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Posts posted by kingmob

  1. I saw it but was disappointed.


    It was worth watching, as a fan, but the plot hardly moved. Fine for a normal weekly epsiode but not for a season opener. I remember last year's premiere, the Others suburban camp, and it was such a revelation that I expected alot from this one.


    Maybe they will all be lackluster due to the writer's strike. I know it happened after 8 full scripts, BUT, the re-write as they shoot so maybe that segment of production got skipped?


    Hurley was great! His speech at the end was excellent.

  2. 8 pages of discussion of the movie, including judgements, before anyone had seen it.


    I liked the dog, alot.


    I met Will Smith back in his Fresh Prince of Philly days. He made fun of me and my friend. We were just teens and one of his back-up guys lived in my pals' building, so he introduced us. I didn't hold it against him, though, as he was on his meteoric rise to stardom and we had pimples and dumb looking clothes. Wait, that was him with the pimples and the baggy MC-Hammer pants and DJ Jazzy Jeff at his side.


    Regardless, I resisted liking his movies for a good long time. Only recently have I come to admit to myself that his presence in a movie does not ruin it. Personally, Denzel Washington really bugs the hell out of me, and I only have room for one black actor in my hater closet. MIB, Ali, and the after school special 'The Perfect Date' were all decent enough.


    I am a sucker for last man on earth stories, this is one of them, and I liked it fine. I would never recommend it to anyone, just like I don't make my friends sit through Dawn of the Dead despite my complete adoration for it. The zombies are purple and blue, there are close-up headshots, the damn nurse is inexplicably in every zombie crowd scene, even after she gets toasted...

  3. My store had the new issue 2 weeks after the 'lull' of the previous issue. I admire Kirkman's constant effort to catch up with late efforts, I seem to remember not having to wait 4 weeks in between issues a few times before.


    I loved the issue. It moved at a breakneck pace, centred on people other than Rick, had a Ripley-esque Andrea kicking ass and taking names, and the interactions between the townies was brilliant.


    Even the cover got me excited.


    This should be a great arc to lead up to the alien invasion in issue 50.

  4. WOO YAH BOYEE!! Took the drivers test and failed it like a real man. Awesome. Now I gotta take it again next month and this time I'll do it the in the afternoon when I've had food in my stomach and have been awake for most of the day.


    They messed my license up back in the day, meaning I didn't even take a test. I got a permit, went in for the road test, she misread the form, and handed me my license. Huzzah!

  5. A friend of mine is trying to convince me to look into this program called "JET". It's where you take get sent to japan to teach English for like 2-5 years. All you need is a bachelors degree and to be proficient in the language of the country you are coming from. The idea does sound interesting. Specially the fact that they pay your air far. rent and find you a job. He also said that getting a new car there is like 1k and the rent is like 100 bucks a month.


    If I had the chance to do something like that I would take it up in a heart beat. Tho sense my family is cheap and stupid. The chance to explore life would never happen. They are so cheap that they don't even like spending money on gas to drive 45 miles. Because of them, I wasn't able to afford a decent Tech school. Hell because of them, I haven't been able to get my license till now. (9 years after I was supposed to get it.).


    My friend Joe is serving time in Japan via the JET program right now. I have two other friends that taught English in the Orient through various programs and they all endorse JET as the only real option. They pay on time and they pay better than the other groups.


    Joe is smart and friendly and is always trying to recruit for JET, I can give you his email if you want a first hand testimonial or want someone to ask questions to.

  6. Completely agree. He was top of the list badass and fascinating in season one, but falling in love with and spewing sappy shit to Shannon, the weakest whiny bitch on the island, made no sense. I would have slapped her right before her death when she kept saying she saw Walt (even though she had), and I'd have let her go when she ran from the HOUSE I MADE HER. What happened to how penitent Sayeed was after torturing Sawyer? He sure got over that guilt quickly.

  7. I've seen the entire series now, but unlike alot of the STH posters, I loved it all the way through. I know it makes a big difference that I could watch all of it in 4 hour blocks to my hearts content, but that was my experience. Such a well-written, tightly-plotted, exciting piece of work.

  8. Brian K Vaughn interview:






    'Lost' Writer/Producer Brian K. Vaughan Talks Writing, TV, and Getting 'Lost'


    A few months back we began a series of articles dedicated to helping jonzin' Lost fans find a bit of the show's flavor in lesser known works of Television, Film, and virtually any other entertainment medium. Along the way, we wrestled with decoding just what the 'Lost' sensibilities were. After a while, the notion arose to turn the question of what Lost's recipe contained back to the very people who create it.


    The find folks at Lost were all too happy to oblige, so over the next few weeks we will bring you profiles of some of the amazingly talented writers that work behind the scenes to ensure Lost keeps moving to its tell-tale rhythm. In their own words, several of Lost's finest word=smiths will let fans feel their creative pulse as they share what inspires them to write, what they are interested in right now, and what they would recommend Lost fans sample while they wait for a return to “The Island.”


    Up first is newcomer Brian K. Vaughan. Vaughan joined Lost during season 3 after establishing himself as one of the hottest, if not the hottest, writer in the comic book scene. His accolades include the coveted Eisner award, and Entertainment Weekly ranked his co-creation ‘Ex Machina' as one of the ten best works of fiction of 2005.


    Vaughan's presence was felt almost immediately after he joined Lost as Executive Story Editor with the episode “The Man from Tallahassee.” Brian also penned the pivotal episode “Catch-22.” Now, on to picking Vaughn's brain:



    BuddyTV: What television show, movie, or book inspired you to write?


    Brian K. Vaughan: Definitely Alan Moore's graphic novel Watchmen.


    BTV: When writing Lost, what influences do you draw from, if any?


    B.K.V.: I suppose I draw more on personal experiences with friends and family than I do from other works of fiction. I hope that helps add to a show I've always admired for being grounded in real human emotion, even when it involves dudes being chased by a smoke monster.


    BTV: What is your favorite movie?


    B.K.V.: This week? Miller's Crossing.


    BTV: What is your favorite comic book?


    B.K.V.: Chris Ware's Acme Novelty Library and Daniel Clowes' Eightball are the two books I most look forward to.


    BTV: What is your favorite TV series?


    B.K.V.: Of all time? Twin Peaks.


    BTV: If you could recommend one TV series, movie, or book to Lost fans looking for some hiatus relief, what would it be?


    B.K.V.: Mad Men! It's the very best thing on the air right now, and one of the best-written, best-acted shows I've ever seen. It's obviously a very different kind of show, but I'm confident fans of Lost will love it.



    - Jon Lachonis, BuddyTV Senior Writer

  9. All posters who want one continuous thread are pornographers and/or pedophiles, so there.


    I am in the rock and hard place catch of being able to see season one and two, then wait until December when Season three comes out, but thus not being able to see 4th season on TV. Someone suggested finding them on torrents but I can never get decent burns that play in a normal DVD player, and I'll be damned if I watch this on my laptop's puny screen.

  10. I hadn't seen this show until my pal loaned me the first two seasons on DVD. I've eaten it up and am in love with it. I just finished the first season and then plowed through this thread, cannot wait until I'm all caught up and can start participating in the discussions.


    I love that there is a new thread for each season, cos I want no taste of spoilers. Good job, STH

  11. Some of us still contend that the town was a welcome breath of fresh air in the series, but the last two issues have me trying to strike up Walking Dead conversations amongst my comic book circle.

  12. This page is a good argument for not using big red fonts...



    Yes, but I stand by the "Batman must-reads" thread over in the Comics subforum as a glorious argument in favour of them.


    You also used the always effective periods. After. Each. WORD.


    So you can't say it is just the red big font that made that post work.

  13. My point is clearly laid out in the above quote, but I shall re-state it again:


    Based on what I've seen of Zack Snyder's work (which is more than just 300, and yes I've seen his commercials and music videos--- I've seen his entire reel) I don't think he's the right man for the job.


    I got that. But the reasoning you gave didn't apply to the Watchmen adaptation since it was based exclusively on his abilities as a screenwriter. And that was what I was talking about.


    Is this what it's like to be Ade?


    Told you he knew what you meant, Trace!

  14. I love zombie flicks, and Dawn was fun, but on my scale of zombie media it ranks very low. The original was so well done. Zack's version had none of the clever 'how do we deal with this, what in our environemnt can we use, who do we trust' material. When someone dies because nobody thought of an obvious threat, I find myself rooting for the humans demise. SO overall, I give Zack a thumbs-down.


    300, though, was so close to what I read in the hardcover not a month ago. Striking scenes from Miller were perfectly represented on the screen. I loved the dialogue, the backgrounds, the fighting, almost all of it. If Zack revered Miller enough to be faithful. one can only hope that he will offer Moore even more of the same.


    The real problem is not Zack. It's the impossible task of putting so much material in so short a movie.

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