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Posts posted by Maddi

  1. I did some thinking...


    Hmm.. there's actually a much better reason why Harry can't be a Horcrux. Dumbledore said that Harry has to destroy all four Horcruxes first, and only then he can kill the last bit of Voldemort's soul, the part that's inside Voldemort. If Harry is a Horcrux, he would have to kill himself first, which means that he can't kill Voldemort. And according to the prophecy, he's the only one who can do that.
  2. the locket was the one Harry and Dumbledore went after. it turned out to be a fake, the original stolen by someone called R.A.B. Now, read through the early chapters of book five again: there is a statement in that one about how while cleaning the Black mansion, the kids find a locket they couldn't open. tada!


    the really interesting question is if Harry is a Horcrux himself. Dumbledore says Voldemort's snake was turned into a horcrux when Harry's parents where killed, but that there were two killings then so the possibility of creating two horcruxes at that time is a possibility. and remember, according to Dumbledore there was a transfer of certain powers from Voldemort to Harry when the death curse was spoken..


    but would that mean Harry needs to kill himself in order for Voldemort to be defeated?


    See, that's what I've always thought - the 'filler' stuff in the earlier Harry Potter books is there for a reason. There must be clues I've overlooked so far. Which means I'll have to re-read all the earlier books... and I've only just finished book 6 on Tuesday night. :rolleyes: :biggrin:


    About the other matter... I don't think that Harry himself could be a Horcrux. As we found at the end of book 5, Lord Voldemort is unable to inhibit Harry's body and take over his soul. If Harry is a Horcrux, then a part of Voldemort's soul would be a part of Harry already. All the time. Somehow these two priciples seem at odds with each other, I would say.

    It's an interesting idea, whether it's true or not. I'm going to do some thinking and reading and get to the bottom of this. What do you think, Sethos?

  3. Aw, thanks Charlie... A belated birthday thread... I'm touched. *sniff* You're too kind, all of you.


    I had a great day indeed. And I did get some very nice presents. My parents gave me a beautiful Succes diary (brown calfskin, with a lovely tree-ring pattern). I've always wanted one, but you know how it is... You stand there in front of the showcase, drooling, the shop assistant comes round to show it to you... and then you look at the price tag and nearly have a heart attack, thinking: "Omigod, I really can't afford to spend THAT much money on a diary..." I love to smell the leather and touch it, it just has this, um... opulent feel to it. :wink:


    Hehehehe, I love how Sethos never fails to baffle everyone except Charlie, whenever he writes a few words in Dutch. For those of you who missed the important part, haha - yes, I'm still very happy* with my boyfriend Yuri. If I ever find the time, I'll tell you guys a bit about what he and I have been doing. Like the sushi workshop we did... or the trip to a golf hotel in Luxemburg.


    * He sometimes calls me "Happy Camper", cos I smile so much. :biggrin:

  4. Right. Go and see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, all of you. Now.


    I predict that you won't regret it. It's a feast to look at, so much so that my boyfriend's eyes were glued to the screen for the entire duration of the film (I mean, he's supposed to be glancing lovingly at ME every now and then, eh?) Johnny Depp is on great form as Willy Wonka (though only superficially reminiscent of Michael Jackson, cos MJ loves children...). Oh, and those Oompa Loompahs... you've gotta see the Oompa Loompahs! Gah, I loved this film... :wub:


    Oh well, just go to the theatre and get yourself a ticket. And bring your family, and the neighbours, and everybody else too.

  5. By the way, I had a lovely birthday last Friday. This year I didn't take the day off, because I'm saving my holidays for September (Yuri and I plan to go to Italy for a week or two) but I didn't mind too much. My boss had actually remembered my birthday. There were lovely flowers on my desk when I came in, and he also treated me to a very nice lunch.


    The evening was the best part of the day. My sweetheart took me out to a sumptious dinner in the evening, and also got me the latest Harry Potter book...! :D

  6. Ah, more proof that Pooka has indeed got a very nice back... and the smoothest skin I've ever seen. Lovely work, Pooka.


    Heh, and I'm not a great fan of tattoos, so that's saying something.


    Speaking of tattoos... my boyfriend has a rather large tattoo on his right arm, which my mother discovered last weekend, even though I'd mentioned before that he has one. But while he was reaching over to get something from the barbecue grill, my mum suddenly says: "What's that?" She sounded rather alarmed, so I guessed she must have noticed the tattoo. "Oh, that's Yuri's tattoo, mum. Didn't I tell you he has a tattoo?'. My mum obviously likes my boyfriend, cos she grinned at me and eagerly asked Yuri if she could see it. And then I got another big grin. Really, my mum never ceases to amaze me.

  7. Has anyone seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory yet? The reviews that I've read are pretty good. Lots of "visually stunning", "great art design" comments. Johnny Depp's performance is said to be very good, and actually closer to the book than Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka.


    I'm going to see it on the 22nd (it seems a good birthday movie, no? :biggrin: ). Can hardly wait till it's Friday. :wink:

  8. Lovely pictures, Rogan.


    And so many of them too... in fact, that makes me wonder if you only looked at Istanbul through the lense of your camera. :wink:

  9. I've voted 'best place on earth', after some consideration.


    It's not because it's perfect over here. It isn't. But the Dutch complain far more than we ought to, and it's not at all a bad place to live. A bit cramped for space, yes. That's what I'd change if I could.


    And don't think I would never want to live somewhere else. I'd get settled in the Provence or Tuscany in no time. No problem at all. There are probably lots of places where I'd be happy. Cos I'm a happy person anyway. But I'm also sentimental, and those places are not home.


    I don't exactly know, maybe it's got something to do with the flatness of the land, and the amount of water here. I grew up in a small river town, and maybe I still feel a need to live close to water because of that. It definitely has something to do with the light here. Especially in the early autumn and late spring. It's a light you don't find anywhere else. It's like that light pervades me sometimes, and I feel connected with the whole world. And I've never felt that in any other place. This is simply where my roots are.

  10. I was watching a program about that last night and it showed grafitti left behind by the Dutch soldiers, which made it clear they felt nothing but contempt for those they were supposed to be protecting.


    exactly. which makes the whole "ohh, we're having psychological problems because of what happened, and we really didn't know what was going to happen" complaining by the military a bit useless, huh?


    Hmm, our military shouldn't have sent a bunch of inexperienced young people into a dirty civil war in the first place. Most of them were 18 or 19 years old when they went on the so-called 'peace mission', and I'm not surprised that so many of them are having psychological problems now.


    How much would any of us have known of guerilla attacks at that age? Would we have recognised the genocide for what it was - before it was too late? After months of daily incidents and nightly attacks, when Bosnian fighters tried to hide on the compound, and Serbian forces would attack to try to find them. No support from the UN... and waiting endlessly for food supplies to arrive through the Serbian blockades. (That was the main reason they had to give up the compound - they were basically out of food and supplies)


    It's so easy to criticise it all, knowing what we know now, but I wonder if we would have been noble and perceptive if it had been us, trapped on that compound...

  11. Eeeeeeee!! He's back!! Notre petit Rogan est là... :wub:


    Take a seat, dear. Tell us all about what you've done in the meantime. And well, all the things you didn't do. Whatever.


    Mmm... how nice that you're back in time for my birthday, too... :biggrin:

  12. Hey John and Spiderlegs,


    The t-shirts are looking great. Mmmm... my boyfriend is going to look *really* good in one of those. :wink:


    I've got PayPal all set up and ready, so payment is coming as soon as you work out a 'retail price' and where to send the money.


    By the way, if you would need help with calculating a price for the t-shirts (including shipping costs and such), I'd be happy to help out. Price calculations were part of my professional training, and it's no trouble at all for me.

  13. Tom - Don't let the 'age thing' keep you from dating someone you really like (as I boldly assume you do, right?). Ten years difference in age really isn't the end of the world.


    At the moment I'm very happy with a guy who's 8 years younger than me. It's really not an issue for us. We've only been together for 5 months now, admittedly, but it doesn't feel like a make-or-break thing. And apparently it's even less of an issue for other people. I think most people don't even realise there is that much of an age difference between Yuri and myself, haha.


    Anyway, Tom, why shouldn't you date a 20-year old girl? I suspect you're perhaps more boyish than the average 30-year old male. What with the rock band and all... That balances the age thing into a mere 5 years or so. There. That's nothing. Well, unless she looks like she's 15 or 16, I guess. Then it would be it slightly pervy. :wink:


    Selkie - Lots of luck and good wishes for your cat. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she'll get through the operation fine, and will cling to dear life a little longer. *hug*

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