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Posts posted by Keeyah

  1. I had a similer thing happen to me but with a personal alarm at work.


    It was a left behind item that someone had stuck in the safe. When I pulled it out it started screeching as the pin had dropped behind the safe and I couldn't get to it. Being in a supermarket all the customers were staring at me as I shoved the stupid thing up my t-shirt. All the checkout girls were laughing and one of the guys from nightfill came racing over and opened the warehouse door so I could escape out the back.


    (I left the other supervisor to explain to the customers "No it's not a fire alarm." Damn thing was loud enough to be one)


    I took the horrible thing out in the warehouse and Rob threw it against the wall 5 or 6 time before it broke and then it made a high pitched sqeeking!! Rob and me stamped on it till it died.

  2. Why the front legs--he not move so well? Am I months behind in the conversation? :icon_redface:


    He may have mild Panosteitis. Which is when large breed puppies get pains in their bones. He will grow out of it.


    Thanks for your interest. This week has been horrible. No sleep and having my buddy in discomfort makes me pretty run down. Kind of nice to have somewhere to complain!



    And Tony B - Shut up.

  3. For 500 quid I'd hope they framed one of them fuckers poster sized.

    And by that I mean one of the radiographs, not his doggly bits.


    I was wondering!


    The £500 was for the removal of the one testicle that was descended, the one that wasn't (that was the hard part. It was right up near his stomach so it took a lot of work to find.) also he had a slight hernia which was corrected. Plus 2 x-rays of his front legs but they found nothing. Good that he seems ok but bad that it cost so much to find out nothing. Plus antibiotics and painkillers.


    Oh and a buster collar that the little bastard can't wear. Guess who hasn't slept since Friday.

  4. Sadly one pup died this morning. She did have a letter of 13 but 8 were stillborn. This little one was quite weak.


    Two boys, two girls left. The girls are sold already and my friend really wants to keep one to the boys. That leaves one little guy....


    I won't. It isn't about the energy or obedience of a dalmation as Diesel is a very high drive dog himself. It is mainly money. After next week Diesel would have cost me £200+ this month alone. (He is having his manliness removed on Friday.)

    Plus Diesel is too young. Puppy + puppy = hard work.



    But how cute would it be?!!


  5. My friend has puppies!!


    Well not him exactly but his dog did. 5 two day old dalmation puppies. They look like white hamsters at the moment but when they get their spots in a couple of weeks they will be so sweet.


    Keep telling me that I don't want one.

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