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Posts posted by Bilirubin

  1. Seconded! I got really misty with the cameo appearance at the end.


    Is this thread spoiler free or not? I have not been following it closely because I am still woefully behind in Matt Smith's run


    Who was in the photo that Clara was looking at in the black vault? Adric? An earlier version of herself?

  2. up to date with the mango now, may go back and reread it entirely from the beginning because, whereas the action sequences suck in still panels, the story is somewhat broader and the characters more interesting (Levi is not quite the superhero, Hanji is not half mad, etc.)

  3. I was on holiday in the UK last week, and was taking a very deliberate break from the Internet, newspapers and anything remotely current affairs related. So it came as a bit of a surprise to find out (luckily before I actually came home) that the country I work for had rather selfishly chosen last week as the time to hold another revolution, and that I now technically work for a new government.


    As you can probably imagine, this has been the best week at work ever. Calm, organized, everyone completely unstressed and not much for anyone to do.


    Or, in fact, none of those things.

    The best understatement ever!

  4. Now what I meant to say before that unpleasantness set in was...and Mark is going to love this...but I have become addicted to tea.


    On my trip to London Ade set me up with some smart bergemot infused green tea, and I just loved it. That got me thinking. So on my recent trip to Berkeley I stopped in at one of the specialty tea houses. They are *very* particular about how teas are prepared and served, and I loved everything I tried. It skewed towards asian styles, so I left with a new infuser that is open at the top and just sits in your cup hoked on the rim (my partner due to her condition cannot operate a lot of the spring loaded types) and 2 oz. of goyukoru green. It comes with specific temperature instructions (now I have to find the candy thermometer lol) and despite being bloody expensive you can get several cups from a single batch of leaves. Heresy I know Mark, but that is what those particular tea snobs told me :D


    I'm now hunting for other styles of tisane/herbal teas for evenings. Trying to wean myself off so much beer and wine as part of my decision to run a 10k at next year's Calgary Marathon.

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  5. Seriously do not recall making that post lol but as someone else in Calgary observed on Twitter "perhaps we can get a group rate at the Betty Ford when this is all over"


    Back home now, all is safe and sound other than some frayed nerves. REAL nice to be back in our own place. Will head off this weekend to help those who had actual property damage.

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