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Posts posted by Bilirubin

  1. I think I am slowly going insane.


    Last week I slipped and fell on some ice while taking in my recycling. Fortunately the bottle I was carrying didn't break, I didn't break my elbow, and I didn't hit my head. Unfortunately I did justly jostle (Jesus Christ) my brain sufficiently to sustain a mild concussion. So I am under doctors orders to not use my brain, although he gave me a wry "like you can do that in your line of work". I said editing was relatively brainless and he just rolled his eyes. Anyway, I have been home most of the week. I had to go in on Monday for a student's Master's defense, fortunately as supervisor I wasn't expected to ask any questions--I didn't go in to the doctor until Tuesday when the headache didn't relent. I cannot edit (scrolling the screen makes me nauseous), cannot read (no focus), can't listen to music (sound sensitive, gives me a ringing headache). Practicing the mandolin is right out. Even trying to catch up on some Matt Smith Doctor Whos on PVR is too much for any more than one at a time, starting on day 3 of home rest (fast forwarding through commercials makes me queasy, and I am apparently an emotional wreck). About all I can manage is short bursts of solitaire on my phone, naps (I am SO caught up on any sleep deficit I might have had), and light web surfing.


    I. Can't. Take. This. Anymore.


    I am hoping that this will somehow magically fix this problem, by either downloading all of my frustration to the web, or by somehow making me simple enough to enjoy watching dust float in the air.


    PS: guess how many edits this post took to get right

  2. It's a shame it wasn't a fitting end to the "... Of The Doctor" trilogy, as the previous two entries were wootworthy.


    Alasdair Wilkins posted a highly complimentary but compelling review on The AV Club: http://www.avclub.co...e-doctor-106556 His review has actually bettered my understanding of the Moffat era — the assertion that the 11th Doctor's 'lifetime' is a self-contained fairytale, rather than part of an ongoing revision of Doctor Who to fairytale, makes it all sit better with me.


    My mate David, who linked to the review, said "The writer got more from [Time of the Doctor] than I did, but I am more in tune with his arguments than most I've read."


    EDIT: Some perceptive stuff in the comments section, too. Loved the description "fan service / foot-dragging". biggrin.gif

    Enjoyed this article, thanks for posting it!

  3. Same.


    Well, that was...pretty disappointing to me, for all of the reasons given above. It just made no coherent sense. At all.


    And the Deus Ex Time Lord at the end...ugh.


    Actually enjoyed the Impossible Girl they played in rerun immediately before, and then the reprisal of the 50th anniversary episode after, much much more

  4. Early on in this thread I raised the question about the boundary between metal and hardcore. Well, the reason for this question goes to one of the local bands when I grew up, who have now had some tunes uploaded to the tub. Perhaps this will give better context to where I might have been somewhat confused.


    Friend likened this to some of the crust core bands, but they were around before crust was a thing (if it ever was really) playing betwen 84 and 86. Maynard cited them as an early influence.

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