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Bran the Blessed

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Posts posted by Bran the Blessed

  1. I'm all sad now.


    BBC bosses expect Peter Capaldi to leave Doctor Who after the next series – when writer Steven Moffat also steps down.


    The 57-year-old’s tenure as the 12th Doctor is likely to end in 2017.


    When new chief Chris Chibnall, who created Broadchurch, begins a new era in series 11, it is thought he will also get to choose his own Time Lord.


    A source on the BBC show said: “Bosses are already discussing a fresh start when Steven leaves.


    Well, while a lot can happen until the end of 2017, I kinda felt this was practically unavoidable.

  2. Also I don't know, it's probably Capaldi may leave after his next season to give the new showrunner a clean slate which is a shame cause I wanted to see Capaldi get some good material after last season.

    This is just speculation on your part, right?


    Yes but after three seasons I have my doubts whether he'll want to stay on under someone else.

  3. Spinoff ?


    Also I don't know, it's probably Capaldi may leave after his next season to give the new showrunner a clean slate which is a shame cause I wanted to see Capaldi get some good material after last season.


    And wow I have literally never heard of Downtime until now. And I respect the crap out of Nicholas Courtney too so you'd think I'd have seen it mentioned while looking stuff up.

  4. I feel really bad wanting to post my more mundane stuff in here, because I basically have this whole thing of being afraid of not seeming sincere with my condolences and not wanting to look like I only care about how I look either, and that essentially leaves me stuck in this infinite feedback loop of feeling terrible for not writing sincerely enough and feeling terrible for feeling terrible.


    My condolences.

  5. I've been trying to find a scanned copy of that and "Old as the World", which is at least on Hathitrust. But Google has neither of the two up for viewing, though they did digitise it....and apparently they put up the cover of Clyde Allison's "Gamefinger" as the title page of at least three different of Brodie-Innes' books on their site, for whatever reason.

  6. And in the meantime, had to get They Return at Evening via interlibrary loan.


    Which I had to travel 100 km to by train and read it on-site as they wouldn't let you take it with. So I had to go there twice and read the whole thing super quick.


    Mind you it does feel rather weird in retrospect but hey, it's the closest to an adventure that I've come to. Of course I ended up reading all the actual supernatural stuff on the first go and then read the lesser stuff on the second, mostly by accident.


    Anyways to talk about what I'm reading, making my way through Down Dartmoor Way by Eden Philpotts, the first of several of his things I have. It's a bit dialect heavy and a little by the numbers, but it's entertaining enough.

  7. The problem there is that Wakefield won the poll on in-copyright authors to publish, and they announced him as winner if memory serves.


    I mean I got a few good things from them like the complete Whitheead (even if they do tend to ignore mention the academic work of others that went into compiling all known work from these authors) and they did re-issue me a prize I won after I somehow missed the note from them, so they were very nice about that but I've been waiting for over six years for that poll to pay off.

  8. Might have brought this up already but it's especially irritating that the Wordsworth edition of Wakefield is still up in the air, after it's been promised when it won that poll back in 2009, even more so because Wakefield's not had any major collection put out since his death, except the pricey-as-all-balls reprints by Ash Tree Press and whatnot.


    I go through various listings, like Bleiler or what happens to be up on L.W.Currey and I really don't know if half of these estates even know they hold copyright to a book of marginal genre interest, that are pretty much guarenteed never to see regular print again, barring the extremely odd exception. I wonder why not release some of these to the public as they're really not getting anything out of this 1927 book their grandad published that no one remembers and that was never reprinted.

  9. Doh! I didn't realise I'd not named names. The Exploits Of Englebrecht (Abstracted From The Chronicles Of The Surrealist Sportsman's Club) by Maurice Richardson. There's a couple of essays in Michael Moorcock collections from the '80s (some of which, disturbingly, also seem to be going for collector's-type money now) where he talks that one up like it's a cure for genetic diseases and free ice cream rolled into one, so I've braced myself for a disappointment. Given that it has Moorcock as a cheerleader, it's surprising how long that one's been out of print. I think there was a blink and you'll miss it reprint by Savoy in 01 or 02, but that seems to have been it since the '70s. I imagine Moorcock's awe is at least partly down to Richardson being one of the established authors who encouraged his early career, which is perfectly reasonable. The edition I have seems to be a paperback facsimile of the first edition from '77. (The facsimile: the first edition was published in '51.)


    (And don't even get me started on people who sell out of copyright texts as PDFs...)


    Ah I've been wanting to get a crack at that one for years meself ! But tragically even though I first found out about it around 04 or 05 I couldn't find it for any normal price.

  10. Finally got hold of a book I've been looking for an affordable copy of for thirty odd years, so I'll be reading that later. It better be good after all this build up.



    Ah it rarely is isn't it though ? I remember how I was so hyped about The Devil Tree of Eldorado. Have I told this story before ?


    Also what book would that be ? I know how hard it is to want something that is completely out of your reach. Like the works of John Metcalf, E.H. Visiak, L.T.C. Rolt or H.R.Wakefield. Granted Ash Tree Press sells their "50 USD and up" versions on kindle for like 8 $ but I don't have one and I don't know if I could get it in my country.


    I should also mention this here: beware of http://forgottenbooks.com


    They claim to be a legit website but they just take things off of Google Books or elsewhere, cover half the pages with their watermarks and demand you pay for membership to see the rest, when the whole thing is already out for free.

  11. It was OK, but a bit confusing. But if I understood it correct, this whole thing happens (in her timeline) just before she goes to the library?

    Her slowness in grasping who he was strained credulity to the breaking point, I must say. That part was pretty poorly written. But mostly, what I have a hard time getting is WHY BRING HER BACK? Is it patently impossible for them to think of new characters for the series?


    I'm hoping this is Moffat tying up loose ends so they can do just that for Capaldi next season.


    But I also hope Moffat will leave either way.

    • Upvote 1
  12. I just got around to the Christmas special. Yeah I know, late.


    It was pretty enjoyable and seems to bookend River's appearance on the show. I know some aren't very fond of her but ya know, after having to stomach Clara for three seasons, River being around instead feels like a breath of fresh air.


    Mind you the whole thing of not knowing that he's the Doctor just took a bit too long for my liking, as I kinda hate when people do that most of the time. But it was pretty good.


    Was it better then Last Christmas from well last Christmas ? Well it benefited from being more straightforward, and there was an actual villain, despite kinda not being much use. It feels a bit less fantastic but the emotions were handled pretty well so there's that. Honestly it could be a Christmas themed remake of Love and Monsters and I'd still say "at least Clara's finally gone" but still, it was good.


    Now can Moffat just go do Sherlock and leave someone else in charge of Doctor Who ?

  13. I'd have trouble rating last place between Mina and Milligan, but Azzarello would come 3rd last.



    on consideration, Milligan's awaful treatment of previous female members of the cast will win(lose) out.


    Except for Freezes Over which I recommended above.


    You're not so out of step with popular opinion of the forum Hive Mind when it comes to Azzarello.



    (Must be due an update, but with a third division for everyone after issue 250.)



    Honestly I didn't mind Epiphany and I liked that John finally noticeably aged. Also I liked the idea that since they were married had Milligan left the title and someone else taken over they'd have to keep her around a bit. Because I got really tired of the requisite "writer leaves, have everyone introduced with this writer put on a bus and never return, and think up random reason for last minute breakup with John for any girlfriend he might have cause we need him to fucking internally whine and moan about how he wrecks everyone's life if they get close to him." That honestly got really tiresome.



    So Jasmine (or would you preffer Chong ?) I think it's best if you read it in order as much as you can and judge for yourself because you may not agree with the "popular" opinion. ; )

  14. Those final few stories from Jenkins will actually be landing in trade very soon (19th of January), and if the solicit is to be believed, will include the Hellblazer story from Winter's Edge as well.


    I think this means that 99% of the original 250 issues :wink2: will finally be in some sort of collected form...


    250 issues Grip ? : P

  15. Well I'd say to not skip anything but they still haven't collected Up the Down Staircase, How to Play with Fire or With a Little Help from my friends.


    Not sure why.



    If you liked Delano's run, I'd say get comfortable with the series changing a lot. And if you're up for some spoilers on the Ennis run

    You will see nothing but the Devil pretty much constantly.



    Also give Jenkins and Carey a shot, I know they aren't the most beloved but I enjoyed their runs immensely. Certainly a lot more then certain other writers I could mention.

  16. So I have a question: which of Wheatley's books is worth reading ? Cause I got burned with The Ka of Gifford Hillary, probably already mentioned that at some point.


    I heard good things about him, but this one was really subpar. Plus it was his Library of the Occult that reprinted Powys' Morwyn. On the one hand I'm grateful because I could buy the paperback cheap instead of never having the dough for the original edition but on the other hand I was also massively disappointed with this one after all the praise it got.

  17. What kind of buildup are you talking about?


    Oh you know.


    The 50th Anniversary special.


    First story of the season talking about the hybrid.


    The fact of Rassillon not actually being defeated at the end of The End of Time.

  18. Like any normal man¹, I get spam emails about viagra. But in the last fortnight or so, I've started getting spam about lawyers and addiction treatment. I've never searched for or interacted with either of those things. What's up with that? Are any of you getting lawyer spam or addiction treatment spam?


    Also, who the f*ck would hire a lawyer who advertises via email spam?



    1. Conditions apply


    Now I'm curious to look that person up. Could you share that please ? : D

  19. That season finale retroactively fixed the AWFUL ending Clara got. However much I've been annoyed at her as a character, the way it looked when she died seemed very off. But I think they pulled this off pretty well actually. Capaldi's acting has a HUGE part of the credit for that (he's just getting better and better), but the last two scripts have been pretty solid too, as has the directing. This may be my favorite Moffat-season so far.


    Well they undid the one time a companion died in New Who after an episode about the Doctor grieving and then she gets her own Tardis though because Moffat somehow got this retarded idea Clara's became "another Doctor" and had to force that stupid comparisson that only exists in his head in the most literal way.


    And really, it was the return of fucking Gallifrey and Rassilon. The guy who wanted to destroy all of time.


    And the Doctor just beats him by standing real hard and then instantly double crosses his new allies thus making said easy victory entirely pointless.

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