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Posts posted by who0410

  1. Unfortunately that's an easy one as the Troy books don't represent David at his best, the Rigante series is much, much better.


    My memory's a bit fuzzy but wasn't Knights Of Dark Reknown the one with the

    vampires ?

    Seem to recall enjoying that one quite a bit.


    Thanks John! I'll pick the Rigante next and yes, that's the one, great book.

  2. God bless him and his work ethic.

    Amen brother


    He was the best. Curently reading Knights of Dark Renown, awesome writting, gripping tale and a fantastic cast of characters. After finishing this one I don't know which I should read first, the Rigante books or the Troy saga. Advise anyone?

  3. Still don't care much for Bladerunner, but I'll hav to entertain the motion that the director's cut has some sort of bear fight scene and will have to track it down sometime.

    No bear fights, but a substantially different ending.

    I used to be one of those people who was very impressed by Blade Runner, but then I got older and saw its flaws. It has a lot of glitz and some good acting and directing, otherwise it really isn't all that great. Not bad, but not deserving of any best of awards except maybe for its sets and special effects, and maybe for some of its acting.


    Having said that, I am curious about the director's cut. Does it have anything more going for it than a different ending? And approximately how many minutes back into the original film does the new ending start?

    Lets not forget that Vangelis soundtrack!

    And a perfectly good script of a great book.

    But yeah besides a great bear fight what more could you want?


    The directors cut has signifigantly different ending but is far more cohesive.

    However depending on the day of the week I find the ending itself it a little too cynical.


    There is ofcourse at third cut, "The Final Cut", available.

    It plays as an upgraded Directors Cut, so if you're going to do it, do it with this instead.


    I always liked the version with the voiceovers, I thought it gave more depht to Deckard's character. Haven't been able to watch that version in ages, anyone know where I can get it?


  4. I am indeed saying several, although not necessarily all, of those things.


    By way of clarification (never let it be said that I'm not good to you), I'm also now pointing out that "performance of his life" can be taken to have a meaning slightly broader than "most impressive display of acting talent".


    Ok Mark, just wanted to know if you were serious.

  5. Boston Legal ... William Shatner gives the performance of his life


    Sorry to reply to a fortnight-old post, but this sort of arrant nonsense WILL NOT STAND.




    I was going to say that! But then I thought someone (Mark) would scold me for being out of line, responding to a msg thats so old just to pick at it.




    Right, so according to you his finest hour, his most talented display of acting skills, the best role he's ever played is..."Kirk"? And you mean to tell me you're serious? You're not blinded by some Trekish cloud covering your judgment? You're not just being silly? You actually believe that? OK then, fine by me...

  6. Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian: Wonderful film, liked it better than the first and that's saying a lot since I loved "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe". Although darker than its predecessor it still harbors that innocence that made the first entry so special. Fascinating story, fantastic battles, great makeup and F/X, easily the best movie I've seen in 2008. A+

    Battles? I thought there was only one fight between the king and his nephew.


    Way I see it there are 3 big action sequences:


    1. Narnians attack the Telmarines' casttle.

    2. Duel between Peter and Miraz.

    3. Final battle following the duel.


    Add to that some minor action sequences and you have a solid action movie.

  7. I loved "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe".

    I wish you a speedy recovery from this massive Wrongness that has infected your poor soul.


    Hahaha... what can I say, I truly, deeply love that film and don't make any kind of apologies about it, in fact any other day this would have led to a big argument but today I'm not in the mood so instead of that I'll just ask: What did you think about Prince Caspian? Inquiring minds want to know...

  8. Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian: Wonderful film, liked it better than the first and that's saying a lot since I loved "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe". Although darker than its predecessor it still harbors that innocence that made the first entry so special. Fascinating story, fantastic battles, great makeup and F/X, easily the best movie I've seen in 2008. A+
  9. Mother of Tears: Painfully bad acted movie featuring witches that look like they came out of Cindy Lauper's "Girls Just Want to Have Fun"video. What happened to Dario Argento? And how lame was that ending? The elaborated killings are the only redeemable feature. It's all been downhill for the Maestro since Jennifer, his first entry in the "Masters of Horror" series (second entry was Pelts, awful flick in it's own right), hope he bounces back. C


    Mulberry St.: A virus spread by rats in N.Y. turns people into flesh craving mutants which terrorize the residents of a condo. Characterization makes the difference in this one. B


    Frontier(s): French movie in the line of Texas Chainsaw Massacre or House of 1000 corpses, ok for torture porn fans. C


    American Gangster: Brilliant film which tells the parallel stories of the rise and fall of a visionary afro-american mobster and the struggle of the cop trying to stop him. Outstanding performances by Washington and Crowe. A+


    2001: A Space Odyssey: First time I watched this film was at age 12, second when I was 19. It's only now, at 32, that I've truly come to appreciate it. A masterpiece. A+

  10. Watched Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and loved it, I felt like a little kid again, and the first time Indy appears, oh boy!...I mean, after watching the trailer like a gazillion times I thought I was prepared but man was I wrong, when he picks up his hat and puts it on for the first time and you get to see his face my eyes became all watery, I got goose bumps and suddenly I realized I had this big smile upon my face, like the one you can see on a child opening his Christmas presents, it was great.


    This Indy adventure was a nostalgic and action packed ride, and I thought everything about it was just perfect: plot, action sequences, fx, locations, sets, costumes, direction, script, villains and, of course, the cast. Harrison Ford proves once more why he's the best action hero of all time while Lucas and Spielberg remind us why they are two of the most admired and beloved filmmakers alive. A+



  11. Finished watching Boston Legal season 1, OH MY GOD! What a brilliant series! Can't praise it enough. William Shatner gives the performance of his life and is magnificent as Denny Crane, the larger than life, unorthodox and nutty founding partner of the firm. Considered a legend in court by his peers, he claims to be the best lawyer in history and constantly reminds it to veryone near him. Shatner is masterfully complemented by James Spader who is a joy to watch as Alan Shore, a cynical, pompous, narcissistic hot-shot attorney and Denny's best friend. Just got season 2 and so far it has proven to be as outstanding as the first one. Great show, highly recommended.

  12. Shutter (Thailand).- A fair entry in the asian-ghost subgenre. The plot is nothing new: a creepy long haired and palid spirit torments a photographer, first by appearing in the images taken by his camera, then by popping up virtually everywhere (apartment, car, bathroom, bed, you name it). Some killings take place, investigations follow, etc., as I already mentioned, nothing new. What I like about this film though, is that it really tries to scare you, sometimes in the most cheesy of ways, you know, a BOO! here and there. However, on a few occasions it scares you by creating an atmosphere soaked in dread where the viewer feels that even the most ordinary and cotidiany of places may be haunted, and that's what makes watching Shutter a worthwhile experience. B+
  13. who: did you feel the end of Battle Royale was a bit of a cop out, or is that just me again?


    No, it's not just you, the ending gave me the impression that the director didn't know how to give a proper closing to the story, like he didn't know what to do or where to take the characters next. Still, it was a fun movie, not brilliant but entertaining enough to overlook most of its flaws.

  14. Suicide Circle (A.K.A. Suicide Club), nice J-horror entry, forget about long haired palid ghosts, mass suicide? that's scary, especially when it starts spreading like a virus and nobody knows why or how to stop the phenomenon. Although the ending is a little weak this is a compelling and brilliantly creepy thriller. A


    Battle Royale, teens forced to kill each other on a deserted island until there's only one left. Expected a lot more from the action sequences, funny at times but too much whinning from the main characters. B (although I gess the movie wasn't aiming any higher than that).



  15. So I would drop your "pseudo" statement, and the original came out quite some time ago.

    Ultimately though the film is a concept that, like Mann's Miami Vice, works better on paper than on the screen.


    Noted, dropped and I'll check the films you mentioned.

  16. Superbad, really funny movie, way above average comedy, laughed until I had cramps in my stomach. The bits with McLovin and the cops are the highlights. A


    Funny Games U.S., I was really looking forward to this one mainly because of the trailer, the couple of psychos looked so interesting and having Tim Roth in the cast was a really good sign, however the film was a big dissapointment, just another pseudo artistic torture porn entry. Paul (one of the killers) delivers a few creepily well acted lines and the director uses a couple of interesting resourses but sadly both elements loose effectiveness as the movie progresses and we enter boring overlong-shots territory during the second half. The ending is neither fun nor funny, simply a joke. C

  17. IRON MAN.- Now this is a superheroe movie done right, best of it's kind. Everything looks great: the armors, the villains, the fights, the cars, Gwyneth Paltrow, everything! Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark alone is worth watching the movie. Big, enthusiastic A+ for this winner.


    Diary Of The Dead.- What the hell has happened to Romero? How can he go from doing such a great job on Land Of The Dead to directing this piece of crap? I'm a huge fan of Romero's work, love the guy, and was so looking forward to watching his latest entry in the genre he made famous, but after the first couple of minutes I knew I was in for a major dissapointment, and sadly I wasn't wrong.


    Lousy acting, stupid sript, boring pace, this movie reeked all over. Only redeemable thing: Makeup /FX /Gore. C


    Day Of The Dead (2008) .- Never thought I'd say this but I'm in fact happily surprised with how this one turned out. After watching the trailers I expected the worst but was in return pleasingly entertained by this reimagining of the original, maybe because the previous version was (until Diary) the weakest entry in Romero's Dead saga. It also helped in no small part the fact that I find fast zombies way scarier than the slow, dumb kind (except in Romero´s films, he's the only one that can make them look truly scary).


    This time around a virus spreads in a small town and soon people start suffering from what in the beginning looks like a bad case of the flu. A couple of hours later the infected begin coughing blood and after entering a brief comatose state they wake as rotting, hungry ghouls smarter, quicker and more agile than any you've seen before, making them a walking nightmare for the small inmune surviving group, a ragtag crew of unexperienced soldiers and scared civilians.


    Now don't get me wrong, this is not groundbreaking stuff or anything like that, but it sure is more entertaining that at least 90% of the zombie movies flooding the market. B

  18. Not sure, i would be more intrested if it was just x-men with summers being the lead you know just an update to be like the current comics. But wolverine being the leader and taking the heading is switching me off.


    Tho i'm happy to see another x-men animation and i'm sure i'll end up watching it.


    "Wolverine" and the X-Men? what a shitty title for a cartoon featuring the X-Men. And hell yes! Cyclops should always be the leader!

  19. The BEST (in my humble opinion)...


    The Exorcist

    Night of The living Dead

    Dawn of The Dead

    Dawn Of The Dead (Remake)


    The Entity

    The Thing

    Pet Sematary

    The Beyond


    From Dusk Till Dawn

    The Evil Dead

    28 Days Later

    The Shining


    Dog Soldiers

    The Howling

    The Ring

    The Return of The Living Dead

    Shaun of The Dead

    Bram Stoker's Dracula



    The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Original)


    The Mist

  20. Finished reading Gemmell's Swords of Night and Day, everything in the book is outstanding, from characterization to the bloody battles his prose is fast-paced but beautifuly penned. How I miss the guy, fantasy will never be the same without him. I came to love each of the flawed heroes in this novel and as usual with his books I read the final chapter with watery eyes.

  21. Unearthed (After Dark Horror Fest), so-so movie about a monster on the loose in an indian reservation. Alien rip-off to pass time if you've got nothing better to watch. C


    Tooth and Nail (After Dark Horror Fest), survivors of a post apocalyptic future where gas has run out face the threat of a savage crew of cannibalistic scavengers. This entry of the festival, while nothing new or special is at least fun if too predictable. B-


    The Kingdom, nice movie with great performances, touching moments and action aplenty, my kind of film. Faris Al Ghazir is such a brilliant character, hope to see more of the actor who plays him. A+

  22. Is anyone else watching The Big Bang Theory and finding it funny, or is it just me?


    I'm watching it and find it very funny indeed sir! Didn't know if the producers would succeed in approaching the subject without portraying the characters as utterly pathetic but they've proven me wrong. The characters are not just "geeks", they are brilliant minds who many times (especially Sheldon) see people surrounding them as lesser intellects. Leonard seems to be the only one aware of the predicament that lies in lacking social skills, Wolowitz doesn't realize he makes an ass of himself every time he opens his mind, Koonthrapali is most often than not oblivius as to what happens around him and Sheldon just doesn't care (the fact that he doesn't like people that much helps him cope with his social awkwardness...I think).


    While I don't share many things with them (save for the love of Sci-Fi and superheroes, things I keep to myself except when in this forum with you lovely people) I realy sympathise with these misfits. Great show and as I already mentioned, funny as hell!

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