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Posts posted by TearsInRain

  1. Hiya Frank.


    Hope you're doing good.



    Doing swell, thanks. Just finished C2. If they make this.. and of course that's a big "if", it could very very cool.. even for the ones here that didn't much care for the first. This one's more my baby so I'm a pretty proud pappa at this minute. Then again, it hasn't gone through the grismill yet... Always remember, wat you see up on screen isn't always what was intended.


    Have a happy holiday and drink down a pint for ol' Johnny... He may be coming back....


    Matadoor, on the other hand, was a [over-used word].




    Would THE GREEN have a place for John Constantine Tears ?


    I certainly pushed for it because it was integral to Moore's reinvention of ST but because Constantine is still a possible future franchise, the powers that be nixed it. But I will say that right now (early draft) there is a character in The Green that die hard fans will recognize as someone cut from the same cloth as JC.. Whether he remains intact in subsequent drafts remains to be seen.

  3. Tears, get a sense of humour. You're like a fucking broken watch, and you're far too easy.


    True enough, but Qusoor's being just as bad.


    True enough, but Tears' had the funniest "get a room" come-back.

    Tell you what folks, let Tears slag off your workplaces and see how witty are the responses. We may think the film he worked on was a pile of cack but we know humour when we see it shurely ?


    Well at least you see it, AB. I mean come on, who takes me seriously anymore?? Please!


    By the way the best film I have seen this year so far - the one that affected me the most - the one that renewed my faith in the power of films was....


    THE WEDDING CRASHERS. Went in angry at the world, ready to pull the trigger on many bad people, came out loving the world, whistling to birds and wondering why I had such a rag up my ass. If that's not a sign of a good flick, what is?

  4. As I said, I respect your opinion. I find films that have stolen a great deal from other films without even trying to disguise the theft or infusing something new and interesting into the scene. I find it creatively lazy. Tears asked where I had seen the scenes before, and I listed them.


    I'm different from you, I have a different opinion. I will never say that you should not enjoy the film, that you can't think it's a great film. But if you want to discuss the film's merits, I've got a thing or two to say, and we don't see eye to eye. I'm not going to try to argue you down unless you try to change my opinion.


    For me, this started when Tears made a very incorrect statement. I corrected him on it, and I found no reason to be gentle about it. As someone who works in films, he ought to at least have some idea what he's talking about when he speaks on film.


    I did not make an incorrect statement and it is not your job to call me on it. According to your far reaching philosophy ANY film with actors speaking dialogue using words you've heard before is ripping off the very first motion picture with sound. To say you've seen it all before and then use such ridiculous assumptions - "it was probably in an episode of Buffy" or "Saw it in the comic (which this is afterall based on) "Someone must have put a girl under water since it's just too easy" are kinda ridiculous. What you're saying is - "I didn;t see it myself but I;m sure someone has done it or thought it before." No one is saying Constanteen was great art but to put it down because you THINK it might be derivitive is somewhat silly. I can say with all honesty that the writers tried to avoid all cliches and have been put down in this forum because of it. Any really, past the age of five, has any of us seen a film with something completely new? Something that was not thought of or eluded to in some other media, be it film, TV, radio, cereal box, letter from your mom? The comics themselves rip themselves off constantly. Several of JC's runs have ended in the EXACT same way - not very clever or original at all. But then again, you've probably seen it all anyway. I can only imagine what you might say after viewing a scene with say a pregnant woman climbing up the side of a building while being chased by rabid gargoyles. She's almost to freedom when her unborn child falls out of the womb and dangles below and the gargoyles use it to climb up to devour her... "Well I've seen babies in other movies and ER did an episode with an umbilical getting caught and everyone and his brother is writing a gargoyle story and I once saw a monkey climb a vine to get to a bird..."


    Isn;t that reaching just a bit?

  5. There was nothing in the film that I hadn't seen before.



    Oh god, I hate doing this... But whether you liked it or not - you've seen a man hold a cat with his feet in a bucket to go to Hell? You've seen a man attacked by a demon made of a million pieces of vermin? You've seen a man hold a woman under water until she practically drowns so she can see hell? You've seen an electric chair used to surf the ether? You've seen a man slit his wrists to save the world? You've seen a man give a demon his last rights to send him to heaven? You've seen a man give the finger to the devil? You've seen a woman be ripped backwards through an entire high rise? Could you tell me which movies these were in so I can rent them?


    Sorry, I couldn;t help myself. I'll go back to the cage now.

  6. Bad News: It's doing well in sales! NNNOOOOOOOOOOO!


    It’s not doing that well. It did open at the top spot and the fouth spot with the deluxe Dvd but it did not set the world on fire like Tears or anyone would like you to believe. For one, it was a slow week for Dvd sales and two, it was the only major release that was available that week. It needs to break records and stay hot for a sequel to be considered, and it will not. If you notice, word of mouth has still been very bad for this film and it will continue to be, so the studio will not risk itself to produce another sequel. As for the whole Robocop/Terminator ideology that Tear brought up earlier, Both Robocop and the Terminator had strong word of mouth that brought both of them the acclaimed they deserved and both of them were re-release as a result before they were huge on Video, (back then before Dvd).


    Yet again, Tears is blowing smoke up you know where.


    The sequel is dead.


    And again you are misquoting me. I said that IF the DVD sales were great than a sequel might happen but if they weren't Lorenzo's prediction would be true - that the audience if the final word on ANY sequel. I am not the one that is reporting DVD grosses here. So please get your facts straight before dragging my name down yet again.


    Thank you

  7. Lorenzo forgot the one axium in all life - Never Say Never. He has no idea really if there truly will be a sequel to Constantine. He is only speaking in the moment. And somewhat premature because the DVD had not even been released. If anyone remembers Robocop and Terminator then they'll remember that the video sales alone drove the want-to-see of a sequel. And the sequels to terminator proved the people right. As they always are in the end. If they don;t buy the DVD, then Lorenzo's prophecy will be fulfilled. Otherwise, it's not even an edjucated guess.

  8. Seriously, would anyone actually do a spec on ST? 



    Although I'm not a fan of most of Shymalan's work - and I have a deep antipathy toward twist movies since most of them are completely unwatchable once you've guessed the ending - I'm actually fairly intrigued by this. So is Silver still planning to make a Swamp Thing movie, then? Last I'd heard it had been dropped.


    I'm still going to maintain a healthy level of scepticism till I see it in the cinema, though.


    Well when I say M Nite, I mean more of his quiet suspenseful tone. Like the difference between Signs and Independence Day. One's more serious and real, the other more fantasy and .. well fun. Or even Unbreakable and Batman Returns. You get the idea. It's not about a twist ending at all. It's about the power of mystery being able to draw us in. I always thought M. Nite would be great at horror films, actually. The Green pertains to the entire world, not just one man. Although his connecting to that world after death is where his real growth begins, so to speak.

  9. Wasn't that revealed to be a big fake?


      Right now I'm working away on THE GREEN.


    Has this been comissioned by a studio or are you just doing it off your own back, with a view to showing it around once completed?


    Seriously, would anyone actually do a spec on ST?


    It's not been easy reversing people's opinions on something that has essentially sucked more then it hasn;t. That's why the title - The Green. It's shaing up as more of a mystery thriller then a monster/superhero story. I look at it as if M Nite did it in his Unbreakable mode while channeling Alan Moore. It could suck. Or not.

  10. Most of the time he provided a much-needed sense of perspective about the film, and he occasionally even provoked discussions which led me to change my mind about things I hadn't previously considered. While he was sometimes aggravating, and sometimes deliberately confrontational, he certainly didn't deserve most of the treatment which was meted out towards him, and he'd be reasonably welcome back here any time, to my way of thinking.




    Well thanks, I think. I've been lurking around, still wondering when they'll annouce the official sequel. The DVD sales should provide WB with their answer within a month. My push to them will be to do the sequel Rodrequez style - 40-50 mill tops. If KR won;t sign on for that little, get Paul Bettney and really go for it. Yeah, KR got them their foreign sales up (and I believe did a great job) but if he won't play at the lower level, then move on and create a very cool franchise based on character instead of pizazz. Right now I'm working away on THE GREEN. If any of you remember my last posts, you'll have no problem guessing what that is. And if you really were listening you'll understand what I do. Procrastination is a huge part of my job - one that gives me time to surf, BS and sometimes take on personas that are not entirely me. But hey, why should my characters have all the fun.... and why shouldn;t there be some mystery in our lives, even on the web?

  11. don't make the forum sound like a cult because no-one feels that way about someone who only participates in winding people up.


    Yes, but in this case winding people up means posting anything that is not negative about Cont, the film. As for friends, I have never had to kiss their ass to keep them as friiends. They know when I'm serious or not, when I'm razing them and when their razing me. As for helping them when they need it - I'm there in a heart beat - like I was in contributing to the Tom-sees-terrible-movie charity. I guess I could just say Constantine sucked and should have never been made and then tell everyone they were right and just become a sweet by-the-book poster... but somehow I don;t think anyone would be able to swallow it - especially me.

  12. <edit>


    BTW you are welcome to post in other sections of the board, topic exist outside of this one and contray to what you may believe we do actually have quite interesting discussions about topics other than bad comic to film adaptations


    You;re right, there are a lot of interesting discussions there and I enjoy reading them. I'm lazy and had this forum bookmarked for obvious reasons and so it's easy and more manageable to just hit one button and come here. I admit I am a big procrastinator but going through so many threads would almost wipe out the hour I devote to serious stuff, like UNbasterisinging more comic books. I guess when John closes the doors here I may reprogram my smart keys.

  13. This forum crawls to standstill almost everytime I'm GONE - so why not at least give credit where credit is do - you guys NEED me so have something to bond over.


    this is why i personally don't like you its not the constantine thing, if i hated everyone who liked shit films i'd never get laid.


    no,it because you seem to think the world revovles around you, you are self centred and arogant and make 'asides' that are just rude (smiley faces do not negate ignorant and abbusive comments).


    we bonded over our love of comics not because of our hatred of you, get over yourself.




    BTW you are welcome to post in other sections of the board, topic exist outside of this one and contray to what you may believe we do actually have quite interesting discussions about topics other than bad comic to film adaptations


    Correction, you don;t like me because you have no sense of irony or whit. The problem with a written relationship is that you can never see the person you're conversing with. If you did you would never assume for a minute that I thought the world revolved around me because of a silly statement - "you need me to bond over. "


    The question is why do you all get so damn worked up over some stranger making a smart assed statement on a board full of self proclaimed smart asses? Think about it - you're going against your own argument that the world doesn't revolves around me when you can't take one thing I say with a grain of salt. When the group rises up to expunge me when I simply post into the Sin City vrs Constantine thread a review in that just happened to be comparing Sin City to Constantine. Jesus, it's like someone stuck a straw up your collective asses and sneezed. I'm sorry that you can't see the humor in your own over-reactions but come on already...


    Now slide down another bottle of dark al and some chips. I'm starving.

  14. So Tears, if we're all such intolerant assholes incapable of holding a proper discourse, why dont you respond point by point to JMac's rebuttals of the things you said. Just scroll up, its his last post in the thread. Whenever you get logically taken apart you just completely ignore the rebuttals and make your next post an abusive/snotty one so that the resulting anger distracts from the fact that you got proven completely wrong.


    So go on, then, show us all how much smarter you are by responding - explicitly and point by point - to McMahon's rebuttals. Defend your opinions then.


    Scroll up and tell me where I said anyone here was an "intolerant asshole". Those are your words, not mine. It is clear that if I come on here and add the same snide remark any of you can add I get called a [over-used word] and told to fuck off. I am not a pussy ass mamma's boy so I don;t run into into my room and cry. This forum crawls to standstill almost everytime I'm GONE - so why not at least give credit where credit is do - you guys NEED me so have something to bond over. But just read my last months posts and tell honestly what shit I have given anyone here.


    As for serious discussions - I have added my fair share - defending the fans views to the studio and defending the studio's decisions to the fans. I have explained my exasperation at how certain scenes were included and part of my anger contributed to the Chaz scene being changed to a tag after credits. Many here actually welcomed some of the inside info I was sharing -- But when KRIS went after me for personal reasons he tainted this entire sites view on why I was here or that I was a Matahorn clone. That was bullshit and I tried to call him on it. But he is an accepted insider here - I am not.


    For the record - I had no agenda - I am not or never was on the Warners PR payroll. This was a place for me to voice my greviances of what was - could have been and why - hopefully incognito so I wouldn;t burn support bridges and end up in a cardboard box with the homeless down the street. I come here now because when you sit in front of a computer most of the day it's easy to click two buttons and check out what's happening down at the pub - and when you've been to any pub enough times you actually start liking the ones who hang there - flaws and all - you tend to come back - for the drink and the yes - even the abuse.


    So sorry, until you close the doors here I'll still occasionally swing by for a few laughs and a couple of [over-used word]s thrown my way.

  15. No, but move it down the forums index page to the very bottom of the list so everyone forgets its there. In a hundred years we'll discover seventy eight posts from Tears saying stuff like "See? Constanteen did better than <insert latest comics adaptation here, probably including Peanuts the live action movie> !"


    And a post saying that three people in Antarctica watched Constanteen last week.


    All those people who want to not post here, should have a bot of self-restraint rather than ask McMahon to mother them.


    Oh come on, it would be at least 92 by then.

  16. Bit late now innit?


    I voted no because I think this is a great entry point for people who've just seen the movie.  And there wil be such people for as long as people continue to use DVD players.



    All this forum does now is give James more ligitimate reasons to call Tears a [over-used word].



    Ah come on, I honestly take that as a term of endermeant. :wink:

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