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Ixnay by Night

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Posts posted by Ixnay by Night

  1. Read Descender, not really my thing, though Nguyen's art was swell.


    What with him being the new Hellblazer artist I tried out the first few issues of Riley Rossmo's Image series Drumhellar. I can see why they gave him the Constantine gig, Drumhellar is essentially Psychedelic Hellblazer.

  2. Sinister really was the boy in the orphanage, according to Claremont's original plots, sort of an "eternal child". Sinister was a form he took, as was Gambit, which is why both characters were so cheesy and kewl when they were introduced. They were projections from a disturbed child's mind.

  3. I quite liked Ellis on Moon Knight, quick done in one stories that are all about the visuals and his "big idea" of the month. Brian Wood's follow-up arc has been good too.

  4. Wasn't sure exactly which forum to post this, so if it needs to be moved by all means do so. I'm a writer and one of the things I've written a lot of over the years is comic fanfiction. Back in 2008 I started a Hellblazer fanfic series that stalled out after a few issues when the site that was hosting it closed down. I dusted it off back last year and started working on it again, and the early chapters were re-posted on another fanfic site. I freely admit some nervousness posting the link to it here, because I can see I was trying way too hard in the early days to get the voice and tone right. I'm not solid with some of the plot and characterization choices I made then either - John's a bit too much the horndog and I spent way too much time dredging up past Hellblazer characters and continuity - but the stuff I'm writing now I'm much more confident about.


    So, yeah, anyway. Read it if you want, I welcome all comments (be they critical or complimentary, I have thick skin), and though only the first three chapters are up on the website I've written up through the seventh. So if you like and ask nicely, I'll post those too.



  5. No lie, I thought Keanu did a fine job with what he had to work with, specifically the apathy that I'd expect from "Dangerous Habits" era John. Unfashionable or not, I really dig the Constantine movie as its own entity, it's just really bad when viewed as a Hellblazer adaptation. If they'd changed his name to Don Johnstanteen, with his helpers Chet and Grandpappy Twilight, I don't think it would be hated nearly as much.


    ::/unpopular opinion mode::

    • Upvote 1
  6. I found this quote from Trank very telling.


    "As for Johnny's sister Sue (Kate Mara), she'll be more than just a pretty face. "There have always been two categories of Sue - the slutty secretary version, and this brilliant scientist version. This is a really, really smart Sue, and one that is dignified and has integrity."


    I haven't read FF in a long time, but I'm not sure slutty secretary is a Sue Storm trope i recognize.


    Not to mention damning. Susan Storm-Richards was not conceived as "the slutty secretary" in 1961 and she damn well never be.


    But there WAS that time back in the early 1990s when she wore the costume that had the "4" cleavage window. Precedent, precedent!

  7. That sounds promising. And if it's what Matt had in mind from the start, it would also kind of explain why Sex Criminals reads more like an idea than a story. :wink2:


    That's different from everything else by Fraction how? I don't think I've read a single comic of his that I've liked, it all just meanders along without a point.

  8. May the 4th. Star Wars day!


    That is a relief to hear. I would not even want to think of having to get rid of Guzzy or Shmoo. They've been with me for like 11 years.


    Is this your first kid, Lou? I've got two step-children with my wife, but I'll be having my very own loin-spawn come due in May as well (the 17th!). The whole baby thing has given me The Fear a bit, I'm quite certain I will break him.

    • Upvote 1
  9. There is little change in sales at comic shops over the past 10 yrs although the number of shops has fallen.


    I am rather unsurprised that Shoot did so badly given the hype. The key story was available AND people knew the complete run was being republished.


    I sort of understood why the Shoot trade was released, get those later unpublished issues out there ahead of the chronological reprintings so you can gouge the readers twice over, but it still bugs me that they left out the Mike Carey/John Paul Leon issue that fell between Mina and Diggle. Once the Jenkins run is finished being collected there will be that one fucking issue left out. Irritates the hell out of my OCD.

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  10. But Wolf Moon does bring something new to the werewolf,


    the transmission of the lycanthropy by some method other than just being bitten. And the hero's lack of knowing where this will turn up next.

    There is a degree of mystery there.



    It makes sense that it's set in a standard werewolf story to begin with, because that requires little explanation.

    The art is properly nasty and the underlying conspiracy is hinted at.


    I'm quite liking Wolf Moon, it's certainly the only Vertigo book in recent memory that's interested me enough to keep me reading past the first issue. I'm a sucker for a good werewolf story and the series has provided enough of a twist on the trope for me to remain invested. That said, I've not picked up issue # 3 yet, so maybe it all falls apart there, lol.

  11. While not my favorite episode of the season, it was pretty great nonetheless. My wife seems to have taken a liking to Chas, when he got out of the cab with the screwdriver in his leg she exclaimed "this is such a good show!". My 6-year-old stepdaughter, on the other hand, checked out during the chest opening, deciding she would much rather watch Frozen for the 1,000th time upstairs.


    I will be so very, very sad if next week's episode is indeed the end.

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