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Bran the Blessed

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Posts posted by Bran the Blessed

  1. Oh yeah filth was craaaaaaaazy man. Issue 4 of nameless reminds me of that a bit. Where everything is going off the rails and headed to hell in a hand basket.



    Shit rains down.


    I am curious if that description si in any way literal.

  2. Hi, Bran.

    I think I read Mutuk Wolfsbreath. That'll be a much quicker read than all of Hellblazer. :wink2:


    Well at 3 issue, it would concern me if it wouldn't be : P


    Though it sorta has been for me due to other commitments and....shut up XO


    And hi : D

  3. Oh man, you wanna get nuts? Lets get nuts. Read "Nameless" from Image. It just might be the most mentally fucked up thing I have read in some time.


    Also: "All Star Superman". I never was a big Superman fan until I read this. Made me see the character in a whole new light.


    Also loved his run on Batman and Batman Inc. It was out there. He has this way of subtly introducing things, but then reminding you later down the road why he did, and you're like "Oh yeah, that."


    Thanks I'll give Nameless a shot.


    You ever read Morrison's more insane stuff ? Thinking about looking at Filth when I finish Muktuk's 3 issues. Well alongside me reading the 70's Swamp Thing so I can move on to Moore's run and beyond and also alongside finishing the superhero period of the 90's DP series so I can finish it off with Rachel Pollack's run after she took over from Morrison.


    Because fuck me if I don't like taking on more then I can chew.

  4. AHE is a hardcover so may be pricy to come by but if you liked Carey then you should like this. Feels like a classic John tale. Sure do want to re-read it now.


    I don't think you'll find a lot of praise for Azz around here. I loved the opening prison arc and Agent Tulo but aside from that, well, he left a to to be desired.


    I didn't like the bit of 100 Bullets I read so it's maybe just his rather boring style that puts me off I dunno.


    Thanks for the recommendation, will try doing that.


    Now let me return the favour: I'm making a thread about my Vertigo Vault project. Next thing I cover is "Muktuk Wolfsbreath, Hard Boiled Shaman" which is kind of like Hellblazer with Eskimoes, if I had to describe it. Check it out if you can, if you want another middle aged womanising asshole fighting off the supernatural by the skin of his teeth.



    • Upvote 1
  5. So I've started this a while ago, but my various academic and literally pursuits (you can ask but I don't want to talk about it upfront and bore people before I properly got used to the forum XD) kept me from continuing.


    Basically the Vertigo Vault is a project where I review obscure or semi-obscure Vertigo titles. Some of the stuff I ran across seems downright insane so looking forward to that.


    First two series covered are "Beware the Creeper" and "The Minx". Next up is "Muktuk Wolfsbreath, Hard Boiled Shaman".




    And I know, basic background and stuff. I run two other blogs, one about criticising Bleach with a couple of mates and another about obscure weird fiction and trying to juggle all that with my reading so I didn't really get to do much with that yet. Sorry XD


    And as an addendum, my native language is not English so excuse the odd grammatical fuck up, like me writing "availible" and whatnot.

    • Upvote 2
  6. So anyone here ever listened to Wasp ?



    Just seeing if this catches someone's eye. And not sure I like the video embed policy as it makes the page a bitch to load or would if I didn't have an outdated plugin that asks me to activate it with embeds XD

  7. Hiya! I first read your nick as Brian the Blessed and as a huge Flash Gordon fan I got excited, if only for a little bit, damn my eyes.


    Anyways I was lock step with you the whole way til Milligan but hey, to each their own. He had his moments.


    Anyways, welcome aboard. I rather liked Lady Constantine, though I had not read it since it came out.


    Have you tried All His Engines? Good stuff


    Not read All His Engines or heard about it for that matter.


    And don't worry, though I have yet to see Flash Gordon, I absolutely adore Brian Blessed. Best King of England ever.


    So about Azzarello then, I hear everyone praising his run. But I found it just plain boring and lacking in substance. If I'd ever re-read the series, his issues would be the least likely I'd touch. And that has nothing to do with John being, or playing up to being bi, hard to say giving he wanted to fuck over Stanley in quite a different way. Btw Manor was the only good thing about Azzarello's tenure, as he is the most hilarious Bruce Wayne parody ever.

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  8. Sounds interesting. I have not read any of Morrison's superhero stuff, but I do hope he'd take whatever he took in the 90's cause his run on Doom Patrol or Animal Man were the most insane things I've seen in ages. I think there's a general lack of that type of insanity around here. I know Milligan can get pretty crazy (see Freakwave as an example of that and I also hear good things about his Rogan Gosh) but I still miss Morrison's own unique brand of crazy. So hoping for more of that with this.


    Also it kinda sounds like that one cartoon with Santa as a superhero with a superhot wife with a gun.

  9. Absolutely adore Capaldi. The Doctor was a young man for far too long, basically since McGann's "era".


    And the shadow people episode was the best Doctor-lite episode of the relaunch. But god do I wish we could be rid of Clara. Self important and the whole stunt she wanted to pull when Danny died, with the Tardis keys and whatnot, I would have dropped her off into the gate from City on the Edge of Forever and be done with her.


    Also the production team, from what I was told, seem to have this boneheaded idea about how all main companions must be young women from contemporary Earth. Rory was an add on to Amy at best, had less screentime, came on later and was booted off the show without as much as "Bye".


    I also watched the entire Classic series including reconstructions so I know they can pull a companion like that off. Like for example, finally stop with the Gallifrey being gone shit and have it be back and in the story.


    And it being a guy would not hurt btw.



    Oh and btw to set things straight I liked both Day and Time of the Doctor. As for Night, hardly anything to say, poor McGann couldn't even get a twenty minute episode to himself after 17 years of waiting.

  10. Well minus the specials (especially Bad Blood, as a monarchist I just can't get through the blasted thing) but I am gonna read Lady Constantine next.


    Still, I'm gonna say a few maybe slightly controversial things.


    My most favourite writer for Hellblazer is Delano, but not really much into Ennis' run. I did read much of his stuff when I was wee, but to tell you the truth, I don't think the man can handle Supernatural. In Preacher the whole "physically looking for God" aspect was put on hold right after the very first story arc and never came up again. Only time Custer crossed paths with God was when God wanted him to. Add to that all of Heaven amounting to a bunch of useless angels with no powers of any kind, a trenchoat wearing maniac who can kill God because god have him guns strong enough to kill him with, and he made Genesis cause he wanted the love of something more powerfull then him.....and that despite him being able to cancel it's powers at will.......and then the copout two page letter from Custer about "I could never find the guy, not in a hundred lifetimes", basically giving a middle finger to the audience etc.


    His Hellblazer run really did not develop as I hoped, and probably his worst John centric story was the one about the body snatchers. So utterly pointless. Worst issue period is the solo issue with Kit. Sorry, she was never intersting and devoting a whole issue to make a time capsule of Irish daily issues in the 90's is a good social experiment, but makes for terribly boring reading.


    Jenkins was a breath of fresh air. I really enjoyed his stories, despite being burdened with the omnipresence of the Devil which Ennis forced onto the series. Last Man Standing is brilliantly insane.


    Sadly he was followed by Azzarello. And Azzarello had 99 % of his run take place outside of the UK, had almost nothing supernatural and every issue was John playing mind games with thugs. Every single issue. It got tedious quick.


    Carey I really liked cause he abandoned the one off stories in favour of two large interconnected arcs that spanned his whole run. Mina and Diggle were pretty alright in their own ways, I liked the India story for being something with no connection to hell, which is something the series relied on a bit too much. Kinda makes me wish they'd somehow shipped John to Japan for a story like one fan asked for in the letter column.


    And Milligan was an utter blast for me. I really liked Epiphany, she was fun, competent and did not let the weird shit get in the way. And it was a bit nice to see John just a bit more settled down.


    Of course the ending well....I did not like the fact it ended period. I did not yet read any of the relaunch titles but I already hate the idea of relocating the series to New York cause it's not like it's the most overused setting ever or anything (Titanic levels of irony) and the first issue of the relaunch has a cover that just screams "bland and toothless".


    So there's my two cents.


    Also hello as I just registered.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Well, sorry for the bump but I figure I wouldn't be making it a new thread when there's one about Milligan already available.


    I'm gonna be honest here: I really, really liked Milligan's run. It was the best since Carey's. And I totally dug John settling down just a bit but still getting shit blown up in his face. Really feel like the last half of the final issue was just added by editorial mandate to make it into an "ending".

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