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Posts posted by hagren

  1. If you do not enjoy Aliens I shall hunt you down and cut you with knives. It's one of the best sci-fi action films ever made.

    Easy there pal, everyone has their opinion yerknow? :P


    Just finished watching Terminator 3, next up is Aliens, even though I may put my life on the line doing so.


    It was an archtypical example of a mixed bag.


    There were parts I anticipated to be great that stunk and vice versa, but the ending left me without any strong impression nonetheless. There's stuff that should have been done (better) and else which should have been identified as weak long before the film got shot- One of these was the Terminatrix itself, which only managed to be menacing in a measly single scene (Post-cemetery)- Couldn't they figure out that a blank-staring, well-dressed female cyborg with interchangably dynamic or slow moves is going to attract viewers rather then creating a haunting atmosphere as it is intended? And why did they put effort to re-hire the CGI and effect teams whilst contracting a random guy in Fidel's stance, removing the very essence of Terminator, thus featuring terribly mediocre music? Why have a battle of two Terminators and then destroy it with obvious and poor CGI? And what's with all the tedious "coincidences" (Connor stealing medicine exactly from Kate's workplace right when the TX arrives, Kate's father being Skynet's creator, trauma counseling from no other than Dr. Silberman)? Why omit music from the spectacular crane scene? Why lay the whole story in front of us in the first ten minutes? Why add a subplot (Terminating John's lieutenants) then leaving it unexplored? I could go on.


    The performances themselves were decent enough, except when Stahl had to act angrily or Daines in deep sorrow. Arnie on the other hand didn't seem to be pleased to be even cast in a number of shots, and never lived up to his artistic heights of the first two.

    Surprisingly, it was the humour everybody critisized that saved the movie for me, aside from the gloomy ending (Shades of Fallout)- even if a cyborg adapting to indirect messages ("Talk to the hand") was a little deicy.


    In the end, it's an awfully forgettable flick. Tragically, because the main storyline should have made for a great film. Loved the nightmare and crane scenes, for what it's worth. Did anyone catch the woefully lore-contradicting, yet midly entertaining deleted scene?

  2. On an unrelated note, is it recommendable to watch Aliens for someone who liked the AVP games? Is it really more action-oriented than the first?


    Aliens should be watched by everyone. and since the Alien versus Predator games usually feature Colonial Marines as well, it'll probably work. That said, if after watching you make comments about it not having enough suspense, I'm nuking you from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

    It's not suspense I'm after in Aliens, more like Marines vs. Xenomorph action ;)


    Btw, is your last sentence supposed to be a famous movie quote? Because there seems something missing :P

  3. Finished watching The Fly.


    It was a lot cheesier than I remembered and not as well paced and edited as I thought it to be-

    The story and dialogue was, too, not as stellar as I recalled, but it's still a partially funny, partially tragic, but definitely sickeningly disgusting sci-fi-horror-romance-flick. Makes you feel sorry for Brundle and everyone involved, shortcomings aside. Goes without saying that the effects were marvelously nauseating and Goldblum loveable as wacky scientist.

    Oddly enough, I somehow felt certain scenes missing and others never-before seen...


    On an unrelated note, is it recommendable to watch Aliens for someone who liked the AVP games? Is it really more action-oriented than the first?

  4. Too much exposition, not enough Predator :D At least in those first 40 minutes. I wasn't interested in conflicts between executive departments, respectively ongoing mob wars, only the Predator ripping people to shreds. In that respect, the first film was executed superiorly. Plus, the stereotypically cocky police irritated me.

  5. Predator 2 wasn't better than the first movie, I couldn't even continue watching it halfway through.

    Even Demolition Man was a more entertaining movie, overly silly as it was.


    Btw, did anyone catch the Last house on the left trailer? Interesting twist to the "Innocent trapped by killers" sheme, in my opinion.

  6. I would like to point out that I never compared computer games to films.


    I merely pointed out that the mentality of "viewer control" has damaged the attention span

    and I would add to that damage the readiness to accept a story as it is told without supefluous explanation.

    This is not a sweeping generalisation about all films and all computer games,

    merely a trend I have noticed from the way some people on the internet discuss films.


    Films that were groundbreaking are seen as repeating lesser films that came afterwards.

    Films that are "spoiled" by knowledge of them being all over the place are seen as diminished.

    And yes, some computer games are well "scripted",

    but they still engender a level of control that is best analogised by the difference between:


    Reading a novel, and

    Reading one of those books when you are asked to decide where the character goes next.

    I'd like to clarify that my disappointment has nothing to do with my attention span. Since whilst I don't like to be-, I am not easily bored.

    I simply didn't like what I've seen, that's why I suggested that I would have got more out of the film if there would have been a richer background, not that it was too simplistic for my tastes- Terminator is simplistic too, but it still lets me feel empathy for the victims.


    I also like to add that for me, everything is second to gameplay when it comes to games, so I can't really comprehend your point.


    Edit: With your thoughts passing through my head during the idle times of work, I have to say that I noticed the exact opposite-

    Gaming today is foremost about multiplay, competition, gameplay, balance, alleged social interaction, where the motivation behind your character and the plot of the world you are roaming in is only an afterthought. They also require the player to perform certain actions repeatedly, not to mention devoting time to practice for maintaining the level of skill and be able to answer the opposition adequately, with story mostly being nonsense no one cares about- as opposed to the very few SPs, who require thought and elaborate details behind their titles.


    Shortly, I noticed the reverse through my ventures in several gaming communities and the individuals I know as gamers.

  7. And I just like backstory- gives depth and perhaps even comprehension.

    But in thriller/suspense movies, the lack of backstory is often part of the suspense. Take "Alien", for instance. The fact that we never learn anything about the origin or background of the alien adds to the mystery and terror. The unknown is more scary than the known.

    That's very true, but for someone who already knew the Predator, there wasn't anything remotely suspenseful. In the first Alien movie, at least you know how they're born.

    Isn't it a bit unfair to judge a film on the basis of some of the suspense being spoilt by you knowing all about it from before? I mean, when Predator was made and released, NOONE knew what a "predator" was. I remember I was freaked the hell out the first time I saw it, since I knew nothing about it. It really isn't the film, or the filmmakers' fault that the success of the franchise has made everything about it "commonplace"...

    If you read my earlier posts, I already stated that it's partially due to my knowledge about the character ;) However, I still think that Terminator is a far more suspenseful film.

  8. Very few, but there are, in their respective genres. Fallout 1/2, for example, are great post-nuclear thrillers. Mafia is also a quite good crime flick. Monkey Island is a riot. And Max Payne 2 is great pulp, just to name a few. I'd also nominate Vampire: The Masquerade, but that's based on a book :D


    I wanted to add "almost" in the sentence btw. I think movies may punch harder for the very reason that you're only a viewer, as odd as this may sound- Since you're bound to watch but cannot alter anyone's fate.

  9. Don't worry, that was only a thought for my own satisfaction with the flick, ie. insignificant. That having said, I can't wholehartedly agree with that sentence. Who is to say what's necessary and what isn't? Since I don't know about you, but if I like something, I want to know more about it. An intriguing backstory could add to the immersion and mysthicism factor.


    And please do tell me, what's wrong with games and which did you personally try out? Because, even if few, there are games almost reaching the heights of great cinema- But most of all, you have to explain to me why gaming isn't proper entertainment, because I fail to comprehend that notion completely. Or would you argue that board-, role- or cardgames aren't a valid form of enjoyment?

  10. And I just like backstory- gives depth and perhaps even comprehension.

    But in thriller/suspense movies, the lack of backstory is often part of the suspense. Take "Alien", for instance. The fact that we never learn anything about the origin or background of the alien adds to the mystery and terror. The unknown is more scary than the known.

    That's very true, but for someone who already knew the Predator, there wasn't anything remotely suspenseful. In the first Alien movie, at least you know how they're born.


    A. Heathen: Since considering that I was not thrilled, at least I should have been informed about them to gain some entertainment value.

    If I may ask you something, on a somewhat unrelated note, please don't judge, respectively misinterpret gamers or the game itself if you haven't played it. The suspense factor of it eats the film for breakfast, that's for sure. We except high quality as much as any movie critic and there are enough brilliant games meeting that requirement. If you only made a joke, please pull the stick out of my arse and gently slap me with it. Thank you.

  11. Dude, what is it with you and film music? I think it's as important as the next guy but really...?


    Predator 2 is more action than suspense. They do shed a little more light on the race's backstory but I don't quite see why that was necessary given that one of the best things about the original was the absence of said backstory. As for the acting...come on, really...? It's perfectly adequate given the campy, slick B movie nature of the film. I definitely liked it a lot more than Mark did - it's very entertaining trash, IMO - but it's nowhere near as good as the first. But since you didn't like the first, there is a chance you'd like the second. More varied settings and music.

    After having watched Robocop 1 and 2 I deem music even more important as ever before ;) It's one of the tools that a director or composer is able to use to either save or condemn a movie quite simply and effectively.


    I just asked for information to set my expectations btw, I'm not requiring serious acting in an action flick :D After all, I do enjoy camp as everyone else does (The CnC series and, most recently, Planet Terror spring to my mind).


    And I just like backstory- gives depth and perhaps even comprehension.


    I vaguely recall seeing some scenes with hung, mutilated people in a yellow-tiled forest cabin and demonic symbols (Bloody pentagram)...that's the one, right?

  12. Hmmn. I think that's the trouble with watching classics long after they've been imitated to death. I ain't sticking up for Predator as one of the greatest pieces of cinema of all time or anything but I think a lot of your complaints feel like you've watched 'Scream' first and then gone onto accuse 'Hallowe'en' of being cliche'd! :smile:






    Predator 2 is a better film.

    Really? Should I give it a try even if the first instalment gets a "Myeh" from me?


    Venkman: Possible. But even Siskel deemed it boring back when it was released.

  13. That's not what I meant. There IS music, but it's akin to a score you might hear in some light-hearted adventure film (HP), for the most part, in my opinion. There were parts which sounded wilder, which were actually alright. As for the commando team, they were rather clichéd to my mind.


    But as said, I likely just expected something different, hence my disappointment.

  14. :ohmy:


    you... you're crazy. Predator is one of the most awesome flicks ever made. It's worth it simply for the shot of the guy's head being blown off from above, with his brains splattering the camera. I really loved this flick, one of those fantastic 80s action flicks (and McTiernan followed this with Die Hard. that's a pretty damn good pair of awesome movies).




    A film doesn't have to have characterization and plot if its goal is to be a single-minded suspense machine!

    But the music didn't make it very thrilling, imho. I guess that I already knew the Predator from AVP2 (game) may have played a role in that, too.


    Or maybe not, because the Terminator is still as haunting as the first time.

  15. I knew that my opinion of Predator would be controversial :P


    It might have to do with the jungle setting. I'm not much into that, I'm afraid :D

    IDK, perhaps I expected something else after the AVP games. And I'm not a fan of flicks happening at a pretty much singular location. Since then there isn't much to see, especially when there are few characters and almost no plot at all. Furthermore, if I want gore, I just pop in Braindead or something similar.

    But hey, the Predator as creation intself is great.


    Die Hard I like, so I'm not a hopeless case ;)

  16. Predator


    Pretty disappointed with this one, frankly. It didn't work on any level I expected it to, be it as action or horror movie, it didn't fair very well, with the exception of Winston's spectacular creature design, of course. The soundtrack was atrociously ludicrous, gore shots spare and few in-between, the scenery repetitive and, except Arnie, none of the characters even remotely likeable. And aside the waterfall shot, there wasn't anything aesthetically done when it comes to cinematography either. It also didn't feature the Predator as often as I'd expected, but at least here they've done the hunting justice, in contrast to AvP2 (film). Speaking about AvP2 (game) I was surprised how little backstory there actually was, given what a phenomenon the character became. Which laughed, btw. Like a stereotype human villain. I seriously facepalm'd when it did...


    Total Recall


    While the main plot, humour and gore is certainly there, I wasn't all to impressed with this one either. Not a bad film, mind, but given the location of the main portion of the film, it was a bit dull visually and could have used some tightening-up. At places I couldn't stomach the moderately high sci-fi level either. The clever use of the story, some truly despicable villains and a stunningly beautiful Sharon Stone saved the film however. As said, not particularly disheartening, but I expected a bit more.


    Robocop 3


    A redundant movie with characters and/or actors not coming anywhere close to Verhoeven's marvelous original. Which is a shame, considering that they could have done something with the whole relocation angle. But punks? Japanese androids?! Count me out!


    Terminator 1


    It boggles the mind how effectively this, at its core, overly simplistic movie works. The Terminator isn't one of the greatest villain of all time for no reason. It is kind of a pity though how Robocop 1 was somehow ignored and is, even today, in its shadow.


    Terminator 2


    Do I have to even say anything about this film? Some editing issues and unnecessary references to the first film aside, it's THE sci-fi action-flick of the last millennium. Shotguns, police cars, mini-guns, grenades, evil cyborgs, nuclear devastation, stabbing, blood, explosions, motor cycles, molten steel, you name it. But while it entertains on a hollywood level, it also bears a message that is rather effectively conveyed with the utilisation of a memorable score and truly shocking dream sequences. A message that the Israeli military might listen more closely to...

  17. "Smile and the world smiles with you. Weep and you weep alone".


    A true classic!


    Edit: Finished Matrix Revolutions. Jesus H. Christ, this movie is worse than I recalled it. It's so godawful, actually, that I don't want to waste my precious time reviewing this POS.

  18. Yep, Sleepy Hollow is awsome.


    Bought the Robocop Trilogy today btw, it's uncensored, "steelbooked" and it only cost me 10 Euros!

    I also purchased Total Recall, I'm very curious how well this one holds up.

    Starship Troopers was nowhere to be found though...

  19. Finished Matrix Reloaded.


    I can't really call it a bad film per se, since it's quite solid on the action and visuals front, but it's very different from the first and suffers from laughably redundant, cheesy dialogue that is digested way too often. It just isn't anywhere near as witty as it wants to be, respectively as the first instalment was. As I mentioned above however, taken as aesthetic action, one could do a lot worse.


    Bottom line: Entertaining, and somewhat atmospheric actionflick that won't get any awards.


    There's one thing I didn't quite get though: What do the machines need Zion for? I know that they need some rebels to keep the humans at bay, but couldn't they make their choices without external inspiration?

    For that matter, why did Cain kill his girlfriend for in RC2?

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