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Posts posted by Keeyah

  1. Diesel has a girlfriend.


    Details. You get a new dog or is she just a friend?


    My Aunt's pup. Sasha is a collie x jack russell and Diesel and her have playdates every Tuesday afternoon. Which kind of go like this-


    1,Jump on each other as greeting.

    2,Run into garden.

    3,Chase each other madly.

    4,Bark at rabbits,

    5,Run into house, skid on the kitchen floor and crash into anyone on the way.

    6,Make puppy-dog eyes at the children in hopes of getting treats.

    7, Steal the treats off each other as they never believe that they both have the same thing.

    8,Lie down panting while Sasha tries to bite Diesel's tongue.


    Repeat 2,3,4,5 and 8 many times FOR 3 HOURS!

  2. Thanks Malin and Inca. Ferrets sleep for 20 hours a day but it took Rogue ages to go into her bed tonight. She keeps looking for him in the tunnel and the large flowerpot. I have given her a pet heat-pad and a cuddly toy.


    Diesel licked her head. Which was good in theory but not when you consider that his tongue is the same size as her!

  3. I had to have one of my ferrets put to sleep this afternoon. Gambit either had a stroke or somehow broke his back.


    He was my 18th birthday present and has kept me entertained for 6 years since with his love of chewing feet. He stole one of my shoes once and managed to carry it into his bed so I let him keep it.


    His partner Rogue looks very lost without him. They haven't been apart since I got them. When he couldn't move earlier I wrapped him in a towel and lay him next to his water dish, Rogue got in the towel with him and washed his face untill they went to sleep. I hope she is ok.


    Goodbye Gambit.



  4. Would anyone like a German Shepherd dog?


    I came home from work to find one of my CD's chewed up and a packet of marshmellows all over the place. Diesel clearly didn't like them so he just licked them all and scattered them around the kitchen and stairs.


    He had marshmellows stuck to his paws and chest and to make it even stranger he had a washer from a tap attached to the sticky mess under his belly? I had to cut some of his fur to get it off and spent ages washing his paws and cleaning the carpet.


    Horrible pup!

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