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Posts posted by Claire

  1. This is just an observation of mine, not backed up by any research or anything.

    In most cases I've read about (and in my own family) men who molest little girls have also had relationships with, or sexually abused, adult women. So it seems to me that pedophiles who prefer girl children are also more comfortable with adult heterosexual relationships (though usually abusive in nature).

    Whereas in cases of serial molesters of boys that I've read about, it seems that it's more likely for the abuser's only sexual focus to be young boys, ie no adult relationships.


    So if these trends actually do exist then one would expect RC pedophile interested in boys to gravitate to the priesthood, which is the perfect disguise for someone who can't form an adult relationship, and allows lots of access to children whose parents trust you. RC girl focused pedophiles would meanwhile most likely marry and raise a fine brood of potential victims. But with Protestant demoniations, where a minster should be married, pedophile ministers would be far more likely to be girl focused.


    OK that was pretty simplified and probably does hold in lots of cases, but it's a trend I've noticed.


    I'd say it's mostly a question of opportunity anyway. I think, espeacially historically, RC priests have been trusted hugely in their relationships with young boys. I think parents would have seen girls as a temptation to a priest (so heroically suppressing their base urges for their calling) and limited the time a girl would spend with priest. Also girls would be more likely to be taught by and spend time with nuns, and to view nuns as their mentors, where as boys would be in the care of priests much more often.

  2. Hmm I really need some hair advice. Cut it into an asymetrical bob yesterday and can't decide whether it looks interesting or silly. I'll try and post some picks later.


    BTW pooka, you've just made it on to my list of style icons.

  3. Tungstun is the stuff of your good ole everyday light bulb, as opposed to flouresant or halogen lights. Since tungsten bulbs produce a yellow light I would guess tungsten film is more sensitive to blue light to conteract the yellow for a more naturalistic result.


    Though as Meaner demonstates it's much better to use it for unnaturalistic effects.

  4. Well I tried to (subtlely) suss out a definitve list of the angels from Donny, but he was a touch vague. So I stuck with Pooka, Maddi (drawn as Audrey Hepburn), Keeyah and Hilde because a knew they were definates.

  5. fucking great drawing, Claire!




    Thanks heaps sethos and Lou, Pooka and Inca from the other page. I think Hilde (furthest right) turned out best. I'm rather proud of her feet. I think Keeyah could have been a bit more foxish but animals aren't my strong point.


    Donny, I'm very glad you like it, it's flying to Sweden as we speak. And I would be honoured to join the Angels. I'm always keen for a bit of crime fighting.

  6. She sounds incredibly insecure. It's not your job to make her like herself, and you couldn't do it if it was. Tell her that and if she can't understand then it's doomed.


    And nothing compares to drinking beer while eating ham and cold potatoes.

  7. Observation from Sethos: this is very remeniscent of the very fine Manga series by Junji Ito (and slightly less fine film series) Uzumaki. While the theme of Uzumaki is spirals, hair and horror play a big part.


    Someone should scan in that final panel in the "hair" issue - it's the spitting image of the scene of carnage in the hairdresser's shop.



    Hai, doozo. (Here you are.)



  8. Lou- most heartfelt congratulations to you and your girl.


    Meaner- I have one word for you...HOTTIE!!


    As for presents,


    From my mum, a post office box (yay), a bracelet and some scaves and hairclips.


    From my dad, a vast quantity of cheap chocolates and Avon products (his girlfriend is an Avon lady). I'm going to have to start doing his Christmas shopping for him again.


    From my big sister, a book on how to make King Arthur's court in origami. Yes someone has actually devoted their life to working out how to make a jousting knight out of squares of paper with no cutting.


    From my little sister, (bless her) paperbacks of Stardust and Monsterous Regiment.


    From my boyfriend, a katana. To be specific a rather shoddy replica katana that is one of the most fun things I have owned.

    And this one reason I love him so fucking much. He has never gotten me a lame "girlfriend gift" (perfume, jewellery), he always gets me stuff that's unique to me. And he picks up on things I want from my conversation witnout me consciously hinting about them. The katana came about because I was getting nostalgic over 'Absolom', my childhood wooden play sword my dad helped me make, which I abandonned in my teenage years and got broken by kid sister.

  9. Question:  "And if one bottle should accidentally fall" sounds like it's from a song or saying.  Is it?





    Comments:   As someone else pointed out, the way the "accident" happens doesn't make sense.  First the truck is right by the cabdrivers' bulding.  (Why isn't traffic going the other way to the right of this roadway?)  Then the truck seems to cross lanes of (oncoming?) traffic to go over the edge.  Still, the accident artwork is all well-done, fun to look over and over again.




    "If one green bottle should accidentally fall" is from a song rather like '99 bottles of beer' which goes "10 green bottles sitting on a wall, 10m green bottles sitting on wall, if one green bottle...etc.


    Regarding the accident-there is oncoming traffic in the right hand lane in the middle panel of page 20. Since the truck is also in the right hand lane it may have been overtaking another vehicle- the truck drivers comments about tying a brick to the accelerator indicate a rather lax attitude to road safety, and in this case pride literally goes before the fall. The idea that he is overtaking is supported by the oncoming cars driving to the right of their lane, with the second oncoming car drawn in the act of swerving right. (Although none of the cars are centred in their lanes so I might be seeing stuff that isn't actually intended.)


    In the top panel of page 21 I don't interpret the truck as having driven across multiple lanes of traffic. Rather, the truck the truck had returned to/was driving all along in the left hand lane- looking at the panel the lane directly beside the row of streetlights. When Maria distracted the driver he breaked suddenly (skreeeeeeee) causing the tires to skid, the truck to swerve right, and the tanker to swing around. The truck would only cross one lane of oncoming traffic to go over the edge. If you look at the picture it is plain that rather than the whole truck having driven across the road, the tanker part is swinging around and foward, impacting a car and then a street light on the way.

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