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Posts posted by Mick

  1. So it's 11:47 PM here right and I have came up with the BEST way for kids to get in shape.


    When the Ice Cream truck rolls down the street it should be playing Rocky's Training Montage theme, and when a kid gets near it. The guy should speed up a little each time. And if one kid actually manages to get to said Ice Cream Truck at the end up the street without cheating (Bikes, scooters, whatever.) By jogging and or running the entire way and keeping up. The guy should change the theme to "Eye of the Tiger." Trust me on this. It's a win/win situation.



  2. Was the injury earned at the Death Metal concert? That would make it 100x awesomer.



    Much as I'd love to pretend otherwise, sadly not. Without going into tedious explanatory detail, it was just down to a piece of machinery failing to work the way it was supposed to, resulting in a sharpish metal edge slamming shut on my finger. So, as I said before, I was actually lucky - it wouldn't have been entirely implausible for it to take the whole finger off. As it is, I should recover fully within a month or so, which is nothing.


    Honestly not even slightly my own fault, either. Just a dumb wrong-place-wrong-time accident.


    Have you contacted Injurylawers4u? :laugh: I'm not sure you'll follow that but the adverts on tv annoy the hell out of me.


    Will this bode well for your result in the how was your March thread?

  3. I like the new cut too it suits you.


    Remembering back to your old cut actually this cut really goes well with the Goatee, you actually look younger. I need to get mine cut i think i'll call at a barbers tomorrow just to have it trimmed down but keep with my current style.


    I wish i could grow a goatee now...

  4. That's ace news, Mick. Good luck.


    That sucks, Christian. Good luck.




    Me? I've just had a tedious morning sitting around the hospital where I work, waiting for a hand surgeon to turn up to stitch my finger back together after an unfortunate hand-mangling accident. The surgery was pretty straightforward, and all-in-all it could have been a lot worse, but it's still a bit of a bugger. No serious harm done, but the "blood spraying all over the fucking place" factor was high enough to be moderately alarming at the time.


    The surgery was fascinating, though. Local anaesthetic, so I was conscious throughout, which meant I was able to watch him working. He opened up the whole finger - skin pulled back far enough to expose the joint (checking for nerve or tendon damage, which it luckily turns out there wasn't much of), followed by a bit of poking around, stretching and slicing before sewing the whole thing back together layer after layer. The anaesthetic meant there was no pain, but because I was watching the procedure, I could feel everything he was doing, right down to the thread being pulled through my flesh. Very, very strange, almost-disembodied experience - not one I'd care to repeat, but I'm not entirely sorry to have gone through it.


    The anaesthetic's wearing off now, so it's starting to hurt like a bastard. It's taken me ages to type this with my left hand, but it seemed worth sharing.


    That sounds awful mark, first the accident then watching all that, though i can imagine if i was to be in that position i'd want to watch too out of curiosity. Suck about the pain though hopefully you'll be able to user your right hand to type, and other things, soon enough.

  5. JOSH, cheers man i really got alot out of that, too much to really mention but theres alot of help in there, so much so i've printed it out. Theres alot to go back and refrence later on too. Cheers for taking the time and effort to write it.

    Diana wanted to include one more thing:


    I'd add something...

    Eat several (5 or 6) SMALL meals a day. Each should include a "high quality" low-fat protein. Protein is very important for depression. You need the amino acids in it (precursors to the neurotransmitters) to preserve and rebuild the neurons. This, of course, will diminish; or slow the progression; or promote recovery from; depression. Every psychiatrist and Primary Care doctor that I've seen have stressed this.


    When I get reduced to the point where all I can prepare for myself is a can of liquid meal (Ensure in the US), doctors insist it be the added protein variety. Tastes worse but by the time I'm feeling that low, I no longer care.


    Mick, I don't know you, but I hope, more than I can say, that this never happens to you. So eat your protein, small amounts, 5 times a day, like a good lad.


    Josh's Significant Other, Diana



    I've yet to discover any sexual issues



    Do you know i've been following alot of your advice i think its starting to work, ok so i'm not you know amazing but i'm feeling that bit better its a hard thing to describe alot of things i'd been doing but i feel maybe i'm starting to get there.


    Hell maybe the mixture of stronger anti-depressants, a new (better) GP, counceling and following alot of the advice given to me by you, and a few other ace people on here (along with the feeling of support from guys on here) are starting to work there magic, becuase after a bad bad week culmanating in a horrible/ frightnening day on thursday i've had a great couple of days where i feel as though i could actually come through this. Which you know is pretty good :boogie:



  6. Hi there! I'm a girl, I'm 16 and I'm portuguese. My real name is Raquel, but you can call me Rak. And basically.... That's it. My english will be kind of sucky, but I'll try my best.


    I'm a big fan of John but there's not many comic stores in Portugal, and I can only order books for my birthday and for Christmas... I do have the entire sandman series(wich I love to death), and a big box of old Marvel comics that a friend of mine gave to me. I also own some manga... Mostly Fruits Basket and other girlish stuff.


    Hi Rak and welcome, it nice to have you here.


    Welcome aboard, Raquel. We've already got a member named Rak, and he's a 16 year old girl too, so you'll fit right in!


    Jesus man that was the first thing i thought to say damnit!



    A fan of John (I assume you mean Constantine and not McMahon, the owner of this site).



    I'm a big fan of both :wink:


  7. Trace, Trace.

    Why Lord.

    He was so young.


    Oh yeah trace...


    Maybe i've just not seen them but is Jon and Kinki still around?

    Around the time i started here another young lad, who i think wes insane called apocsol used to post here he was ok and tried to straighten out after a while.


    Do you remember Jason t? Oh wait sorry i'm just dreaming again... :tongue:

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