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Posts posted by GottaGetAGrip

  1. Now that I think about it, if you don't count the Sandman Universe special that kicked this off, this is the shortest Hellblazer relaunch yet in regards to issues - compared to the New 52 Constanteen and The Rebirth Heckblazer's twenty-something runs, and the one additional 13th issue that Constanteen The Heckblazer got.

    I guess crumbs like Tom Taylor's prestige mini are the best we can hope for in the future when it comes to a John Constantine bottled non-Diet for the multimedia and shared universe consumption, but who knows how many of those will happen given the rumors that DC's AT&T overlords don't care too much for the idea of Mature Readers DC books?

    (Also I'd argue it's a poor decision to cancel the book before the first trade released to see if there's an audience there - didn't plenty of Marvel's recent books do poorly as singles only to sell better in collected form? I'd wager that there's a market for Constantine in trades, considering how the Vertigo Reprint series has made it all the way to Milligan)

  2. It seems to be one more victim among a whole slew of DC November cancellations in the latest solicits.

    The book's editor has weighed in as well:

    The only upside it seems is that Spurrier will get to finish telling the story he started without having to rush things due to a premature ending, but now we'll be left wondering what else he could've done with a few more issues.

    (And it does sting that the best Hellblazer on-going since the "good old days" didn't last as long as some of the far weaker attempts that preceded it)

    Jamie Delano himself sums all this up most succinctly.


  3. https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/1293280411150217219?s=20

    Isn't Kamala one of those "too right for the left, too left for the right" establishment Democrats? So I guess the predictable VP choice for a theoretical Biden presidency.

    On another note, given that the Trump Admin seems to be working in overtime to discredit mail voting and cripple the USPS in an election that will probably depend heavily on it due to the pandemic and all, you'd think that the Democratic Leadership would be doing a little something more than the usual sternly worded condemnation.

    (Not to mention all the other services and businesses that Trump's messing about with the Postal Service is going to fuck over...)

  4. https://www.dccomics.com/blog/2020/07/15/announcement-dc-proudly-presents-rorschach-1

    DC is doing a Rorschach maxi-series by Tom King and Jorge Fornes. Yet another sequel to the original Watchmen, the third since 2017.

    Not going to lie, this feels like a massive waste of a talented writer and artist as DC presumably continues in their campaign to give Alan Moore a rage-induced heart attack.

    (Though at this point, I suspect Alan Moore is probably numb to any further Watchmen shenanigans.)

  5. Well for those who are interested in these kinds of things, Warren Ellis (and Garth Ennis somehow) have been roped by Scott Snyder into writing tie-ins for his next big DC event, the sequel to Dark Nights Metal.

    Warren's own words:

    "Yes, there is an evil Batman who is also a T-Rex. This is a thing I discovered when I was asked to write a two-page short comic about an evil Batman who is also a T-Rex. This is out on August 25.

    This is lockdown psychosis in full effect. “Hey, Warren, Scott Snyder invented an evil Batman who is also a T-Rex. Can you do me a two-page origin story of The Evil Batman Who Is Also A T-Rex?” And I say yes. Obviously."

  6. Currently reading Clive Barker's Abarat. A bit of a different Barker from the Books of Blood/Hellraiser-type stuff I'm used to, at least in regards to bodily mutilation and other acts of bloody fun.

  7. The only upside of this quarantine is that I've had some time to tackle various items in my digital and physical reading list.

    Brubaker's Secret Avengers - An espionage-themed team of Avengers with members like Moon Knight and the Eric O'Grady version of Ant-Man written by Ed Brubaker should've been more entertaining or creative than what Brubaker turned out which felt like pretty standard genre fare. It's a rather underwhelming effort and some members of Brubaker's team like Moon Knight feel underutilized. Brubaker feels like he lost interest in the book at the end when he just leaves the book with the overarching villains of his run just running about, presumably to be dealt with by the following writers.

    Warren Ellis' brief Secret Avengers run - Stand-alone, done-in-one stories with a strong team of revolving artists. Witty one-liners, long fight scenes, and far-out concepts as well as some less pleasant Ellis-isms like a good chunk of the stories abruptly ending. Not the best or most original of Ellis, but I had more fun reading his six issues compared to the twelve-issue one Brubaker had. Ultimately though, Ales Kot's later Secret Avengers run is the best book bearing the name that I've read.

    And on the topic of Moon Knight - the Charlie Huston run on the book. I've not read his novels, but this comic definitely didn't make me feel like doing so. It's an average at best, run of the mill "mid to late 00s" grim and gritty Marvel book. David Finch's (and later Mico Suayan's) art doesn't help matters much in dispelling that feel. It's only Tomm Coker's contribution to Huston's last issue that stands out in a positive manner artwise. Huston does attempt to do some interesting things with Moon Knight's mental state and Khonshu but Jeff Lemire's later run accomplished these similar themes far more effectively.

    A trade collection of DC/Dark Horse crossovers. It hasn't gotten off to a great start, even for a bunch of throwaway intercompany crossovers. Superman vs. Predator was written by David Michelinie and turned out to be a very bad waste of early Alex Maleev art. Next up was Superman vs. Terminators by Alan Grant, and unfortunately it isn't much of a step up in quality - feels like Grant did this one purely for the paycheck but I suppose if you're going to phone in a comic to pay the bills it might as well be Superman vs. Terminators. The next story is Robinson and Mignola's Hellboy/Batman/Starman crossover so hopefully at least some enjoyment can be wrung out of this trade!

    Nocenti's Daredevil - first time reading stories from her run via the two Epic Collections. The collections begin part-way through her run, starting with the Typhoid Mary stories. Nocenti's style of writing does feel dated in that wordy and purply 80s style, but I appreciate the social angle (albeit with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer) she brings to her Daredevil stories and the stories with Mephisto and Blackheart are highlights. JRJR's art, who has always been hit or miss for me, works better for me here than many of his modern efforts. The downside is that the second collection brings in annuals not by Nocenti - most egregious a crossover between the Daredevil, Hulk, The Punisher, and Silver Surfer annuals that only tangentially involves DD. It feels like the annuals are here just to pad out the length of the collection, so a third Epic Collection could collect the remainder of her run.

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