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Posts posted by kingmob

  1. Although I enjoyed the new issue of DD, nothing much happened to advance the plot. I'm glad to see the mature use of old foes like the Matador and Tombstone, especially since they seem plausible, but all Matt did was hop all over Europe. Do you think the girl has pheromone powers like the chick from Desolation Jones? Or perhaps the Purple Man's powers?

  2. The fact that Yorick isn't actually the only man to survive the plague was quite an effective twist, I thought. Coupled with the little playroom full of clones, and it's got me curious. Still, if it didn't work for you, it didn't work for you. Horses, courses...



    Alternatively: You dare to disagree with me about Y:TLM? You're the worst person in the world, you probably rape goats, and I'm LEAVING THE INTERNET FOREVER. ;)


    I'd buy this man a beer

  3. Why would Europe give a shit about whats going on in America anyways. Specially with some blind lawyer from New York. They'v got their own problems, not to mention to failed to notice one key factor.



    EVERYBODY WAS IN A FUCKING PANIC. I highly doubt anybody was going to stop and take pictures when they running for their lives.


    "Oh let me take a picture, while I try not to get trampled to death."


    OK so fuck the Spaniards, we'll say the public in Spain wouldn't know or care. But the CIA and the FBI and Interpol would be using this as evidence against Matt, and Matt would know they would do so and avoid such things. That's why Rand dressed up as DD in the first place. The establishment know he's somewhere in Europe, they see some red long-johns in Spain, and their heavily monitored enemies the mob come in contact with said red long johns, and baaam. Forget the public, these are the mafioso who also knew who he was because *spoliers*






    They lured him into this in the first place, (and if they knew enough about him to want to lure him in, then he is getting press there), plus (despite your willing suspension of disbelief) Bendis and Brubaker have tried to get away from comic bullshit and move toward believeable stories. The suspension of disbelief comes into play on him having super powers, not on the world he lives in.


    Doesn't everyone everywhere who is a fanboy look for this kind of stuff in their comics? And Mark, I disagree, I don't think Wolvy has a point in the first place, the unduly harsh angle aside. I see most media as getting more and more sophisticated in its treatment of their properties and these are great points. In closing, we sit in pubs drinking beer arguing such points in front of our girlfriends. Its part of my hobby.

  4. I'm pretty sure the people in Spain have no idea of whats going on in America.


    Daredevil isnt an internationaly known hero. He's not Captain America or something. He's mainly just known in Hells Kitchen or the lower slums of manhatten.

    I don't buy that. The paperazzi would be all over every cape they could. Also the trial of Murdock would garner news all over the place. It would have international relevance.

    Then you shouldnt be reading comics. Because they require something you lack.


    Suspension of Disbelief


    That was unduly harsh.

  5. I remember reading the New Gods back when they came out and having that twinkle in my eye.


    *I am Mark's seething envy*


    I came to them decades later, and the whole series still BLEW (and continues to blow) MY FUCKING MIND. I can only imagine what it might have been like at the time, against the context of '70s DC and Marvel.


    I have to fess up, Mark, that it was the post Kirby re-launch, Return of the New Gods. Luckily I worked in a comic book store as a grader in my teens and thus had access to all the old issues. The first return of the New Gods was in my Xmas stocking when I was in Grade 2, around '77, I know that cos Star Wars was in theatres and my parents took me, my first grown up type movie ever. The dozen or so eaerlier issues by Kirby came out half a decade before that. I bought the Return of the New Gods first run, not the Kirby issues, I would have been a toddler at the time. So drool no more, Kirby maniacs!

  6. I had a big problem with him putting on the DD costume to do his shit there. If there is a DD running around still in NYC and a DD running around in Europe too it wouldn't take long for the FBI to put 2 and 2 together. The world is way to small a place with as many media outlets as we have, and that doesn't even take into account camcorders and cell phone cams. A cowl or other mask would have been fine.

    I agree with Kingmob about it being short-sighted for heroes to stick to one neighbourhood or even city. A smart dude like DD (or Bats) could affect things greatly on a larger scale just by doing thier street level stuff.

    Oh, and way to open a can of worms by mentioning DK2 KM. ;)


    Unlike gamefaqs, some of these guys appreciate DK2, SK.

  7. October 25th. Preview pages are up at Newsarama and they look FUCKING AWESOME - the Secret Origin Of The Universe, as filtered through some of the best Kirby-channelling art I've ever seen. It's been a long, long wait (a week shy of SEVEN FUCKING MONTHS, according to the scheduled release date back in Seven Soldiers #0, which, while almost making me wish they'd held out that extra week just for the purposes of resonance, is utterly ridiculous, indefensibly unprofessional and profoundly annoying), but I'm still several stages beyond excited by this.


    Also, I find it very hard to believe that the addressed-directly-towards-the-reader line on the first page to the effect that "I haven't forgotten about you, if that's what you're thinking" isn't a reference to the massive delay. If so, nicely done - if not, it really does lend considerable credence to Morrison's belief in the occasional serendipitous links between his fiction and the real world into which he sends it.


    Please, please, please don't let his occasional duffness at endings fuck this up.


    These pages look perfect. I remember reading the New Gods back when they came out and having that twinkle in my eye. Go team Morrison! Nice link Mark!

  8. Hell's Kitchen is an actual place in our world.

    I think it makes sense that DD sticks to Hell's Kitchen, just like Batman sticks to Gotham.

    I agree with a lot of characters, it's stupid that they stay in their "home city", but Batman and DD are gritty heroes who work best at street level, trying to clean up THEIR city.

    Leaving their home city every so often and getting involved in other business is fine, as long as they return to their home city. DD is a more believable type character in the superhero set.

    DD is a blind guy with heightened senses and learned superhuman ability. He's not a character like Superman who can just shoot across the world and stop a group of terrorists on a whim. DD works best with urban crime and noir stories.

    In fact, from your point, it makes more sense, from a realism perspective, that a superhero is just a vigilante working to clean up his city, instead of the notion being a felled trapping of the Silver Age.


    Thanks for pointing out that Hell's Kitchen is a real place :p


    Thanks for the other input.


    Needless to say, he wouldn't stop terrorists in Afghanistan. But, with material like the Bourne Identity to call upon, I don't think anyone world class like Matt would limit himself to one neighborhood. His current arc shows how well such a thing can be written. For that matter, Bats would be bettersuited to trying to clean up someplace beyond Gotham, as was illustated so well in DK2.

  9. I kinda liked Jack Cross. It's too bad Ellis won't be doing another 4-parter of it.


    I bought Jack Cross too, liked it enough that I pushed it on my friends. A couple of well written convos throughout, but kind of silly with the etching of the skin. Still, I'd be up for another mini.

  10. yea i know i have a big stack for you there brother. my work schedule changed so i havent been home in 3 weeks! im going this weekend cuz we're on mon-fri now, so ill have you all filled in on this amazing book. punisher and some others too....


    You narrowly avoided a big can of whup-ass


    Spider J, you should find the old thread where Bradstreet reveals that he's painted a Hellblazer cover with all these cats names on it. Good reading.

  11. I love the new city thing. This issue rocked, I can't wait to see them escape. Michonne was great and is going to be fucked up royally when and if they make it back to the prison. And Rick will be missing some body parts! Why hasn't the gov'nur cut her ear off? I liked his dialogue after she fucked up the arena fight.


    I had forgotten about the guy helping Rick, having him around in the background would have made more sense. Also, the old bird with the kids little speech was pretty lame. Overall, the issue has whet my appetite for the next issue as much as any issue after the first twelve has, and we had some awesome waits in there, like the sighting of the helicopter. My biggest disappointment was the lack of prison story, I want more of them, but with the escdape happening I doubt we'll see them at all next issue.


    Why doesn't Kirkman update his Comic Book Resources column anymore? It's not like it takes long to send the PDFs for his projects to an FTP site. C'mon Kirkman!


    Even the letters page was good.

  12. I read the new DD first. Good decision. There seems to be a few things that comic most comic book writers have carried over from the Golden Age that simply don't make sense, like secret identities and sidekicks, and I've often thought that having a 'home city' for some of these guys is ridiculous. Superman could be doing what he does for Metropolis for the whole world, for instance. Having Matt Murdock be a Hell's Kitchen guy because his office is there is one thing, having all his adventures there month after month is another.


    When I read Sleeper I loved how there was no one single locale that everything centred around. Tao was everywhere, his influence was everywhere.


    Likewise I love what Brubaker is doing with Matt. When I saw the Matador was going to be the villain, I groanded and rolled my eyes. But instead we get this great Bourne Identity version of Murdock with great refernces to his sensory powers and law skills as he gambles/listens at the party/flees the country and so on. Totally in control and he knows what he is doing.


    Also, what great inner dialogue... his review of why he is going after Foggy's 'killer' was dead on.


    I knew the opening sequence was a *SPOILER*







    dream before I even read one word. Still liked it though, always fun to see old flames manifest themselves in your conciousness.


    The only thing that seemed odd at all to me was the DD costume. He could have just wrapped a ninja cowl around his head or some such. Changing into costume would bring unwanted attention to you and would create a gazzilion witnesses that saw DD and Matt in another country at the same time. Way to lay low, way to hide your identity, way to fetishize long johns.


    Spider J, I don't know who has your Filth if it isn't Zack. I'll ask around, I'm trying to track down hald a dozen trades I've loaned out.

  13. The third issue (#23) is out.


    I don't care much for Tony's new colouring style. It's obviously accomplished, but not suited to this type of comic. The previous clean, slick colouring style worked better for me.


    Spider J, you need to get me those two issues, plus the second and third Animal Man trades. Two issues behind!

  14. My pal Suicide King left his new copy of DD at the house. Got home from work and it is laying there!


    Also left Ghost Rider, the new Ultimates, and Walking Dead. I am so gonna smoke a bowl and hide away from everyone. Geek out!

  15. I'm reading High Society at the moment. I love it. I had tried to read Cerebus before, but I didn't like it and didn't continue.


    It's my favorite!

  16. What do you think of the achievements system?


    In exactly the same boat as you on that one man, didn't give a toss at first but then when I realised that your achievements (such as they are) are tracked online, the 'gottacatchimall' aspect grabbed me pretty hard. I do think it's an idea that works better with some games than others, free-form stuff like Saints Row or Dead Rising gain a lot from it.


    Were you dissing Oblivion? That's the second title I bought, and I love it. It is amazing, tight, beautiful, and endless. If you like RPGs I am suprised you aren;t a fan of the whole series.

    I'm a fan of the series right up to, and including, Morrowind but Oblivion...it ties into what I was waffling about a few posts back, the console influences are far too apparent for my liking - detested the whole scaling difficulty thing too.


    Except for the scaling, which gets my panties ina ruffle, I love it. I smoked a fattie after work and sat down in a quiet apartment, turned on the Distillers on the 360 as background music, and walked the land of Cyrodill, soaking up the lush graphics, saving towns from Oblivion gates. I love the gmaeplay, and the quest log is so improved over Morrowind, that I can't even bring myself to load my beloved Morrowind on the old Xbox. They improved every single skill in the game so that they are all fun to get up. Also, there are special powers granted in each skill as you hit 25, 50,75, and 100 skill points. The AI has improved and alot of the game-breaking exploits have been fixed. Finally, each city and area has a distinctive look, especially the dungeons, which are great fun to spelunk in. It's worth a weekend rental, for sure.

  17. Please try not to get offended when someone says they don't dig what you dig. It's starting to become a drag...


    I love the Walking Dead. I just would like for the plot to pick up and it looks like it is starting to, yet because of my comment about the governor, you took my post to be negative. It's OK. Breathe...



  18. I read my friend's, Suicide King's, copies, then buy trades when they come out. He wrote to me today to say he has the new issue, so I anticipate a few days at most before I can rant.


    Yep, Escape is crap, but fun crap, I dig watching old cheap horror and gore flicks. John Russo, who co wrote the original movie, is writing these new series so I pick them up. They are fun enough to stick with.

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