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Posts posted by Shawn

  1. Trial and error is how all cooking is done. Others had to do it to get their "tride and true recipe." Play! Experiment! Try new things! In the kitchen, that is. :icon_wink:

    • Upvote 1
  2. I read Birthright. Unfortunately, I know nothing of the creators Joshua Williamson & Andrei Bressan. My apologies.

    This was a neat surprise. A young boy goes missing, it tears the family apart, the father is blamed, BUT then the son comes back a year or so later. He's an full adult now, looking like a Conan reject, and he's been to this mystical fantasy realm where he was the chosen hero. Sound a bit familiar? There's a Flight of the Navigator/Labrynth/Chronicals of Narnia vibe. And that is perfectly fine, as it's done well.

    How does the family deal with this? Is this truly the lost son? There's a neat twist right at the end that threw me enough to bring me back. I am very curious to see where this can go. It's definitely worth checking out the first issue just to see if that hook can grab you.

  3. One cannot go wrong with any tomato based pasta sauce that include the Holy Trinity: onions, bell peppers, and garlic. Of course, spices are another matter, alltogether. I like me some basil (preferabbly fresh) and oregano. I tried red wine in a sauce once....don't remember how it turned out. Which should tell you something.

    That Trinity is so good for soo many dishes. I have had to learn, being married to a vegetarian.




    Also, GREEN peppers, WHITE onions & RED tomatoes. Viva l'Italia

  4. I'm with you on the positives. It's all enough to keep my inner fanboy happy. I hope this series continues to take shape, setting the pieces, etc so we can get to the nitty gritty.

    Zed! I like her in various wonderful ways. I also fear for her safety, as we all know John's women don't always fair well.


    As for the Romany thing. I don't think it was racist or inapporiate. Rather, it made sense. A person with Romany heritage in a Virginian coal town would stick out a bit. Kind of like an Englishman in a trenchcoat. Add to that the protector spirits attacked her husband, when they are supposed to helping the miners (although he's a not so nice husband as we see). Certainly this and her demeanor and various Scooby clues, led John to her. There were a few more steps in his logic than "HEY! A GYPSY! Must be her!" To be fair, they could have done a slightly better job to make that clear.


    Also, this episode was written by Rockne S. O'Bannnon, he who created/produced/co-wrote Farscape!!! He's also a consulting producer on this show.

    • Upvote 1
  5. :laugh:


    Loved Low this week. Seen the letters page where he hope to go 60 issues? Wow.


    Holy shit Southern Bastards! Wonder if/when the young Tubbs is coming home.


    Saga was brilliant, as usual.


    YES, SIR!!!!


    In regards to young Tubbs, I'm thinking:

  6. As it should be. If anyone is going to move it by the slightest, it should be Cap.



    Also, I am very much fanboy wishing that at some point in the battle against Ultron we get one of two, if not both, things:

    Thor, in total badass mode, from Busiek's Avengers, saying to Ultron and a key moment: ULTRON! We would have words with thee.


    Thor, weilding Mjolnir and using Cap's shield to whoop some robot ass.

  7. Sure do hate not getting to the shop on Wednesdays. :sad:


    I had to scroll right by Shawn's reviews.


    Reviews editied for Lou :laugh:


    Saga #24 - I read this.

    Low #4 - I read this next

    Southern Bastards #5 - I read this last.

    Rasputin #1 - I read this first.

  8. Rasputin #1 - The Proof team are back together again. Rossomo's art is perfection. Riley's script is...not as deep as I'd have liked. It's a nice intro of Rasputin (historical fiction in full effect, BTW). But it comes off a bit too light, with a a multi-page bear fight, and not as much dialog. It was far from bad, but I don't feel I got my money's worth. This was sort of like a pilot to a TV series. Especically when compared to Saga, Souther Bastards and Low; those books felt packed with story. Based on my love of this team and Proof, I will give this another issue or two.

  9. Saga #24!!!! No spoilers. The Brand + Sweet Boy are not quite the awesomeness of the The Will + Lying Cat, but they could be contenders. Also, Gwen + Sophie + Lying Cat are a team I need more of, like right now. There's another team up, I shan't mention. But it's cool! What a great season finale (so to speak, since Saga goes on a few month hiatus), give us enough and leave us wanting more.


    Low #4 - I said, goddamn! that's good sci-fi. Mama and Marik travel to that creepy, lost city and it's full of scum and villiany, like the whole city is Mos Eisley cantina, with strange creatures and weird people. They find something they did not expect. Once they find it, things pear-shaped as how they it would go doesn't go. I want to go back re-read this, soak up the art, process it all again. That's the sign for a good comic.


    Southern Bastards #5 - I said, goddamn y'all that's some mighty fine comic booking going on. As we get the fall out of this book's Ned Stark moment, we get a bit of background on Coach Boss, and it is fantastic to witness, no matter how brutal it gets. This was a fantastic pause in the overall story, giving character moments, while setting up, what I hope to be, an arc of shit hitting the fan. Oh! And there's a receipe for biscuits in the letter column! :smile:

  10. I've been loving the hell out of the 90s pop station on Pandora. From Sugar Ray to Wallflowers to Spin Doctors to Alanis Morrisette and so on... WOW! Most of that music I did not care for when it first came out. What can I say? I was a very awkward, highschool nerd. Nostaglia moves in mysterious ways.

  11. Echoing what others have said, this is not Hellblazer. But it's close enough. For a pilot this was a bit rough; a passable script, a dull co-star who I'm glad is gone, obvious Hey This Is On NBC bits. However, Matt Ryan nails it perfectly. Even when the dialog is less than spectacular he sells it. And they got the key points of his character right. That's enough to give it support past a first episode. There are many many examples of shows I've seen that had not so good pilots (or first few episodes or first season even) and they came out stronger for it. A recent example being Arrow. They had some rough patches, listened to feedback, and fixed them, then improving on the show. Right now it's all on Ryan. I hope it doesn't stay that way. I give it a very strong six.


    I'll be curious to see what my wife thinks, going at it with no foreknowledge aside from my rants of the glory days of Hellblazer & Vertigo.

  12. Gin and tonic, for old times sake.

    I just discovered these about a month ago! A thick slice of lime and I'm good. I believe this shall be my drink. Now, I just need gin...and tonic water...and lime.



    It's a good sipping drink. And at the rate I go, it should be finished before the airing of the third episode :laugh:

    have you tried the one with sliced cucumber? it is a really refreshing variant, for summertimes ;).


    for the whiskey i don't know yet, have nothing at home right now. but i am not especially fond of bourbon, maybe i have not tried the right one yet.


    Revolting! I mean....to each their own. Cucumber, good. alcohol, good. Together? Unnecessary. I'm more of a fruity sort.

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