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Posts posted by Abhimanyu

  1. I got nothin' against runnin' zombies. Makes the threat a bit more real. Sure, you see a zombie, he shambles, you get away. Fuck around and get a runnin' zombie and he'll chase you down and then your fucked. Or how about runnin' zombies with guns?


    Exactly. I love traditional zombie movies - they're huge fun, but there's zero tension/horror/fear in it for me. 28 Days Later was a nervewracking experience in sections, made me jump several times, made me uneasy - there was actual Tension. I like it when horror movies achieve that. Its not common.

  2. Ive been trying to tell you guys all along :p


    On the contrary, I loved the last 3rd, the whol survivalist thing I really like :) The last 5 minutes maybe.....


    yeah I liked the last third too......it prevented the movie from becoming a kinetic and exciting but ultimately pointless movie by giving it a bit of a vicious twist towards the end. And yeah the last 5 mins.......meh.

  3. i thought that there was supposed to be one arc, or something, that would have tied all the single isue "cases" from the Setting Sun trade (John enters a building where something strange is happening, he then leaves - plot for locked, setting sun, crib...)


    you guys really thought Haunted was too long?? I couldnt get enough of it...but thats just me I guess. Sure the story didnt have much to it but then neither does the story of Alien or Aliens.


    I agree about Higgins' rendition of JC.........he looks like an amateur bodybuilder or something if you look at his arms. But other than that I think he does an AWESOME job with the rest of the art in the TPB. I love the way he depicts London, Map, violence, gore, vomit etc. But yeah JC looks terrible.

  4. No its just Bloodsport.


    Thye left out India too. You'd think they'd include a country that shows so many bad rip-offs that its staple diet here.


    don't worry, Akhira, they didnt leave it out. If you check IMDB listings on pretty much most movies you see that India isnt listed. In actuality I watched Hellboy on the screens in Calcutta two months before it released in the UK hehehehe. The big mainstream crappy flicks usually come out very quickly in India nowadays.


    It's a Keanu movie, it'll come out double quick in India. After the ENORMOUS success of the matrix (as you probly know) any Keanu movie sells. In cal the hordes of Neo wannabes exceeded normal people - EVERYONE was wearing those shades and changing their usernames to Neo.

  5. so do i... the only thing that kept me from seeing 28 days later.


    i love the old shambling guys too but what on earth does everyone seem to have against the running zombies. Dont get me wrong the old ones are great and funny but Fuck the running ones are Scary. Rogan, you should watch 28 Days later and judge for yourelf. I have watched a LOT of zombie movies - I devour the stuff, i even know this guy in Philadelphia who specializes in obtaining them for a few select customers - but 28 days later is one of the best I have seen. I think zombie flicks needed a breath of fresh (or rotting) air and 28 days later was it. The running zombies create an effect all of its own that you can't understand through any description i can put in here. I know that if you havent seen the movie theres no way you can conjure up anything but a laughable image of a running zombie in your head but Trust me on this one......


    I mean, shit, what wouldve happened to the comic book genre if everyone said 'Batman???? OLD?? Pfah. who's this Frank Miller think he is anyway, I'm not reading that crap."


    As Kuato would say "ooooopen your miiiiiiind".

  6. *hugs Abhimanyu*


    awww, how nice.


    <huddles together with fellow humanities students against the onslaught of the horde of marching rationalists>


    but seriously, I meant what I said. Every single field has an essential role. I'm not one of those simplistic people that disses scientists left and right saying that the humanities are what keeps our souls anchored. I love scientists. They give me nice toys to play with.


    But at the same time, I take issue with people who put down humanities students.


    It would take a long and very carefully worded message to explain just HOW the humanities are essential while it would take very few lines to explain why science is essential. But still.

  7. Only with respect to modern hollywood films. There was time that you would get intelligent movies made not to appeal to some teen demographic but for adults.  I don't think we would have ever got to see that type of Hellblazer movie being made.


    yeah i meant hollywood movies i shouldve clarified.


    and willecome, i dont mean that all R rated movies are aimed towards adult, intelligent audiences. WHat i DO mean is that nowadays in mainstream Hollywood, adult concepts are often being dumbed down to PG 13 standards (simplified, shot through with puerile humor etc) so that teenagers can come and buy more tickets. There are Numerous examples of movies that would normally be R rated that ended up PG 13 - horror movies are a good example of this. Rare was the PG 13 horror movie justfive years ago. Nowadays more than half of them are PG 13. This is a trend much discussed in the film community - see this interview with Paul Verhoeven and WIlliam Friedkin for more of this -




    so basically what I mean is not that all R rated movies are for smarter people and all PG 13 movies are for dumb people but that there is a tendency to simplify and sterilize adult concepts for teen audiences. So nowadays an R rating often (BUT NOT ALWAYS) indicates a willingness to experiment at least a little bit. This was not true five years ago.


    And btw R rated movies dont generally make as much money as PG 13 or lower rated movies.


    Tell me if you think this is ridiculous too and I shall attempt a rebuttal.


    And i think to say an R rating means swearing, tits and ass and twatting about with guns is ridiculous, actually.


    But then I guess we were both generalizing then. Sorry about that.

  8. With the way this movie was plotted and conceived, R-rating would just mean more sex, gratuitous violence, and swearing; none of which would fix any of the problems we point out in the film.



    At least then it would be a little more fun.....I like some gratuitous violence (specially that involving demons) in my movies.


    But anyway an R rating would mean that they werent catering exclusively to the money crowd which in turn would mean that they made the movie to appeal to people with an IQ larger than their shoe size.


    However since it IS PG-13 that means its almost definitely simplistic and stupid which are things Hellblazer is not.

  9. Most varieties of Lou share a healthy appetite trait.


    What are your weasels names Keeyah? Just kidding, I know they're ferrets.


    I hate to be a downer but wanted to share something I just saw outside that made me feel sad.


    On the campus where I live there are Tons of squirrels and they're like our collective pets. They're very fat and cute and beady-eyed and their little hands which they use to grip food are amazingly adorable looking. They're very cuddly.


    But just now going to class I saw this little dead squirrel on the quad huddled against the cold and this other squirrel pawing at him. It looked so Terribly sad and now I'm feeling depressed!!! I love the little squirrels and they're usually so happy and frisky.


    And please, nobody post here and tell me something I don't want to hear like 'oh he wasnt sad, squirrels eat their dead' or similar. :(

  10. I disagree completely. Your skills are actually useful, which is a damn sight more than can be said for mine...much as I enjoy academic research, the vast majority of it is self-indulgence. Sciences considerably less so than Humanities, but even so...


    oi oi. I agree that the aims and results of humanities based research is always a lot more nebulous than that of scientific research but I don't agree that its useless or anything like that. Sure much of it is self indulgence but as are many of the scientific ones that I've seen being conducted at my college and elsewhere.


    The whole humanities vs science thing is a touchy subject for me cos in India, the humanities are considered 'the realm of the girl who has nothing better to do' (utter bullshit) while manly men do something 'useful' like commerce or science or are otherwise ostracized by their parents (LITERALLY, you wont Believe some of the shit that happens) if they decide they like literature or the arts.


    The contribution of the humanities is the kind that leads to the Gaimans and Careys of the world and beyond that - an entire world of philosophy and literature and history which is how we build our identities, every bit as important as the essential material contributions made by science.


    I realize here that you were talking about research in particular but I did want to understand if you were going any further with that.


    In my opinion, nearly all fields of expertise that I have heard of are essential to some degree or the other. Its just that the results of some are more direct and measurable than that of others. So i wouldnt say that the skills You possess are useless - far from it. Gets me upset when people say things like that :angry:

  11. Never was A Superman fan per se.. But I liked Christopher Reeves. God rest his soul...


    Blasphemy on this thread, Akhira.....but yeah thats cool, I was never TOO huge on the Superman comics though I did (and do) enjoy them somewhat. However I love the movies (the first three at least, and the fourth to some guilty extent) a Lot as you can see.

  12. Abhi -  Underground is one of his better efforts, but yes, he is going for the "ertistic vision" over sensible scripting somewhat (well, always)...

    still - so many great performances - Lazar Ristovski is EXCELLENT, and the central premise IS interesting enough, with a lot of moderately good humor...



    you're right, Ristovski was really very good. However I didnt like the other guy too much - his overwrought physical comedy (especially the weird facial expressions) just got annoying after the first hour. Ok, maybe less.


    But yeah, Ristovski made up for it.

  13. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003 I love this movie. I was super pissed that they were remaking it at first but it really is good. Very gory and scary and violent and Jessica Biel is hot, hot, hot.


    THANK you. I just could not get why this movie was so maligned. Everyone seemed to have hated it and the reviews trashed it left and right. I thought it was a genuinely creepy and atmospheric remake with some Great performances and direction. It was such a refreshing change from the usual teen/horror subgenre that keeps throwing up dreck on a regular basis.


    John, if you thought Zatoichi was good, you should check out the original movies/series. I thought the remake was a little tedious, actually. It didnt have the cleverness and style of the original except in a few scenes. Takeshi Kitano is definitely the man, though.


    btw, Rogan. I got to see Underground. I have extremely mixed feelings about it. Kusturica is a visually brilliant director but he is WAY too indulgent. I frequently get the sense that he is trying to do a Fellini or a Terry Gilliam and failing. There are some electrifying scenes (loved the opening scene with the zoo being bombed). However there are very long stretches of very self indulgent extraneous matter. I'm not one of those that complains about two hour plus movies. I sat through all three LOTR movies back to back quite happily. And there have been numerous instances of my having watched three hour plus films with great joy. But i cannot fathom how the movie was originally 200 mins long cos the 167 min cut ran way too long. However, the script was occasionally inspired, the acting was mostly great, the visuals were amazing. I did enjoy much of the movie and the central concept was a very good one.

  14. Serbian rednecks are the worst kind - toothless, stuck-up, can't read, can't write, hate anyone they don't know... plus they smell awful.


    sounds exactly like American rednecks.


    hehe, sometimes i wish there were some hardcore Bush-supporters ready to fight the fight on this board......I love arguing it out with them and can honestly say that I have changed at least one person's vote. Debate is always fun.

  15. It truly is a sad world if Superman is dead!

    My favorite scene is in Superman 2, after Supes returns with powers,

    "General, Would you care to step outside!"

    Christopher Reeves was a Super-Man in all respects.


    Most importantly, He made us all think a man could fly!


    I swear, man.......I didnt think the death of a man I had never met would get me down so much....I've been feeling kinda down all day. Superman/Reeve has been so inextricably wound with my entire childhood, I have SO many memories. The Superman series is responsible in large ways for my being such a movie fanatic (which in turn won me my scholarship here - it sounds like a stretch but it isnt). Says a lot about how we can associate people with their famous roles and about the magic of movies in general. Of course, it wouldntve been anything without the man himself.....had he been some junkie/wifebeater like some other actors, he wouldnt be so widely mourned - the greatest Superman ever or not.


    I was thinking about it today and I realized I can STILL call up in my head Large chunks of the screenplays of all four movies even now.


    I've got my Superman t shirt out too. Played the John Williams theme all day too. Talk about melancholy.

  16. RIP CR :S

    I was confused when you said "the one and only" because I couldnt actually think of another, but there werre a few horrid attempts in TV form :S

    Long live this legend!


    I meant the only real Superman as far as I'm concerned. Not the TV version and not even any inspired casting choices they make for the new Superman movies I keep hearing about. I know that I'll never approve of any of them even if they're good just cos its an impossible act to follow up.


    And yeah, Charlie, Terence Stamp was awesome.


    "Good God......"




    and I used to quake everytime he said "Son of Jor-El" in that booming theatrical voice.

  17. That's pretty funny that your mom just ended up buying the tapes for you.


    Superman 2 was my favorite. Those foks from the Phantom Zone were pretty bad ass. Margot Kidder was totally hot.


    Superman 3 was cool, Richard Prior is funny and Annette O' Toole is hot. That robot chick scared the fuck out of me as a kid.


    Yeah, it was great. One day she just dropped the two movies on my bed and said in a huff that she wasnt going to rent the other two for me ever again. It transpired then, that I became addicted to renting the videotapes of Ghostbusters and Masters of the Universe (which she also ended up buying, the poor soul).


    Superman II was my favourite too, and I do believe it was the best one. The dominatrix lady played by Sarah Douglas was as hot as Margot Kidder. It was kinda sad when Kidder sort of went to pot by Superman IV with the terminally nicotine stained teeth and the weight loss. SHe got a bit angular and crone-ish somehow. This aided my transition to admiring Annette O Toole in that strange way that kids fall for women even when their hormones are dormant.


    Annette O Toole remained hot, yes.


    The robot chick scared me even when she was human. But not as much as Nuclear Man's nails growing in space. I literally had nightmares about that.

  18. :( I will always have a special place in my heart for Christopher Reeves.


    tell me about it :(


    BAck in the day when Calcutta wasnt such a cosmopolitan, wired place (ie ten years ago) and there were no video rental stores that had any movies less than two years old, the choice was limited. And nearly every weekend my mother would take me to the store that there Was (a little corner room full of pirated videotapes) and we would pick one of the Superman movies. Week after week after week. Time came that the owner would start keeping aside the Superman tapes for me and my poor mom ended up spending so much on renting them over and over that she lost her patience and bought me the first two movies.


    Oh, the emotion I vested in them. Every punch absorbed by Superman in the battle above Metropolis in Superman II, I felt. Every passionate kiss, my hormoneless self would still feel warm and fuzzy over (needless to say I thought Margot Kidder was the prettiest ever. Then when Superman III came along, it became Annette O Toole). I was even scared shitless by the psychopathic Nuclear Man in the Terrible SUperman IV and kept fast forwarding through half the movie cos Supes would get a kicking.


    Those were the days.

  19. It's a horrible thing to wake up in the morning and hear news like "Christopher Reeve just died". My BEST cinematic memories BAR NONE back home for the entire decade of the 80s and a good part of the 90s was with the one and ONLY Superman. I'm guessing anyone they find after this isnt going to be up to snuff for me.


    Rest in Peace.


    It's been a bad week for Hollywood.........Rodney Dangerfield, Janet Leigh, now Chris Reeve.

  20. john, that's probably cos the Americans that Dont make him look like a backwoods muppet arent likely to leave Asshole, Missouri or Shithole, Texas in order to give them the chance to talk to you.


    Here in central Pennsylvania where I study there are PLENTY of people who make Bush look like the status quo - and sometimes <shudder> above average!!

  21. Pooka, we have Tons of roadside vendors in India - its almost like an industry unto itself and a national tradition. For centuries, one of the high points of the average kid's day has been to run out of school with money painfully wrangled from parents and buy one of the roadside snacks every day at 3 pm. and these dishes are numerous in type and differ from region to region. In calcutta (eastern india) the popular one is 'puchkas' which are round, hollow flour shells that are filled with potatoes sometimes or with this sweet/spicy juice that they make specially for them. They're absolutely amazing.


    Another real popular one is 'jhal moori' which is puffed rice (like rice krispies) that are mixed together with all kinds of stuff - tomatoes, onions, spices, herbs, pulses. It's almost literally addictive.


    Unfortunately nowadays a lot of guys use unhygienic conditions while preparing this undeniably great tasting food and this can lead to some serious diseases ranging from stomach upsets to liver-destroying conditions like jaundice. And india becoming a little more health conscious these days so this has reduced the vendors' custom a Little bit. just a little though. tradition is tradition.

  22. Before this turns into the Brian Blessed thread.......


    Am really sorry to hear about it, Beki....i know how u feel a little bit......i reached the end of a real long term relship a while ago and i'm Still messed up over it, hehe. Never mind, long and horrible story. So anyway, I'm sure you'll be fine. If that is really a pic of you that DOnny posted and not a model off of the internet, you won't be single any longer than you want to either ;)


    and hey maybe the next one will like zombies and you can watch the Dead movies and all the nice romantic Troma flicks to your heart's content :unsure:


    I'd put a hug in like some others but it goes against my testosterone charged approach to life (that conceals my fatally romantic, terribly insecure true self, hehe)


    ha and i thot i was the only one who enjoyed Flash Gordon.......i still love the Queen soundtrack.

  23. it would Have to be The Matrix. I can't think of any other Really good movies hes even been in.........though, to be fair to the thread title, he has been in a fair number of very entertaining bad movies. Some verging on good......like Point Break, The Devil's Advocate.


    And yeah Speed and that Steve Martin were very good too.

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