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Posts posted by Red

  1. Currently my favorite show. The aesthetics are great, and it's really trippy in a good, Twin Peaks kind of way. There's a parallell to Logan in this one, in the way they deal with how mental illness affects really powerful telepaths.

  2. I really liked this one. Jackman got a LOT more to play with than in the previous films, and he delivered on all fronts. The interplay between him and Stewart's Professor X was heart-rending. I also liked the way they played with the idea of what happens when the most powerful telepath in the world gets dementia.

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  3. So, if anyone cares, it turns out I didn't get the position as vice president of the journalist federation. The national congress isn't until late march, but the election comittee has already said they'll back the other candidate (from one of the largest chains of broadsheets). I could have chosen to slug it out on the congress, but I deem my chances as fairly small, and have therefore chosen to withdraw my candidacy. I'm fairly bummed out, I must say.

  4. And as I was leaving (As a volunteer) today I heard the teacher say to the kids, "As of Monday Miss Simpson will be joining us as a member of staff." And then one of the kids went "YAY!"


    There's a saying in Norway: "Kids and drunkards tell the truth."


  5. He hasn't grown on me. The fact that he hates nazis (good!) doesn't really counteract his general vibe as an uninspired and quite self-absorbed actor.

    I'm ready to believe that his public persona might be far removed from what he's like as a person (which goes for most celebs), but I've yet to see anything from him to endear him to me.

  6. I am happy for your breakthrough, 7c. Epiphanies like that can feel really good, and the chance to restructure your life is worth taking. As for your mother, you may well be right that her reality check is damaged. If you're right that she has a personality disorder, parts of that can impact the way she actually perceives and interprets the world around her. I had a girlfriend once who was abusive and had massive problems. It took a couple of years afterwards to realize that a)she had been gaslighting me quite a lot, and b)part of the reason for that was that she really had a distorted view of the world. So when I thought it was obvious to everyone, including herself, that she was being unreasonable, she didn't see it, because her own intense emotions clouded her perception.


    Of course, I don't know your mother, but from what you describe, it sounds like she may very well not understand how her behaiour affects you, or her responsibility for how the relationship works. I think some distance could be necessary for you. Maybe later you can reconnect, when you feel stronger and more able to deal with her. Good luck!

  7. I'd feel a lot more sympathy for the Democrats who refused to vote over Sanders not getting the nomination if they'd deigned to make a tactical vote against Trump, frankly. If they weren't going to vote for Clinton, they could have voted for some third party joke like Gary Johnson who'd still have been better than Trump. For Christ's sake: Tor Johnson would probably have been better than Trump, and he's been dead for forty years.

    I find the spectacle of people who wouldn't lower themselves to vote because their party nominated a candidate they don't like whining about whoever the people who would lower themselves voted for completely pathetic. Has it occurred to none of these people that their abstention is as big a factor in Trump's election as the usual pondlife voting as they usually vote, and possibly a bigger factor than it should have been, given the low turn out this year?

    That's not the point though. Politics is about creating and driving movements, not about moral obligations. I would have voted for Hillary (with a heavy heart) in the US, and so did most Sanders supporters. It's just that the Dems through both their candidate and their policies and their electoral strategy failed to inspire any sort of hope or enthusiasm that voting would actually accomplish something. Because, let's face it, it WOULDN'T - apart from stopping the even greater evil of a Trump presidency. Frfankly, I'm not surprised lots of people thought "fuck it".

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