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Posts posted by Mick

  1. Ok, i just watch the latest episode (and after missin, what three eps? I'm completely lost) everythings changed but it was bloody brilliant i can sort of peice things together but i really need to see the last few eps! I'm guessing faraday subjective himself to his own machine after the encounter with desmond, thus the page in his journal.

  2. I pretty much walk all the time, stick my walkman on and just walk, i have no idea why but normally when its dark, it just seems to help. I tend to just do situps/pressups etc. Since starting work i've not really had time for football or basketball.

  3. I've stopped wallowing so much and decided to try and think positivly, though its not working out too well i'm actually dragging my ass out of bed in the am (ok maybe noonish) now. Hopefully i'm on the road to recovery. I also learned a couple of sleeping pills and an antidepressant knock you out nicely.

  4. Possibly they were chavs St.apathy, but it seems more and more kids (to people my age) have fuck all respect for anyone. It gets on my nut.

    Except those were my age. Granted I'm 21 but still.


    Well thats only a year out of my calculation (im 20) so i guess it goes slightly older before idiots grow out of it.

  5. Possibly they were chavs St.apathy, but it seems more and more kids (to people my age) have fuck all respect for anyone. It gets on my nut.


    I realised to day (as my credit bill came) my ex still owes me £150 (luckily its six month intrest free) and has my copy of burnout paradise (borrowed it while we were freinds), fucking hell i need to rectify that.

    Today i did nothin, nadda, zilch, it actually felt quite good i actual felt i dunno slightly happy today. Maybe i'm en route to recovery, or maybe i'm close to a breakdown again. Damn brain is a fickle mistress.

  6. Anyone picking up the game, i'm uncertain about it, hell it will probably be shit but i have been looking forward to it for awhile.

    I was dissapointed when i learnt it wouldn't tie in with any story. Who knows maybe it could turn out to be good.


  7. As for myself, I had an experience of a type that I'm not used to.


    A young woman was looking at me at the bus stop a lot, and got on the bus so that she sat directly in front of me. She turned back in my direction and looked at me a number of times again. After not looking at me for a short time, she started a conversation with me. We got off at the train station, and after we both sorted out our tickets in different parts of the station she dawdled just a little so I could catch up to her, and we started talking again, and after I asked her permission, I sat down with her on the train. (She agreed to have me sit next to her even after I told her I had a bug including a mild fever.) And we sat and talked for the length of her journey.


    I'm not used to this from women, much at all.


    As it happened, we really didn't hit it off, but it was cool that it went as far as it did.

    Let's start the "Josh is a stud" thread!


    It wouldn't catch on. :biggrin:

  8. Not sure, i would be more intrested if it was just x-men with summers being the lead you know just an update to be like the current comics. But wolverine being the leader and taking the heading is switching me off.


    Tho i'm happy to see another x-men animation and i'm sure i'll end up watching it.

  9. i basicaly having another horrible year in the last 10 months i've split up with 2 girlfriends and tryed to kill myself twice because my life has become a living hell, i'm stuck on prozack and when i do stop taking it i cant stand myself, all i do every day is work 9-6 in a job i get no recinition for and when i do get time of all i can do is sleep as i've not had a chance to


    apart from work when i can i've been getting my tattoo finished (see hellbazer 181 cover or search my posts) in some vague hope 2 sort my live out just to tie my soul together and repeice my mind from the broken mess it has become, every time i shut my eyes i get flashes from the past that get so strong and lifelike that it makes me feel even worse


    anyway sorry for the morbid post just dont have anywhere else 2 write it down


    Aw man hope you can pull through this PM'd you man reply if you want to.

  10. I almost destroyed a family members computor today. My addiction is out of control, and there is only one real way to deal with an addiction.


    My email is antonyamclaren at the hot mail email for anyone who wants to contact me, and I will check it every month as a duty to family members that live overseas.


    Bye guys.


    What? Addicted to what mate?



    No, not porn or prawns, the internet/computor games.


    I have wasted a lot of time online because my personal life has been a constant disappointment, so avoid doing anything about it since computors and the web came along. I have not touched a machine since I said by to you guys. I have not been any happier, of course, but then my life has at least not included the shame of taking something away from my loved ones.


    In a way, the reason I had to do this isn't because somehow it is better this way, but because it could be worse. I couldn't afford to replace one of these, and my family who allows me to use their machines, doesn't deserve my risking damaging their property merely because I have an addiction. I could have destroyed a years work on her hobbies, and lots of photos and things, selfish.


    Plus the fact that some of the people who care about me view computors as worthless timewasters, and you electric friends as actively BAD for me, in that (it seems to them) you keep me from having "real" friends, this has been said to me. Kind of hard to tell them they are wrong, though I think they are. I am talking primarily of my Mum and Aunt, who are really quite luddite, but DO love and care for me. It distresses Mum very very much when I mention something about "My friend Christian and I were talking about the writers strike . . . . " or show a picture of Pookas cats "he he he, my mate is a cat lady!" because to her it is wrong and perverse to have friends I will never meet.

    She looks sad when I mention "Friends" like you guys, because she would like me to have friends in the flesh, though REALLY you are no different to the many friends I have in Australia that she has never met, and never seen ME meet, they are friends I have not "seen" for twenty years.

    And of course, obviously, I will not be making any new friends in "real life", I neither want to nor can afford (emotionally OR in cash) friends. Which isn't going to seem a problem to them, because I guess I won't raise the topic, so they have nothing to worry themselves about.



    Anyway, being without a computor for these few days has been some kinda painful, I kid you not. Everything AND I MEAN EVERYTHING seems flat and boring and dull, I can't deal with talking to people, and can't sit still either. :( No pink elephants yet.


    Anywho, I better go now, I only paid for half an hour here, and have to check my email yet.


    Man that sucks, i found alot when 'real' life has become a disspointment that just stupid banter on here has helped (notice lately my posts have influxed again) I think that was what was happening when i first joined. Thing is talking to 'strangers' on here does help alot, hell to be honest theres at least one person on here that has shown more compasion and helped me out more lately than anyone of my current so called mates. Though i have now found that going through my current situation that alot of my old freinds have come out of the woodwork, ones i've cast aside somewhere down the road and shown that they in fact were real friends, gave me a new perspective.


    I've spent many an hour lately playing Halo 3 online just talking to people on there and always feel alot better for it, kinda hope it dosn't turn into an addiction but now i think about it i've probably spent more money on games/consoles in the last month than a drug addict would spend on crack (if thats there aquired taste) :D

  11. Anyways, many thanks to those pm'ing me happy birthday and more curses to Josh for bringing up the darn Bill Gates comparison in the photo thread ;)


    I've tried along time not to mention that as it must be terrible, but saying that it cant be too bad to be mistaken for the richest man ever :wink:


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