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Posts posted by GottaGetAGrip

  1. Peacemaker: Disturbing the Peace - a DC Black Label one-shot that DC put out there to coincide with the launch of the HBO show.  Normally, a comic I wouldn't pick up... but this just happened to be written by Ennis.

    My frame of reference for the Peacemaker character are limited to his recent live action adaptations (which seem to have kicked off DC's recent push of the character) and his appearances way back in the 00s Blue Beetle series and that issue of Morrison's Multiversity. I have a feeling that Garth's take on the character here aren't exactly faithful to his original Charlton incarnation or any other comics appearance.

    (on a side note i feel the show with its extremely irreverent R-rated take on the DC Universe is something Ennis could've written - the first episode opens with a joke about Aquaman fucking fish after all)

    A very tried and true Ennis book - it's got the macho military anti-hero, bloody violence, the evils of the military industrial complex, etc. There are some classic Ennis shock reveals, but it is free of the more juvenile Ennis-isms. Feels kind of like a lost issue of Punisher Max at times. Very much divorced from superhero iconography and the larger DC universe - if it weren't for the cover and the big ad for the TV show on the last page it wouldn't be too apparent this was a book about a DC superhero.

    May not be worth the full $6 price tag but might be worth checking out down the line for the Ennis completionists.

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  2. I generally don't venture into the online modes often for these kinds of games for that very reason - it usually isn't too much fun getting slaughtered by more experienced players. At least beating on the computer lets me maintain some illusion of confidence!

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  3. Picked up Mortal Kombat 11 along with all the major dlc. This might be one of the flashiest fighting games ever made - you can tell a lot of budget went into making sure the bloodletting looks the best it's ever looked.

    Annoyingly, despite buying a bundle that included most dlc characters - one was not included and locked behind a separate purchase. Googling says said character was the pre-order bonus, though one wonders why that should be grounds for exclusion.

    On a side note:

    I don't think Sylvester Stallone foresaw back in the 80s that one day he'd be voicing Rambo in a video game where in addition the usual Kombatants Rambo can fight Robocop, The Terminator, The Joker* and for some reason, Spawn.

    *somewhat surprising (but maybe not that surprising considering the character in question) that DC signed off on letting Joker appear in a game where he can be horribly murdered in so many R-rated ways...

  4. Terrible news - George Perez has announced he has pancreatic cancer and is choosing not to undergo chemo:


    "It’s rather hard to believe that it’s been almost three years since I formally announced my retirement from producing comics due to my failing vision and other infirmities brought on primarily by my diabetes. At the time I was flattered and humbled by the number of tributes and testimonials given me by my fans and peers. The kind words spoken on those occasions were so heartwarming that I used to quip that “the only thing missing from those events was me lying in a box.”

    It was amusing at the time, I thought.
    Now, not so much. On November 29th I received confirmation that, after undergoing surgery for a blockage in my liver, I have Stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer. It is surgically inoperable and my estimated life expectancy is between 6 months to a year. I have been given the option of chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy, but after weighing all the variables and assessing just how much of my remaining days would be eaten up by doctor visits, treatments, hospital stays and dealing with the often stressful and frustrating bureaucracy of the medical system, I’ve opted to just let nature take its course and I will enjoy whatever time I have left as fully as possible with my beautiful wife of over 40 years, my family, friends and my fans."



  5. Busy/Risky October and November at the theaters:

    No Time to Die, Dune, Last Night in Soho, The French Dispatch, Spencer, Resident Evil (and the awful subtitle of Welcome to Raccoon City), and Ridley Scott's House of Gucci. Had also planned to catch Scott's The Last Duel but schedules and other issues kept me from it until it was pretty much out of all nearby theaters in a rather quick amount of time.

    Lukewarm on Soho, probably should've spent my Friday morning better than Resident Evil, but the rest I'd say were good experiences to different extents.

    This month, if they open near me, I'll probably try to catch the new PTA film and Paul Verhoeven's Horny Nuns Movie. Who isn't up for a horny nun movie from the Robocop/Starship Troopers director? And in all likelihood I'll be there for the latest Spider-Man installment and the Matrix late-sequel.

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  6. For some reason, likely because two years of pandemic have done things to my mind, I began reading Bendis' Superman run. Surprisingly there are times when it seems leaving Marvel and crossing over to DC have rejuvenated Bendis' spark... but there are also parts of the run where reassuringly Bendis shows he can still phone it in Bendis-style!*

    *so far, the worst offender has been the Event Leviathan event that spins out of the Action Comics half of his run. You'd think a comic about DC's detectives and street level heroes coming together to solve some big mystery would be a home run for Bendis considering his roots but I guess Bendis was too tempted by the prospect of writing six issues of our heroes stumbling about being kinda bad detectives, a half-assed villain reveal that I feel Bendis wrote just to show off his knowledge of obscure DC heroes, and a whimper of an anti-climax ending that feels more like set-up for future events... though on the plus side Alex Maleev does do the art so at least it looks good (and reminds you of the better days when Bendis was writing good Daredevil comics)

    Also imagine the horror I had when turning a page in Event Leviathan, seeing a familiar face, and realizing... Bendis-written Constantine now exists. Though Bendis doesn't do much with him and in the last issue even has another character point out that Constantine has done nothing... good to see Bendis has "still got it!"

  7. 1 hour ago, dogpoet said:

    Did the last two issues of that Strange Adventures series ever appear?

    DC's website says the last issue was released in October and the hardcover collection is scheduled to drop next month.

  8. 7 hours ago, seventhcircle said:

    but why do people give garf superhero comic titles? didn't he make it spectacularily clear that he hates supes?

    Guess even Garth occasionally has ideas for superhero comics that move him... to a bigger house!

    Garth has stated that this particular comic was originally a story he had planned to do with Steve Dillon - as Ennis puts it, a big Ennis-Dillon reunion intended to ride publicity from the launch of the Preacher TV show.

    (One does have to wonder if Liam Sharp, talented as he is, was the best choice to illustrate scripts originally meant for Dillon...)

  9. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/california-recall-election-results-2021/index.html

    In my state, our mediocre-but-better-him-than-the-alternative Democrat governor has just handily survived a Republican-led recall attempt that has wasted who knows how many of our tax dollars.

    You could ask why there's a recall election being held with the actual primary/general election for the state's governorship right around the corner, but I guess the local GOP got worried they couldn't win an actual election in a super blue state so they decided to recall their way into power. It is the how they got seven years of Governor Ahnuld the last time, but I guess these days the Governator would be too liberal for the Republicans so instead of a "token semi-sane Republican" type like Schwarzenegger, they eventually threw their weight behind... Black Trump.

    I suppose the GOP really miscalculated the effect that making a far-right talk show host who openly pledged to go after abortion and Covid safety measures amongst other things (like replacing our ancient senior senator in the event of her death from various possible old people things with a Republican to undo that narrow Dem advantage in Congress) the frontrunner/face of the recall would have on the rest of California's voters. Especially considering the shit happening in red Texas (and Florida in regards to Covid).

  10. I'd say it's worth going through at least once for the experience - but do temper yourself with the expectation that the trilogy becomes more action-focused with each installment while the RPG elements are simplified and that the original ending of the trilogy was controversial back in the day for good reason.

    (So much so that Bioware ended up updating the ending of Mass Effect 3 with a free extended cut)

    And if you can, acquire the story expansion and additional party member DLCs for 2 and 3. They do enhance the experience for those games, and stuff in 3 like its opening status quo (somewhat annoyingly) follow up on what happens in 2's expansions. And 3's Citadel DLC basically is one giant bundle of fanservice that functions as one last good-bye for the trilogy's characters before the big finale.

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