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Posts posted by Claire

  1. One of the strongest building materials ever developed is Pykecrete, which is basically fibrerous matter frozen in ice. It has the added advantage of floating in water and was invented near the end of WWII with a view toward making aircraft carriers out of it.

  2. Maybe if she isnt working, and its still happening, the bill murray movie night could be appropriate :)



    Oh it is so on. I think so far there's seven or so people keen. And it's officially a Bill Murray Movie Marathon. I'm thinking 3pm start then rock on thru to 3am. And I'm making a bumper batch of freash spring rolls, like we all had at that Vietnamese restaurant.

  3. There was? I only looked at the first couple of IMG page hits...





    There used to be a NZ sports show that had this great segment called 'Man Love Moments' consisting of clips of affectionate sportsmen played in slow mo to shmultzy love songs.


    I'm in the Hilde and Keeyah camp on this one.

  4. It didn't help that on the school roll everyone was marked with what generation of Gore High School attendee they were (2nd, 3rd, 4th even 5th generation) and I was one of the few 1st generation students.


    What the hell was the purpose of this? It can't possibly be anything but divisive.



    The same purpose as the school prayer, house system, standing when teachers entered the room, kilt day (boys wear girl's uniform) and mockery of the Catholic high school- it's upholding tradition.


    BTW this was not a private school, it was the local state school. The only other options were Catholic or an hours drive away.

  5. It wasn't even that people were really mean to me, it was just the feeling of completely not belonging there. It didn't help that on the school roll everyone was marked with what generation of Gore High School attendee they were (2nd, 3rd, 4th even 5th generation) and I was one of the few 1st generation studends.

  6. Most stupid thing we ever did here, was lower the drinking age to 18. Think back. What the hell did you or I know about the dangerous world, at 18?.



    It was a wierd situation when they lowered the drinking age. When I was 16 the drinking age was 20 and was so shoddily enforced that I was able to buy liquor all the time. Sometimes with fake IDs made out of postcards cut up and laminated.


    When I was 17 the drinking age was lowered to 18 and actually enforced. My 18 year old friends would be refused service if I was with them. So for a year I stopped drinking and smoked pot instead.

  7. Ok, i love a good story. I eagerly await your tales sometime!



    Avaunt lives on a giant hacked up fish, Meaner and me live on an even larger canoe, and some poor sods down south are pearched on an anchor stone.


    (Just to tantalise you all until Avaunt breaks out his story telling skills.)

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