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Posts posted by Abhimanyu

  1. I have worshipped at the altar of HBO before and am about to do it again.


    You guys really need to see the six hour miniseries HBO adaptation of Angels in America. It is absolutely brilliant and is, in my humble opinion, somewhere close to the epitome of what can be done with the medium of television. The play is great but Tony Kushner did such an amazing job of adapting it, Mike Nichols such a tremendous job of directing it and the cast such a brilliant job of playing the roles.......it goes way beyond the play for me. The production values are great too.


    Really, sometimes I feel that HBO are the only people doing anything good with television these days. Of course I know nothing about the European TV scenario but I can say this with great certainty about Asia and America.

  2. Except, if that was Spider Jerusalem, I'm sure he'd rip John Kerry a nice, shiny, new ass-hole in that diatribe, instead of kissing the one he's already got.


    this is true, I suppose. But remember towards the end of Transmet he was so sick of and disturbed by the Smiler that he even stopped saying nasty things about the Beast. There is a quotation from one those latter issues that is hovering around the peripheries of my memory right now but I can't quite get hold of it.

  3. I like to think it's a coincidence, but Red, remember?!

    On the old forums, you either said something really supportive or helped Tim Bradstreet with some favour....I forget what the details were.

    I remember he replied that "Red could look for a show of gratitude in the future".



    I have to start kissing TB ass, forthwith :icon_biggrin:

  4. I just finished reading the newest edition of "National Geographic", with a komodo dragon on the cover, a cover story about Darwinism. A really good issue! (Shameless PLUG)


    Anyway, there's an article about the Sloth Bear (an usual creature which I had heard of, but did not know all that much about). Cool looking beasty. It states that they are plentiful (although still endangered) in parts of India. Some people even keep them for pets. There was also a brief note that some people fear them more than tigers, but it wasn't explained in-depth.

    Have you had any experience with a Sloth Bear? I want to know more!


    Nope, no experiences with one, though I did see one in the Darjeeling zoo. Add them to my list of very cute animals (for rest of list, see the flirting thread, haha. I'm being constantly mocked. Doesnt pay to be an animal lover round here). They're very slow and docile.


    I dont know about people keeping them as pets. I havent heard of anyone owning a sloth bear in my part of India. I don't think its very common. Their natural habitat is most Definitely not the city. Or any place that doesnt have lots of trees.

  5. I'm sure this reverse from flirtation thread to cute bulldogs is due to some rule of the universe.  Not sure which one, but anyone who can pin a name to it just let me know.  I'm sure it would be a great master's thesis.



    awww, dont make fun. Bulldogs are cute, not Attractive. They've got great personalities and make awesome pets. I never had any myself but a couple professors I know on campus have some and I used to walk them. I dont make fun of any of your pets, do I :icon_mgun:


    btw, who are the horny teenagers you're talking about, Christian? I thought they were all Rogan's various aspects.



    "Four more years of George Bush will be like four more years of syphilis," the famed author said yesterday at a hastily called press conference near his home in Woody Creek, Colorado. "Only a fool or a sucker would vote for a dangerous loser like Bush," Dr. Thompson warned. "He hates everything we stand for, and he knows we will vote against him in November."


    Thompson, long known for the eerie accuracy of his political instincts, went on to denounce Ralph Nader as "a worthless Judas Goat with no moral compass."


    "I endorsed John Kerry a long time ago," he said, "and I will do everything in my power, short of roaming the streets with a meat hammer, to help him be the next President of the United States."


    heheh, this entire bit reminds me so much of my dream journalist Spider Jerusalem that it made me laugh fit to bust for ages.


    I'm now getting seriously nervous about the elections. The battle lines are being drawn on my campus and it seems that nearly every guy on the republican side is a jock frat boy. I'm Really not joking or exaggerating or anything. All the vocal Republicans have been making their voice heard loud and clear as the Kerry supporters are currently overwhelming the student body. So given that its a small liberal arts college, I can recognize most of the really extreme Republicans by face and I really am not exaggerating in my categorization of them. Weird trend.

  7. i think it all dates to Swamp Thing (even hellblazer), which is about Man ruining Nature, so i say it is Man who has ruined Vertigo Comics.


    This may be a terribly simplistic opinion but I don't think Vertigo ruined comics for the simple reason that most of my favourite comics were produced by them. I know, I guess I'm not looking at the long term situation. It's true that a large chunk of what they produce is self consciously edgy crap but then large chunks of Anything that Anybody produces is crap for the most part. Miramax Studios have released a huge number of my favourite movies of the past decade. This does not mean that they a) ruined the film industry b) dont produce very large proportions of shit films.



  8. First question I'd ask is how old is your brother?

    I ask because it's important to know in order to make a competent evaluation.

    But I'll move forward in any case.

    I'll assume he is fairly young because this reminds me of the type of work I did in early high school. What yer bro needs to do is continue to work his ass off. If he is considering comics as his chosen field he needs to get serious about it now. Before he has too many responsibilities thrown at him (which includes job, wife, etc...). The reason I say this is many people I've known over the years treated their skill like a hobby and did not pursue it seriously until they found themselves in dead end jobs with three kids. By that time it is almost too late. It's never entirely TOO late especially if you've some talent, but starting early is VERY important. What he needs to do right now is start to devote himself to learning. Draw every day. Look at the other artists who inspire him, then find out who inspired them and check their shit out. He will learn by seeing what other people do and he will take certain things from each one of them until he finds a style that is uniquely his own. Most importantly . . . like I said earlier, he needs to draw all the time. every day if he can manage it. There are times it will be frustrating and there will be times when he will feel like he's in the groove and unstoppable. If he continues to work all the time he will be able to look at the stuff he did 2 months previous and notice the improvement. If you fuck a piece up, then learn from it and do better on the next one. Just continue to work and evolve. If he puts in the time and effort there is every chance that he can get into comics. It really is not impossible at all. It only takes hard work and dedication to your craft and to your goal. Nothing worth two shits is easy, but if it's something you also happen to love it makes it a hell of a lot more of an enjoyable process. He is lucky that he has a goal. Most people don't know what the fuck they want to do with their lives early on. When you do know, you have a big head start.

    Best of luck to him (and anyone else out there that this applies to).




    Tim, thanks for the huge reply! I was only expecting a few comments. You're right, he is pretty young- just finished high school. He does draw a decent amount though I have to be at him to draw as regularly as you (and I) think he should. Will pass along your comments to him. The sketch I posted was a real quick one though and not his best, will put up some of his worked-on-for-more-than-a-few-minutes charcoal stuff later. By the way, to clarify, I mentioned the comics industry being near impossible to break into not because a person doesnt have talent or training or practice but simply, lacks the opportunity/right break. From what I read its really hard to get any jobs in the industry at all - forget about the prestige places like Marvel and Vertigo. Self-publishing really isnt an option for him right now as my family wouldnt have the capital (or, in India, the facilities) needed to do something like that. But yeah, will make him keep plugging on at it.

  9. dont underestimate the cat in my av, he is really a ruthless killer  :icon_twosgun:


    oi. the cat in your avatar is one of the cutest creatures I ever saw. Along with fat bulldogs (whom no one shares my affection for) and the obese squirrels on my college campus. And since Rogan can't pervert my posts in the flirting thread I find it safe to proclaim my love for animals without his adding a sexual dimension to it :icon_biggrin:


    though I suppose this doesnt prevent others from doing it.

  10. Damn you! You're talking about the woman I love!


    Please don't tell Mrs Atticus. :icon_redface:


    Atticus, I'm with you, sir. Cate Blanchett is absolutely murderously, sinfully gorgeous. Yes, I agree she could stand to gain a little bit of weight but she really is just amazingly beautiful. Not to mention a great actress. And that accent. Ouch. Her real accent, I mean, not the one she used in LOTR. Australian tinged with her time in the UK. Very nice.

  11. Aha, its about time someone asked this question:


    My favourite horror movies - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Exorcist, Hellraiser, Rosemary's Baby, The Omen, Near Dark (also Alien, Aliens and Alien 3 if they count).


    Scariest horror movies I've seen - The Blair Witch Project alone on DVD with 5.1 speakers in the dark at 2am in a house surrounded by woods well nigh killed me. The Ring (yeah, laugh) scared me too. As did Session 9, a great little indie horror movie with David Caruso.


    The most entertaining bad horror movies would include Hellraiser II for all its exquisite gore. Bram Stoker's Dracula for some of the interesting imagery and how amusingly bad it is. Keanu especially.


    Oh, and for the record, I liked The Hunger. It was pretentious and occasionally too slow but somehow I really liked it. I'm a fan of Bowie who should have been in more movies when he was younger. And I do like the mood of the movie - gothic before gothic was self conscious and irritating. Not that this isnt self consciously pretentious. Oh, and the music was nice. Lakme is a very beautiful work.

  12. Yeah! One of my favourite soundtracks!

    Trent Reznor put together the whole soundtrack. It has lots of good tracks including some of the best work I've heard by NIN ("Perfect Drug"), Smashing Pumpkins, Marilyn Manson (that's saying something, eh?!), Rammstein (eh.), AND great tracks by Lou Reed & David Bowie!!!

    The rest of the soundtrack is interwoven with musical numbers ranging from techno to Jazz.


    Sounds great. Exactly, my point. I think he'd do a great job on a Constantine soundtrack and he wouldnt make it all comprise of his stuff either. He has, from what I've heard of his stuff in movies (and QUake), a very good sense of how the aural augments the visual. He is also a fan of horror/scifi/fantasy and I wouldnt put it past him to be a Hellblazer reader too. I know he's a Sandman fan for sure - I remember reading it somewhere.

  13. Wellll....she's not emaciated!

    She may have curves and be pretty, but that doesn't mean she's not a skinny thang!


    I'd hardly called her "filled out". I looked up pics of her online.

    Some of us guys just like our women to be a bit "meaty" and "plumped up"! :)


    oh sure, she's definitely SKinny, what I meant is that she's curvy and filled out Compared to other Hollywood people. Not normal people. I don't think scrawny women look attractive either.


    However, I also looked up some pics and she does seem to have lost weight so I see where you guys may be coming from. I remember from earlier days where she looked like this:




    Definitely slim but not gaunt and with Some meat on her. Which is why she looked very nice in The Mummy.


    But oh well, her looks are the least thing we should be bothered with in This movie........

  14. What the fuck are you talking about Rogan?! This wasn't based on your life, this is based on MY life!

    Bale needs to lose about 20 more pounds, he's still way to big to play me! Stupid Hollywood, never casting the right actors, eh?



    Actually Bale went down to 120 lbs or so for this role. And in your intro thread you said you weighed 127. So he would have to gain weight to play you. Doesnt that make you feel better about being skinny :p

  15. he he he....Great line! :rolleyes:


    Yeah, if she's working for Hollywood, you're pretty much guranteed she'll be GAUNT!


    thats generally true but the thing is, Rachel Weisz Isnt. Have you seen The Mummy Returns or Runaway Jury. She's pretty filled out and curvy and pretty. I think its cos of the way she's lit that she looks thinner in the trailer.

  16. Glad you said it, Sethos.  Keanu's voice was flat and uninspired, the female lead was disturbingly gaunt, the lines spoken were ridiculous, and scene in the highrise was action movie crap.


    Yeah, the trailer was very uniformly shit. You thought Rachel Weisz looks gaunt though??? she's one of the few curvy actresses working in Hollywood today....maybe its the way she's lit..


    But Keanu, oh God. 'Welcome to my world'????????

  17. Yeah, no kiddin' Lou.

    I saw some post the other day about someone's dream casting for the movie and they mentioned Vinne Jones as Chas. I'm thinkin' YES! And then I remembered he wasn't going to be in it because they cast the Shia pet. But it got me to thinking about a cool story line, wherein Chas (played by Vinnie Jones) finally realizes that he really wasn't cut out to be a family man and he's sick an fookin tired of hearing the wife debase, demoralize, and berate him over being mates with John (among other things. He snaps (in a good way) and tells her to take a flying fucking leap off the London Bridge. "I'm outta here" he proclaims, to which he adds, "I wish you the best of luck with the next bloke you try to mentally castrate". He quits his hack job, shaves his head, loses 25 pounds and adds some muscle back, then goes back to work being an enforcer for some Cockney crime lord. Chas and JC back together again with Chas working street intel for JC on the side. We get a nice wink and a smirk from JC, "Nice to av ya back luv."


    I can dream can't I?


    - TB


    By the way, didn't the rat have red eyes on the preceding cover . . . . Hmmm.


    No, Tim, it doesnt have to be a dream. Go write your own issue. Mike Carey wont mind, he could use a break. I'm the one that put up that post about Vinnie Jones, so if you do end up doing that issue I end up getting a story credit and my name on the cover :D


    I can dream, can't I?

  18. Why don't we all just download the bugger, I'm sure that's what John would do in our situation! Let's all buy a stack of cheap blank CDRs and burn as many copies as we can, then leave them inside the hallway of our local Multi-screen. That way people can go home and see it for free and if they really like it (which I very much doubt!) they can pay their hard earned money to watch it properly.  :rolleyes:


    Big Brother, I dissociate myself from this man completely.

  19. Very cool, Abhi. Be sure to tell your brother we want to see more of his work!




    I will, for sure. I've been trying to get him to make his work as visible as possible. Who knows, maybe one day someone will come along and give him some sort of work. Or a lead to some sort of work. Or a lead to a lead. And after all there are a couple of people with connections coming by this board. It almost never happens that way, but it doesnt hurt to put the work out there. Getting creative assignments in books/comics etc is such a difficult task anywhere and its even harder for a kid from India.


    And of course, its always fun for people on the board to look at nice pictures. I know I like to look at sethos's stuff as he puts it up.

  20. Axel Moonshine?


    the .co.yu domain was because io took the pics from a serbian site about comics...


    Ah yes yes yes Rogan you have awakened some of my fondest and oldest comic book memories. That, sir, is Axel from THE VAGABOND IN LIMBO series. I Loved those comics as a kid. I only ever had three of the little collections (each about the size of an Asterix/Tintin comic) but oh boy, did they ever get me going. Not cos of the nudity either, i was a kid and had no hormones. It just got my already immense imagination firing on all jets, trying to encompass with my little 11 yr old mind, the great genre that is pulp sci fi.


    And hey, there's this one book of the series called "the Ultimate Alchemist' about God and his twilight years on a dark, pleasuredome planet where all the seedy characters of the universe go to get their various perversions fulfilled and Axel's run-in with God as the latter is trying to make one last masterpiece. I dunno, it may be my nostalgia going overboard but that comic book is one of most entertaining and somehow poignant little trashy sci fi tales ive ever read. Unimaginably pulpy and very 70s but really very very good.


    Thanks for reminding me of the good old days. I am grateful to my father for feeding my love of comics by leaving me one of these (without looking to see what was in them) along with an Asterix or two at my bedside every birthday for three or four years. I still have them back home in Calcutta.


    Oh for the good old schlocky space operas. They dont make them like that anymore.

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