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Tony B.

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Posts posted by Tony B.

  1. Haha yeah! No really it feels good. Like someone scratching you with a knife on a sunburn on broken skin. It is actually nice, because it's the kind of steady, even pain that causes enough endorphins to be released that they override the pain and give you a happy feeling. At least for me.

  2. After a slightly shaky start, Mina's grasp of comic book pacing has improved tremendously - this was a tightly-written, focused comic, with just the right balance between text and visual imagery.




  3. It's ok, nobody did. The fact that they are releasing the OG trilogy on DVD gives me a giant nerd-hard-on. Now I can stop watching the LaserDisc rips I have on my computer.

    Not so fast. IIRC, the upcoming DVD releases are the laserdisc versions. Last I heard, it's a quick transfer with no cleanup or anything. At least it'll be less beige.


    Oh that's fine with me. I have the remastered, less-beige VHS versions as well, but back when they came out in '96(?) I wasn't very concerned about getting the widescreen version.

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