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Posts posted by Claire

  1. I wish she still had the blanket!* The different dimensions and textures of the 'nipples' were fascinating. Plus it was wonderfuly attractive (tactilely inviting) and repellant (Ed Gein associations) at the same time.


    *It was misguidedly thrown out in a fit of spring cleaning.

  2. That pic reminds of my friend Kendra's project in first year sculpture casting workshop at art school.


    She got all us girls in the class to cast our nipples in plaster, then from the plaster moulds cast them in latex, sewed all the little latex nipples together, and thus created a patchwork nipple security blanket.

  3. Went to see Colour Me Kubrick the other night. I thought it was dire.


    It felt the film makers had no idea what to do with the material. Most of the jokes were cheap and obvious. I got they were aiming for the British vulgar comic grotesque sensibility (the awkardly shoehorned in refrence to Carry On films was an obvious tip of the hat), but grotesque without either ribald good humour or deliciously over-the-top misanthropy falls flat.


    I left the theatre bemused and feeling vaguely soiled.

  4. I was shown the most incredible book last night! It was a Chas Adams book called, I think The Dead Old Days. It wasn't a coolection of his cartoons, rather it was Adams' own collection of bizzare images and reference material. It was fascinating and illuminating. Many photos of 19th century circus freaks, fabulous American Gothic houses, early car crashes, engravings of old surgical instruments and torture devices, and old undertaker supplies catalogs.


    It was a lucky book fair find, and I will be eternally jealous of the girl who snagged it.

  5. Dear Diary


    I'm worried about Akhira. She seems to have completely blanked our 'disposal' of ACXchan from her memory. She's currently rocking back and forth in the corner muttering about spots.


    If she's not careful she'll be joining ACXchan in the airing cupboard. Good thing all the housemates are too flithy to do laundry. OH well, if anyone finds out I can always blame Akhira.



  6. Dear Diary


    Starting to regret turning up in my yeoman's uniform. Polyester velour is not comfortable, and I still haven't washed it since having my photo taken with George Takei. Luckily I've managed to convince Rogan that the smell is coming from Jon's pants.



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