibliopegy, was sometimes used in the 18th and 19th centuries when accounts of murder trials were bound in the killer's skin.


    Anatomy books also were sometimes bound in the skin of a dissected cadaver. In World War II, Nazis were accused of using the skin from Holocaust victims to bind books.


    In a brief statement, West Yorkshire police said the ledger, which contained handwriting in black ink, appears to date back to the 1700s, and they appealed to anyone who may be able to help identify the owners of the item to contact authorities.


    West Yorkshire Police put two photographs of the book on their Web site, but officers were unable on Saturday to answer any questions about it, including the book's subject matter.

  10. I'll reserve judgment on how she handles dialogue.  I thought her handling of John's mood was unconventional but realistic.  John's normally a relaxed man, so I'm not used to seeing him tense, bored and unable to enjoy a drink.  However, I could strongly identify with him there, and thought it was logical that someone who needed an outlet for pent up energy and something to do with his mind might welcome as he did a problem like Chris Cole's.


    Actually, Cole is EXACTLY what John needs right now...His blow up with Chaz is not the usual the usually loud yelling lover's tiiff and John knows it. Chaz has almost always been his anchor, and losing both his sis and his best mate have got to be devastating for him...Along comes someone in a magical jam through an innocent mistake, and is sofar a good person underneath...not at all like the usual clients who come sobbing to johnny because the succubus that they summoned up to cheat on their wife with dragged their twins sons down with her after she was done...


    Matter of fact....the last real innocent that was in magic trouble through no real fault of his own was that spotty east end punk who had monkey troubles....Johnny grabbed on like a lifeline (without outwardly showing it) as much as chris was reaching to John for help.


    Seeing the preview pages you posted...it makes perfect sense that they are going to become best mates...


    I really hate waiting for the other shoe to drop...



  11. This page should tell you all you need to knoe. Be prepared for huge holes in what is available in trades....


    Wikpedia | Hellblazer



    I came late to Hellblazer. I found it after I started reading the peacher run through it's trades. I got so spoiled by those, that I expected the Hellblazer run to be so conviently collected all together...in order and with nifty matching colours...forgetting that the preacher run was only like 60 or so issues, as opposed to HB's 160 or so then.


    However, through patience...diligence, thrift, and a roomate that has 37,000 comic books that he is alternately buying and selling have a full collection of HB 1-300.












    ok...I did issues 218-300 my self, using stick people and photocopied cutouts of Sting as Aceface. I would show you scans, but one of the free alternative weeklies here saw the style and thought it was a uberhip, postmodern ironic political cartoon, and gave me $300 for the run.


    $300 is a whole lotta crack and transvestite hookers...lemme tell you...



  12. No, bi. Don't you read ANYTHING, Ade? Tch.


    I can see why he thought that...Remember the scene they shot out in the High Desert above San Bernadino


    [The Demon Chaz & and The Demon Constanteen are holding the real Chaz & Jon over a cliff]


    Chaz: Te..er..Jon, you gotta do something!

    Jon: Dudes, even though you're doing this, we... we... we love you! We love you!

    The Demon Chaz, The Demon Constanteen (in unison): Fags!




  13. Well, should they ?


    I still want them to get the rights to the title "Hellraiser"...


    but then again...I still giggle whenever I think of the alternate universe's Johnny in his red spandex, thigh-high boots and the white HB across his chest...


    Him and the Son of Satan can have a cross-universe team-up...


    (and yes, I am cringing at that grammar too...but I'm too lazy to go fix it..)



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