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Posts posted by alwayscrashing

  1. I just want my iMac G5 back.... *sulk*


    It broke two whole weeks ago now. I haven't heard back from AmSys (the repair company Apple uses in the UK) since last week when they said they had to order in a part for it.


    If they don't call by 2pm tomorrow I am going to check up on how it is going.

  2. what's the point in living to 100 if you're thinking "Oh, God, better get another wheatgrass juice down me.


    I couldnt agree more. The rest of the time, when Im not drinking my paltry amounts of wine, I am lifting weights, cycling, eating tofu and brown rice, and drinking my own bodyweight in water. :)


    I had tofu teriyaki this week. It was fantastic. :D


    Very soon I will even get around to the getting excercise thing. I bought an iPod Shuffle over a year ago with the intention of being able to go jogging and cycling without wrecking the hard drive in my 20GB iPod. I have not yet gotten around to it. I am crap.


    Today I think I'll have sweet & sour tofu. Might use quorn though, I can't decide.

  3. I'm not that big of a fan of Joe Matt actually. "Fair Weather" was the one I wanted to read, but it's out of print, so I got the Peep Show collection.

    Yeah, I was saying you should read "Peep Show" because he's saying the exact same thing you were saying in your posts.


    I don't agree with all of it, obviously, but I'm not saying your side is wrong either. Different women have different views, just like us guys. Hey! Maybe we can talk to each other! :ohmy:


    For example, I had a bi-sexual girlfriend who didn't consider sleeping with other women as cheating. I came home from work one day and found her in bed with some woman. She was angry at me that I didn't just accept this!


    This is why we bisexuals get a bad name. People like that using it as an excuse for cheating on people. It really pisses me off.

  4. Doing anything alone is a problem? So, reading alone means I have a problem?!


    According to some. Yes. One guy I worked with a few years back couldn't understand why I was reading a book. He called me antisocial, suggested I am lonely and have no friends and didn't see why anyone not at school has to read.


    Some people do not do anything alone. Go shopping, watch TV, eat, smoke, drink. In fact the only thing they probably do without company is using the lavatory.


    Personally I do prefer to spend most of the time on my own. This was a huge problem while I was at university because everyone else seemed intent on spending most of the day sitting about together. Even writing work and going to the library in small groups.

  5. Indeed.


    Apart from the Darkness. They're good.


    They were fun to start with but they really annoy me now.


    Just looked at the 2006 awards...... Gorillaz should have won!


    Beaten by Coldplay and Kaiser Chiefs (who I thought were an African football team not a band....) It is a disgrace.....

  6. I dont think those trades are available here...


    Could someone put in the titles

    so I dont have to search Vertigo for it?

    Please. Thank you.


    The one collecting the first few issues is called 'The Gates of Horn & Ivory'.

  7. I enjoyed the whole run, but then I really like Caitlin R Kiernan's writing in general.


    She did sort of wander off the point a bit though. I'll give you that.

  8. So are you going to stay off the booze, and other things, for good now then?


    Nah. I just don't get drunk anymore. I have no problems with having a couple of drinks... It's just the getting off my face I have issues with.


    I'm just on a diet at the moment really. No pizza, chips, chocolate, cheesecake, ice cream and other such things either. Nine days on that too, except the chocolate because I found a lion bar a few days back and was unable to resist.


    I am off the drugs for good though. I've done enough damage as it is.

  9. How are YOU getting on BTW Always?


    Today is the ninth without alcohol. I mostly miss it because of the taste. I've now gotten to the 'proving something to myself' stage even though I only stopped to shift a few stone I could do without and not because I drink a lot.


    Plus it is saving me about £10 a week. Which is always good when you are unemployed.

  10. Well some people will say doing anything alone means you have a problem.


    If people drink a lot it is a problem. If they have a moderate amount it is not. Doesnt matter if anyone else is in the room.


    I like to sit back on my own with a bottle of ale or a rum & coke and nobody is going to convince me that means I have 'a problem'.


    Now when I did 48+ hour binges of amphetamines and cocaine... THAT was a problem. A couple of bottles of ale of an evening while listening to Tom Waits and talking to friends online is NOT a problem. It is relaxation.


    It's only a problem when you get drunk as hell on your own.

  11. Hmmmm I think it will take every last shred of will power that I have to last the distance.


    I cant believe how much I want a glass of wine right now. God.


    Pathetic arent we.


    It should get easier when it is fully out of your system. The longer you go the less the cravings will be.


    I say we up it to 'White Month'...... Now there's a challenge :wink:

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