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Posts posted by Red

  1. So Max loves to play in water. Washing his hands, a bowl full of water, the bath, grampa's pool, he loves it. And so we got him this pirate shaped water activity table and I will tell you, he adores it. He saw it outside the clamored to the window to point at it and mama was like, 'no, not right now.' and so he crawls over to dada and grabs dada's legs for pick up and when I pick him up he points to the back yard going 'see. see it.' He will play til his lips are blue if you let him.


    Anyways here is a picture of absolute joy, that cannot be faked or doctored and it is amazing to see. Where does it go? When life squeezes that joy out of our souls like toothpaste from a tub, where does it go?

    So adorable!


    Anyway, I think the boring answer is it goes the same way those insane tantrums kids throw go. We get a lot better at regulating our emotions as time goes by. There's a lot of upsides to that (imagine grown people acting like enraged toddlers at the mall!), but the price is that it also dampens the extremes of joy we experience as kids.

  2. OK, so now that it's 99,9% certain Clinton gets the nomination, I'm already dreading the deluge of hyperbolic bullshit about what a RADICAL CHANGE this is, and how AWESOME Clinton is, especially in Norwegian news media. It's going to be rough. Let's just hope the Nobel committee doesn't go bananas and gives her a peace prize in the heat of the moment.

  3. On the subject of Sanders: apparently some of his followers are such bad losers that they've announced that they'd rather vote for butthair boy than Hilary.

    Sanders obviously speaks for the American left. No question of that one...


    Yeah, that makes zero sense politically. I mean, it's one thing to state that if Clinton wins you might not bother to vote, and quite a nother to say you'd vote for Trump.

  4. Well, in one sentence, Steve Rogers revealed he is a white supremacist.

    He also revealed that Hydra has apparently pulled the most convoluted, illogical long con in history, purposefully allowing Cap to beat them over decades, in order for Cap to be accepted as double agent. That's dedication!

  5. I just saw the season finale. I really regret putting myself through this.


    Lucifer actually at one point PRAYS to god, saying he'll do God's will, if he'll just spare the life of the female detective he works with.


    Maze (Mazikeen) has a love affair with an angel, and spends the last episodes sulking that people are "using her".



    One fun detail, though: A bit character in one episode is called Mike Carey :D

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