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Ixnay by Night

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Posts posted by Ixnay by Night

  1. No worries, "respect" is just something given when one doesn't want to get their faces smashed in. Snark is our friend, in all its wonderful forms.


    Seriously, though, you didn't disrespect me in the slightest. I couldn't have had a more common name if it was "John Smith", so it was a legitimate question to ask, lol.


    This is belated, but: whereabouts in Kentucky are you from?


    I live about 20 minutes north of Lexington, one of the state's larger cities (about an hour east of Louisville), in Georgetown. The town's only claim to fame is the large Toyota Manufacturing plant. It's nice and small and dull, lol.

  2. No worries, "respect" is just something given when one doesn't want to get their faces smashed in. Snark is our friend, in all its wonderful forms.


    Seriously, though, you didn't disrespect me in the slightest. I couldn't have had a more common name if it was "John Smith", so it was a legitimate question to ask, lol.

  3. I just now saw this news, and it has indeed saddened me greatly. I'm an artist myself, Tim, and without a doubt your work has inspired my own with each new piece I see from you. Your work on Hellblazer has produced a number of my all-time fave covers, and as John said earlier in the thread: when I think of Constantine, I see your version in my mind's eye.


    Thank you for 7 years of incredible covers.

  4. I enjoyed it quite a bit as well, and the full-page shot of Demon Constantine was the icing on the cake. Though I'm hoping that this arc doesn't take the "everything but the kitchen sink" approach in bringing back old cast members (Nergal, Demon Constantine, etc...), I have to admit that an appearance by Ellie would be nice, if not one by the First himself.

  5. I made my vote for Phillips, but I think once he gets a sizable run under his belt, Leo Manco will be a front-runner for best artist. I've loved his work since HELLSTORM, and his WEREWOLF BY NIGHT was excellent.


    And just to prove my love for the man's work, I give you one of the best Ghost Rider interpretations of all time.



  6. Just to toss this out to anyone who's interested:


    Comic Book Binding


    Mr. Banks has been binding comics into hardcover collections, usually charging about 60 bucks a book. I've recently had one book done up and it looks absolutely spectacular. Though my next book is a collection of the entire HELLSTORM: PRINCE OF LIES series by Marvel, I plan on getting the Jenkins HELLBLAZER run done up as two nice hardbacks. It's a great way to bookshelf a run of issues that, judging by DC's ignoring of Paul Jenkins and Jamie Delano, will probably never see the light of day in trade paperback form.

  7. Hey gang, name's Chris Munn...used to post here back a few years ago as Vengeance Unbound, but I kinda just fell away from the community. Still reading Hellblazer religously, as I've been doing since my first encounter with Constantine in "Damnation's Flame". Been reading over some of the recent posts, and it's good to see the board's pretty much the same as I remember: hilarious and insightful at the same time.

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