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Posts posted by Pooka

  1. If I could work my scanner, and knew how to post pictures (I tried, guys, it didn't work) I'd put my boys up here. Plus I'd put up a picture of Skinny Boy, the stray who bites, with his cute little white back toes.


    Yes, he's bit me again, which means, as has been pointed out, it's the return of Cat Woman. *Hiss...Scratch*

  2. My ex was very good friends with my ex-ex, even in a band with him, but in my defence I dated Nathan when I was 16-17 and Joe when I was 21, and they met in the meantime. They ended up sharing a house, which I thought was wierd, cos I imagined them going "So, when she was with you, did she do...." but they never did. Gays. :rolleyes:

  3. League Against Tedium aka Simon Munnerry, used to write a spoof column in the NME about 10-12 years ago, all about an old punk still fighting the class war. It was excellent, and if any are on the net, someone please find them. Fave line "The middle class, stealing the food from babies mouths to feed their PONIES"

  4. Yes, Inca's right, the other Biology teacher was telling us his mate's sis had a back of the eye op and pop out it came while they did the biz, then back in again.


    Mark/Sean, yes, I remember now, haven't seen it for about 10 years, and my old woman's brain gets a bit befuddled. :lol:


    That's the old woman's brain I keep in a jar by the bed, not my own, of course.

  5. This one isn't actually at all amusing, but I'll post it anyway...


    In 'Youngstown' by Brooce Springsteen (it's on The Ghost Of Tom Joad, possibly his best album) I persistently still hear the line


    "Them smokestacks reaching like the arms of God

    Into a beautiful sky of soot and clay"


    as "...into a beautiful sky of Southern grey"


    I still don't know which version I prefer. Ditto 'Visions of Johanna' by Dylan, in which I always hear "she's delicate, and seems like the mirror" as "...delicate, and seems like Vermeer", which is just so clearly a better line I choose to believe the published lyric has a typo.


    I thought it was "Delicate and seems like veneer" as in a superfical appearance. Also better, I think.

  6. They're just optical illusions. I was making some kids look at them in an ICT class when they should have been working. :) Btw, I'm ok now, nothing of Inca's is surging through me anymore.

  7. Today has been slow, so I bullied my French teacher friend, chasing him round the staff room so he jumped onto a desk to avoid getting a kicking from me. Bet when you were all at school you never thought that's what the staff were up to behind that forbidden door. :D


    Yes, I've seen Un Chien Andalou (just cos I know a French guy dosn't mean I can spell in French) and I thought the eyeball slicing a little tame, also, is it Zombie Flesh Eaters with the underwater eyeball piercing scene? Bit crap, but zombies and eyes, let's face it, Sick as Fuck Pooka is here to stay for a while.


    Apparantly, there's enough give in the muscle around the eye to pull your eyeball out and rest it on your cheek.

  8. I'm pretending to be an Action Figure there, on my own little plinth with my name on.


    God, I look fat.


    Anyway, to get that shot we had to take a "long-cut" down some dangerously windy, steep roads (Well done again, Annika) in a left hand drive car jus t cos it had my name. But we never got to Lower Bell End, just imagine the photo's from there!

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