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Posts posted by Bilirubin

  1. Hard to believe her political impact is of the same magnitude as Reagan's.


    In Britain - in much of Europe, in fact - it absolutely is. Thatcher is, for good or ill*, the most important post-WW2 politician in Britain by such a wide margin that it's difficult to even think of another credible contender for the title. She fundamentally changed the political nature of the country in ways which are still playing out today. Almost literally "today", in fact - it's oddly fitting, as others have pointed out, that her death has brought her back to the public eye only a week after the full force of the current Government's cuts/"austerity measures" (a sickening, cowardly euphemism for a sustained, ideologically driven assault on the central principles of the British welfare system as it existed for more than half a century) was put into action. Over the next couple of years, large numbers of people are going to be literally starving and dying as a direct consequence of policies which are explicitly built on Thatcherite principles.

    Same shit different package then.

  2. No, really, what are your thoughts on her passing Mark? ;)


    Hard to believe her political impact is of the same magnitude as Reagan's. Its his fault the US is in the mess it is at right now, with the ascendancy of illiterate, ignorant bloviating ideologues And then the Republicans...

  3. Hash Bash was always great except for the cops running around taking photos. Now I'll never sit on the Supreme Court :(


    Best part about the tourney is that, like the FA Cup, teams from all leagues and divisions compete as equals. I had never heard of Florida Gulf Coast until this year.

  4. I liked TBB because it had Dr Who being Dr Who. All the poorish science and the running about and not trying to protect oneself properly aside, Dr Who is all about "Nope, I deny this reality, and you are about to join my scrapheap of defeated enemies, Satan-thing".

    Don't forget the screaming. There is an awful lot of screaming in Doctor Who.

  5. Also, I was in the crowd on South U in 1989, hope that scene doesn't repeat should Michigan win.


    Now to find the appropriate amount of branded clothing to wear tomorrow...

  6. How hard was tonight's game for you? Your undergrad uni playing your grad school for a trip to the finals?


    (I care about basketball for probably 4 games a year, but was a season ticket holder for the hockey team when at Michigan)


    Go Blue!(?)

  7. Another big announcement about the 50th anniversary special about the inclusion of another element from the show's past (don't hover over the link if you don't want to be spoiled, because the url gives it away. Be aware that it's going to be almost impossible to avoid finding out about between now and November, though, and it doesn't reveal anything significant about the actual plot of the episode):




    I freely admit to being way, way more pleased and excited by this than I have any right to be.


    *screams like a girl*


    I didn't see that one coming, I must admit.


    Its Adric right?

  8. I couldn't be further away from being happy about any of this. No fan of Del Toro (at least, not when he's got his "I wanna make popular movies!" head on). And yes, I can see James Marsters already practicing his irritating mockney bollocks and OH CHRIST THIS HAS JUST REMINDED ME HOW MUCH I FUCKING HATED BUFFY AND HIS RUN IN TOSSWOOD. breath, breath... there, calm down old chap. Anyway, this all sound hideous- you couldn't possibly find a bigger Swamp Thing fan on the planet than me, and I tell you now, Swampy will never, ever, make for a good movie. Never. It will be bollocks. I sincerely hope this dies a quick death.



    Compared to David Tennant's mockney, Marsters' (and Juliet Landau's) was pitch perfect.

    Speaking of whom, who was the blond fellow who replaced Derek Jacobi's Master in Doctor Who? Right age, wouldn't be as terribly miscast as Keeanu, played with Tennant well in taking out Timothy Dalton


    John Simm. Blondish.


    Also holy christ that was Tennant's actual accent? Sounded like a Cape Bretoner trying to talk posh.


    (the tank/fruits machine bit was hilarious)

  9. This is what Norwegian Black Metal from the early '90s sounded like. If you don't like it (and, being honest, you probably won't), odds are pretty good that you won't enjoy the genre at all - this is a relatively accessible example.

    So I was just thinking about this thread and decided to give these tunes another listen. I was especially interested in how I might react to this particular tune, and was surprised I didn't have such a negative reaction towards it. The organ near the end I found a bit...well I see what they were doing but it didn't really do it for me the way the rest did. I might have to explore into this scandanavian death metal a bit deeper. Suggestions?


    Also interestingly, I was listening to more recent In Flames and wow, they went full on prog rock didn't they?


    But I LOVE that Heartworks era Carcass. I listen to it often.

  10. http://www.mspaintadventures.com/


    Its a web comic that has been going on for years. Its starts out like one of the old text based computer games, but soon spirals off to awesome. Its what half of Tumblr's activity is about. Its...a complete fucking mess of a story with scads of characters, many if not most of whom are dead, multi media (text and image, shockwave animations, music, interactive games), and has been called the modern day's Ulysses (Joyce, not Virgil).


    And its absolutely captivating. Well, at least to me.


    Take a quick gander...from the proposed game kickstarter that generated over 2 million bucks so far

  11. Sure thing, Dog. Here's another for you. Blowin' up some herbs and you don't want to reek of the reefer?


    Rub yourself down with a dryer sheet and nobody's the wiser. Fact.


    Also, smoking some weed and you don't want anyone to smell it? Stuff a dryer sheet in a toilet paper or paper towel tube and exhale through it.

    Or just get a small vaporizer.


    Er, or so I've heard

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