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Posts posted by who0410

  1. I'm watching a charming shark film on Channel 5 called 'Red Water'. It's not as good as the Peter Benchley where the shark grows legs or something and all the kids are jumping off the cliff straight into the waiting shark's mouth but it's fun.


    I'm a shitty shark film addict! I keep hearing rumours about Jan De Bont's adaptation of 'MEG' but there seems to have been plenty of false starts.


    What's the name of the shark with legs film? I've been trying to get my hands on thet one, sounds great.


  2. Currently Downloading Wild Wild West from the x-box marketplace, i havn't seen it in a long long time and imagine its probably a bit rubbish but i was tooling around watching trailers and it took my fancy. I fucking love its theme song.


    Ugh. Terrible film.


    I'm with Balthazar on this one, what a crappy movie and don't get me started on RESIDENT EVIL EXTINCTION, sloppy dialoge, boring story, awful F/x and gore, all in all a waste of time and money. Big fan of the first one though.

  3. DAYS OF DARKNESS, terrible zombie movie with less than special F/X, retarded plot and awful acting. A waste of time. C-


    THE TRIPPER, better than average slasher flick about a "republican serial killer" (Ronie) hunting hippies in a music festival. Hilarius performances by Jason Mewes and Thomas Jane. B+


    THE GOLDEN COMPASS, don't know how faithful it is to the book and don't care, brilliant fantasy movie, one of the best. Can't wait for the sequels. A+


    BEOWULF, not the best animation I've ever seen but good enough. Although the "twist" on the tale is nothing new (it was done in Graham Baker's 1999 version of the epic tale) and there's not enough character development this is a highly entertaining action packed film and I thoroughly enjoyed it. A-


    Watched again:


    THE LOST BOYS, last time I saw this one was 10 years ago, found it as fresh, funny and cool as I remembered it. A+


    THE FACULTY, my favorite take on the "Puppetmasters" tale. Great performance by all the cast, specially Josh Hartnett. A+




  4. Watched MANHUNTER again, brilliant movie! William Petersen is great as agent Graham and Cox's Hannibal Lecter is far more believable (if less frightening) than Hopkins interpretation of the same character.

    Look at my avatar little harder.


    NICE!...hadn't noticed. Coolest 80's detective...

  5. HEARTBREAK KID: Not much of a fan of Ben Stiller but I laughed my ass off with this one. Best of it's kind since SOMETHING ABOUT MARY. B+


    Watched MANHUNTER again, brilliant movie! William Petersen is great as agent Graham and Cox's Hannibal Lecter is far more believable (if less frightening) than Hopkins interpretation of the same character.


    Gives SILENCE OF THE LAMBS a run for it's money and is superior than Silence's sequel and prequels. Will Graham is a much more interesting and complex character than Sterling, don't know why he's been used so little in books and movies. Anyway, highly recommended. A+

  6. The horror films that scares me the most is The Haunting (the original), Ringu and The Others.


    Gore's fun, but atmospherics are where it's at for me.


    Copletely agree with you, but that kind of movies are hard to find these days, so I have to settle with gore but, and this is a huge BUT, not the one featured in tortureporn flicks (hate those). The only movie that still scares the crap out if me is THE EXORSIST, now that's horror, the rest, in my opinion, is just spooky or gory fun depending on the movie.



    1. Sometimes it felt like you were watching a Power Rangers show.


    2. Others a Terminator 2 ripoff (The whole "Sarah" thing, she's locked in a loony house claiming something unbelievably terrible is going to happen to the world and she's the only one that can stop it, she even gets into a fight with the wardens Ms. Connors style).


    3. When watching a movie with that title you know you can forget about plot, so the least you can expect is awesome F/X, all you get is OK CGI.


    4. The dragons look like the snakes in "Anaconda" with a bad hairdo.


    5. The bad guy looks like a taller evil twin of Bill Murray.


    6. Don't even get me started on how the goog guys look...


    7. The FBI guys are brilliant, true investigation and deduction prodigies, in fact, they don't need a clue to conclude that the monster is rampaging the city because it's searching for a girl named Sarah...WTF!


    8. Dragon vs Dragon fight, the one you've been specting the whole movie? gess what? SUCKS!


    9. The streets in the city look deserted one scene (no more than 4 cars at a time including those parked) and crowded the next, predicting traffic in that city most be the hardest job on earth.


    10. Only thing I liked was the army vs monsters bit, not even in the league of thet terrible made in Hollywood Godzilla crap, but interesting enough (at least for me, I'm a big fan of army vs monsters action).


    In my humble opinion...C-


    RESCUE DAWN, inspiring film about P.O.W.'s during the Vietnam war. A story of survival, optimism, friendship and the triumph of human spirit with brilliant performances by Christian Bale, Steve Zahn and Jeremy Davies. A


    ALIEN VS PREDATOR: REQUIEM, highly entertaining, the predator in this one is the best ever to appear onscreen and the main attraction, a totally badass seasoned hunter who has to take on all the aliens by himself, no fellow predator backup this time. The human characters are poorly developed but contribute to the share of victims needed in this kind of film, look out for Dallas though (homage to Skerrit's character in the original Alien) he's no Hicks or Hudson but cool enough to care about his fate. Now, I'm not saying this is one of Hollywood's greatest achievements in the sci-fi/action genre but as I already said, it's fun enough to give it a try and deserves to be watched on the big screen. B

  8. Posted this on another thread but wanted to share it with you...


    ALTERED, a film written and directed by Eduardo Sánchez from Brair Witch Project fame, have to admit he did a far better job than I xpected with this one. Suspenful, gory, gives a new spin to an old tale. Worth giving it a chance. B


    VACANCY, thought it was gonna be another torture-porn movie but turned out as a really interesting film with protagonists that, for a change, are refreshingly clever and far from defenseless. B+


    WRONG TURN 2: DEAD END, avoid at all cost, worst sequel of the year, nothing to do with the original, felt cheated by Fangoria magazine which gave it raving reviews. D


    FIDO, good premise for a black comedy about domesticated zombies in 50's suburbia that ultimetely fails to deliver. Good for a few laughs (just a few). B-


    Regarding GRINDHOUSE, loved both movies:


    PLANET TERROR while purposedly cheesy is, in my opinion, the best twist on the zombie genre since 28 Days Later. Fun, funny, gory, action packed...A+


    DEATH PROOF, at last a "serial killer" movie with some brain. Sharp dialogue, lovely ladies and the most interesting horror movie villain in a looong time. I'm tired of all the torture-porn flicks out there as well as of the thousands of movies still trying to capitalize on SCREAM, DP is a breath of fresh air to the genre. A


    STARDUST, what can I say, wish there were more like it, a truly beatiful piece of cinema. A+

  9. What's that ridiculous Italian film about the priest and the metalhead trying to track down Satan to prevent the final battle happening?


    Has anyone answered this yet? I think you mean El Día de la bestia by Álex de la Iglesia. Funny stuff. I remember seeing it in the Cinema, it was the opener for the german fantasy film festival 1995.

    Not "Day of the Beast" or some such is it?

    Saw it one drugs (I know how passe), s'why I cant remember it.

    That's the one! I'd imagine the other title Gromolko came up with is "day Of The Beast" in Italian.


    If you liked EL DÍA DE LA BESTIA you might want to check UNA DE ZOMBIS, not horror per se but a very wild and funny flick with it's share of gore.



    I haven't seen Nightbreed since it came out, but it's got David Cronenburg in a scary mask, so it can't be an utter failure.


    It's not a terrible movie but if you're looking for horror, well, Cronenberg in a mask is the only scary thing in Nightbreed.

  10. The Abandoned: This is one painfuly slow, scareless movie. Sucks bigtime, you know how it's gonna end after sitting through the first five minutes. I expected more from Nacho Cerdá. C-


    Invasion: Third take on Invasion of the body snatchers (fifth if you count Puppetmasters, on which the whole body snatchers story is based on and The faculty, a pretty decent and entertaining film with a new approach to the Invasion tale), an unnecesary remake (or reinvention as they like to call it nowdays), absolutely disastrous. C-

  11. Am I cynical for thinking that a single DVD of the original cut, with trailers, will be released outside the USA, after the fanz have all bought the separate versions? :)


    Not at all, you're being realistic. :smile:



    The producers (Weinstein brothers) thought that the "grindhouse experience" could only be enjoyed by U.S. viewers since it's part of their pop-culture and that the rest of the world wouldn't get it


    I think that's a PR-approved way of saying that it bombed in the US because of the length of the flick and there's no way they were going to repeat that again.


    Every interview I've seen with Tarantino has him saying pretty much that.


    Yep, that would be a good explanation.



    Heh, I loved Grindhouse so much that I made sure to watch it twice on the big screen and I wanted to see it a third time, but ah well. :D


    Lucky you! and I mean it, what I would have given to watch it that way...

  12. Yes Jason, GRINDHOUSE's theatrical version consists of one movie, but as a homage to the places after which the movie is titled, it's a double bill, two back to back movies with faux trailers included. The first one is Robert Rodriguez's PLANET TERROR, the other one is Tarantino's DEATHPROOF.


    The producers (Weinstein brothers) thought that the "grindhouse experience" could only be enjoyed by U.S. viewers since it's part of their pop-culture and that the rest of the world wouldn't get it, so they planned to release it as two separate movies outside the country (don't know how they would explain vievers why the films look so bad and are missing reels, that's a harder task). Funny thing is that when I was a kid all theaters in Ecuador played double bills so I'm used to sitting through 3+ hours of film. Anyhow the movie did miserably at the box office so it was decided to release and extended version of each film on separate DVD's outside U.S. Now why not just one DVD of the original cut, trailers included? Well, that's another story...

  13. GRINDHOUSE never made it to theaters here in Ecuador, so I had to wait for the DVD's to come out, but since I wasn't able to live the Grindhouse experience in all it's big screen glory, knew the DVD's cut was different, didn't include the Faux Trailers and given the fact that I couldn't wait any longer, I got myself a "bootleg" or "Pirate" version, filmed in a U.S. theatre. The bad thing about it: supporting piracy and terrible image. The good thing: Got to watch Planet terror's original cut (when I got to Deathproof all I could see was a big blur so a few minutes into it I turned it off), the trailers and most important, viewer's reaction to both movies: they laught, applauded, talked back at the screen, it was awesome!


    Now that the DVD versions are out, the first one I bought is DEATHPROOF, Tarantino's homage to slasher and road movies. Thin plotted but full of clever dialogue and intense action, this is one hell of a film. Hot girls, cool villain, fast cars. I think that says it all. You get what you were promised, a true really big B grindhouse movie. I'll buy Planet Terror's DVD as soon as it gets here.


    HALLOWEEN was, next to Gringhouse, the other movie I had been anxiously waiting for. Watched it last night and I still don't know what to say if asked for an impartial (big fan of Zombie as a filmmamer here) opinion about it.


    It's not a bad film, not bad at all but there was something missing. It's inprinted with Zombie's atmospheric, creepy visuals but still something doesn't feel right. Maybe it just feels weird because of the simple fact that it's a remake of an all time classic, although "remake" is not the best way to describe it, neither is "reinvention" the apropiate term, a "cover" is what Zombie delivered. The first half, dealing with Michael Myers childhood is the downside of the movie. I allways wondered what was hiding behind that mask, behind those eyes, "pure evil" is what Loomis said was there, but now that I know what's under the mask, well, I'm not so sure, I'll leave it to you to find out...


    Anyway, enough with the wonderings and confusion, off with the bad and into the good, I won't spoil it for you, just let me say that Malcolm McDowel's Loomis alone is worth the movie, he did in fact reinvent that character. The second half feels more like it, with new twisted takes on scenes from Carpenter's film. One thing to keep in mind as you enter the theatre: forget about the world as you know it, Zombie inmerses you in HIS world, a trailerpark world, filled with anger and pain, one in which you'd not like to live but sure like to visit.


    Rob Zombie is a great horror director, he left his mark in this one but I think his best work is yet to come.

  14. Agree with you on "Host" sethos, great movie, the only thing I didn't like was the split narrative in the middle. Character interaction is what sets this movie apart that's why the "follow one character at a time for several minutes" thing they tried to pull didn't do it for me. Other than that a must-see not just for horror fans. A


    Watched "Chariots Of Fire" again. Definitively one of the most inteligent, touching, realistic sport-drama films in history and without a doubt the most elegant movie of it's kind ever made. A+


    "Spiderman 3". When's Peter Parker's character going to evolve? it's one thing, if you're a superhero, to keep a low profile in order to conceal your secret identity, but Spiderman and Peter come through as two completely different individuals, in my case at least I can't connect Parker with his alter ego, there must remain something from him when he dons the costume so that you can care por the HUMAN aspect of the character as well as his SUPERHUMAN persona. And the whole "Bad Peter Parker" deal? Plain awful. C


    "Vacancy" was a breath of fresh air amidst all the torture-porn horror films flooding the market. Actual suspense, claustrophobic atmosphere, intelligent protagonists and vulnerable villains make this movie stand apart. A

  15. Never had given The Authority a chance, but I came across "Magnificent Kevin" and have to say that's one of the greatest things I've read in years. Kevin, as written by Ennis, is a politicaly incorrect unlucky bastard with a personality far more complex than he let's show. Love that character, gonna buy the other trades in which he's featured.

  16. Disturbia: Brilliant! Of course it borrows from Hitchcock, but the movie shows that extreme gore or pale women (asian mostly) with long black hair aren't nessesary to deliver a good scary movie. Exceptional thriller.


    Wrong Turn 2: Dead End: Awful movie, I liked the first one and although I'm a huge fan of B-Movies, sitting through this one was painful. Part 2 sucks big time! No imagination, less than poor acting, stupid recycled plot. The only thing likeable about the film is the 5 minute introduction.


    Ocean's 13: Been a fan of the franchise since the first one, although 13 lacks some elements from the previous films, it's a fun movie with great performances from all the members of the cast. Just sit back and enjoy how Danny's gang make Pacino's villain miserable.


    Bourne Ultimatum: Outstanding! Great plot mixed with terrific action sequences. Wouldn't mind another sequel.


    Sunshine: I was taken away! Loved this movie, a mix of all the good things in Sci-fi cinema (Alien, 2001:Space..., and even a bit of Event Horizon among others). Flawless acting, great story, and although I've heard complains about the 3th act, I don't mind having supernatural elements in my space operas.

  17. Just finished World War Z: An oral history of the zombie wars by Max Brooks. I highly recommend it, as for what's it about, well I think the title says it all.



    Oh Yes.


    I read that when it came out and loved it. I hear they're making a movie, but I don't see how that would work. I have it on CD, and what I listened to was cool...different actors playing the parts (Alan Alda!!!!) and all.


    I heard about the movie too and that Brad Pitt's Producing company was involved. I agree with you, as a movie it wouldn't work but perhaps as a mini-series... I'll try to get the CD, sounds interesting.

  18. Tom Baker is the most beloved and popular Dr. Who, I agree with you, he's the best! :D



    I love Hartnell, myself. What do you think, hmmm?


    Too soon for me to say, as I mentioned I'm rediscovering "The Doctor". Episodes from the Baker era are the only ones broadcasted years ago in Ecuador, back when I was a child, and now I've gotten the chance to watch the new series.


    I liked the way Eccleston played the Doctor but think that Tennant is doing a far better job and though his interpretation of the character is what got me hooked on the series I think Baker has yet to be bested.


    I'm not even remotly what you could call a Dr. Who expert, my commentary on Baker is based on what I remeber, what I'm watching now and what I've read. After I buy and watch all the episodes of the fourth Doctor available (that will take a while) I was thinking of following them with the one's from Pertwee's years but I think I'll give Hartnell a try before that, after all, he was the first Doctor. :smile:

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