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Posts posted by GenGris

  1. I meant those of "us" who like Conan mucho.

    Really? in 3 neat little volumes?!


    I had to read a lot of books...as in a lot.

    How would they fit in 3 neat little volumes?


    It would be like the Complete Sherlock Holmes.

    I mean THAT thick.

    Did it have teeny weeny print?


    But alas, they arent mine.

    they belong to a brilliant lawyer

    who took post grad lawyering degrees in GERMAN!

    He's Filipino, btw.

  2. goblin -

    Thank you very much.

    And special thanks for making him look younger

    * claps delightedly

    There was no need to Keanuize him,

    I do like the many faces of John, sans wrinkles

    but thank you for the warm thoughts, and your efforts.

  3. Still, you'll be in the same country goblin.

    same rights, same privileges - all those things

    that people sometimes take for granted...

    - not that you do.


    this is an HB site, anything John Con.

    but if you do, do you mind having a younger John?


    I always see him full of wrinkles and I think

    John's young still, dont make him look old and wasted!

    Dad didnt have any til he was ... 70 maybe?

    or it that just fond memories and not reality talking?

  4. I've still got scans of one of Jamie's Doctor Who Magazine stories around, if anyone's interested. That thingy with the boy magician from 2000AD is here somewhere too — lovely art by John Ridgeway.


    you shouldnt say things like that.

    anyway. i'm already indebted to you so ...

    if i think of anything to trade with, i'll let you know.


    besides, it does almost take forever, doesnt it? :laugh:

  5. I thought it was the horror bug-eyed look

    followed by an abrupt squint

    because you dont want to miss to miss the next scene

    but you do.........


    Christian doesnt e-stomp people.

    He's a psych guy

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