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Posts posted by BobafrigginFeet

  1. Different cultures did different sorts of similar things with kidnapped children or street urchins.

    They'd do things to purposely deform the child as it grew, mutilate children, or the like.

    Deformed and maimed children made a lot more money as beggars.

    A horrible history.

    Victor Hugo wrote a novel about it in post-Industrial Revolution England.


    comprachicos! this should've been a good hellblazer story.

  2. info i found:


    " It's not based in one especific circus, but all of then in that period.

    There's a person who find this information on a Korean site:


    "There were variety of entertainment culture during Edo period,

    so to satisfy the people they put up a "show hut" similar to the circus these days.

    Inside the hut they showcased unusual, rare objects and showed acrobats, and sometimes they showed deformed children (freaks) and act of sexual intercourse before them for fun.

    Sometimes kidnapped children were brought to be dissected and experimented, made deformed, and were decorated around the hut."


    "Even though they did not cut and attach different parts of the body of the children,

    they DID cut the children into pieces. They'd cut the children's limbs and put up a "freak circus"."


    According to the writing, people of Edo period were very poor due to WWI and famine. They had to do whatever it takes to make money, so they took children and "reconstructed" them cruelly. Pouring acid on their face, taking the leg muscle away, or putting two heads on one body...

    But Japanese people just view this as one of the cultures.


    Parts of the video indicates these events too. A "rotten fruit (apple)" means tainted purity, meaning they showcased sexual intercourse (she was raped, poor Miku). In front of her is a kid who got hung and his/her face obscured with flowers, meaning he/she died of acid. "The two-headed 'spectacle' (this word was censored on purpose, because who wants to make a show of themselves?)" indicates they did have some animal/human with two heads."

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