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Posts posted by GenGris

  1. Jays!


    Josh - unfortunately, there will always be something like that.

    and the more hidden things there are in your life, the greater the odds



    but there will always be hidden things in one's life.

    so yes, there will be mistakes.


    it could be happening more with you because you arent rested enough?


    i dont know, but nobody said life was fair.

    sad, but unfortunately true.


    Christian - which is why, there's ASS-U-ME

    Everyone knows what ASS-U-ME mean?


    Good thing to remember.

    Just because someone seems to be acting a certain way

    It doesnt follow that it means what we want it to mean sometimes


    Also sad, but true


    That's why there's

    "Do as we say, and not as we do"


    and even then, there will be mistakes galore.

  2. I've been meaning to ask charlie this but other believers can answer too.


    Do you fear for the fate of the eternal souls of us unbelievers here?


    No. I think I've said something about this in that thread of Charlie's before.

    Red was asking the 'hard" questions then...


    I dont know what that fate is, but I dont fear for you.

    Something about a just God, or a God who gave freedom and love.


    But I have no wish to debate on anything.

  3. I'm reading a bunch of books given by my friend.


    I read them once, twice, and three times now

    just to prove she's a lady...

    I forgot the author's name.... already.

    about Griffin and Sabine. I have volumes 1-3 now.

    She promised to hunt 4-6 for her next year's gift.


    She's a great friend.

    And I am NOW involved in a documentary

    i have no wish to be involved in

    because she asked me. *sigh*

    she pretty much knows me.

  4. My weekend is here in about six hours.

    I am very exhausted, as I've had very little sleep this week

    Something we share, Josh. Lack of sleep.


    The only time I had more than a bit was Tuesday,

    when I opted to stay home from work for my morning hours...


    But finally, Friday's here.... Happy weekend to everyone.


    I am also glad that I made three people happy today.

    Well, actually more, but I havent heard from the others yet.


    One was ecstatic that I wrote in response

    to something specifically requested

    (it was a fluke, I was suddenly inspired,

    and I never argue with inspirations)


    One was especially happy at a certain choice of words I used


    and One was happy to hear that the item I helped write

    has been approved. The draft is equivalent to certain sum of money...

    for a large number of people who need it, and I got grief for it.


    All about words. But as someone once told me

    I work with images, you work with words


    Today it was true. So I'm really tired, but glad.

    And when one is able to make one person glad,

    it always lessens the pain somehow....

    sometimes it almost makes pain bearable.






    On a separate note,

    I'm sorry you lost your job Christian.

  5. Oh Josh.


    all i can think of when you posted "i need to go to bed"


    and perchance to sleep


    ah sleep.

    That elusive wonderful part of being that is not being


    see? anyone can tell i clearly need some.

    still, i've done my Christmas inventory

    (i shop all year round)


    i just need to shop for the rest of the men in my life

    all done for the women in it....

    unless i see a few more things i like for them...

  6. I hope you are able to get Jas to post in your writing workshop


    ... i already have a writing piece that I have to do.

    it's in my head, but totally inappropriate for your thread

    but a promise is a promise... which is why promises can get difficult

    and should be avoided like a plague. **laughs**

  7. hand-to-forehead

    vernacularly called mano po




    done this way.

    using the right hand, one pick up the elder's right hand

    and brings it to one's forehead ....


    we mostly do it after mass and holidays

    the rest of the time, they're just regular kisses


    also done for priests

    however... a regular kiss for my friends who are priests

    (done mostly Italian style, i have no idea why)

    except for Fr. C who is particular and wants it the old-fashioned way


    for the high-ranked clergy, almost the same thing

    except one kisses the ring.....

  8. always good to see evidence, Tony.

    whenever you post 'em




    today would be a good day for some brandy at work

    i got terribly terribly wet

    from a less-than- 5 minute exposure to all that rain

    and this is the yucky part about wearing wet clothes...

    and you're in a building that just adores its a/c


    unfortunately, there's none at work.

    i'm stuck with coffee, brewed but it's a tad weak

  9. very interesting.


    particularly without reason


    one day, i hope you will walk on the wild side, goblin

    and not just Ink but also Color.


    thank you for the encouragement

    but i am not ready for that kind of commitment to my writing

    my last commitment (grad school) almost finished me...

    so i'm keeping my quota of commitments to something

    i can, in fact, handle - with the same energy and passion

    besides, i might not be able to say no

    to being dragged to language class

  10. arent Italians into this as well?


    I dont know about your community Charlie

    but when I was in California, that's how everyone

    was greeting me....



    over here.. we greet relatives that way

    older relatives we do the hand-to-forehead thing

    we greet non-relatives that way only so special events ...

  11. Jon -

    I keep forgetting you call goblin G


    i mean there's no way it could have been me

    but it still shocks me into reacting

    some people actually call me so I both see and hear it often

    and it usually refers to me.

    one of these days I am going to make a mistake, forget, and answer


    goblin -

    it is taking forever for that tinpic pic to appear .....

    hmmmm.... my slow connection, you think?

    oh well.

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