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Posts posted by Lost_Johnny

  1. speedball2.jpg
    Heh, had this for my megadrive


    DRUSS I spent all night at a party stoned reading this (unsociable git that I was), fantastic pulp. Why the fuck hasn't the guy got an axe in the picture though?



    You missed off the one thing that needs to be there for my unconditional love...


  2. Ace! It's where you really like to see John isn't it. Agree that the detail of the bottles and the bar is excellent right down to the barman giving John a wary glance.


    OK go on then... I can spot a bottle of Lagavulin and I think a bottle of Chivas Regal and Drambuie on the top shelf and maybe Glenfiddich on the second shelf....

  3. Lipstick on your Collar - don't ask me to explain I just loved it.


    Brazil and Get Carter - if I was stuck on a desert island (with electricity and a TV/DVD) I could alternate between these two films forever.


    Space Ritual by Hawkwind - I am not ashamed.

  4. Can anyone give me an idea of how these expo's work with regards to the timings of events and how much time you reckon is best spent wandering about browsing etc. as opposed to the events (I know it's a bit subjective in relation to what the events are but any idea would help). The reason I could do with getting an idea is that it looks like I'll be crashing at my wife's sister's place and they've got a great kid of about 9 who's just getting into comics etc. and would probably be really interested in going for a bit of a look, but I'll need to take him in and then drop him back home and on a selfish level I don't want to miss too much :biggrin: (at least I'll get to be the cool uncle who takes him to ace things!).


    On a social and completely trivial level do you lot tend to go for a curry and then hit the beer on Saturday night or is the curry at the end of days. I'm going to try and meet up with my brother in law for a drink (insurance on getting back to their place) so I'm just wondering how things usually pan out. Now back to the Jack Daniels... got to get in training.

  5. Anyone still following this title? It's one of the meager two I keep up with these days. My but hasn't the plot shifted into the realm for which Wozza is often defined. It reads like a TRANSMET/Global Frequency hybrid, which is a lazily formulated compliment. But I mean that I consider those two titles among Ellis' best, so it's the sort of bastard funbaby of those 2.


    I love the character. For some reason, he sort of reminds me of the big dog (Rowf) in Plague Dogs due to all the experimentation done on him. Jones the dog they drown and resuscitate each day. I can't wait until the next issue, there are now 3 sisters, right? And the oul' man, and the amateur pornographers. I hope Tapper doesn't turn sour. I kind of like him as a peripheral good guy. Something tells me Roberta (?) his driver is going to fuck him up somehow.

    Along with Fell, Winter Men and, all to briefly, The Atheist this was in my definite favourites last year (as well as HB of course) but two months is oh so long to wait, still it's worth it for that art work - and yeh he's a top character, it's lovely to have another cynical Brit out there.
  6. Kinki, have you studied the stages of grief? It would probably be a good idea to look them up and read about them if you aren't familiar with them.

    Kinki, Christian is right they do help, even though they seem bleedin obvious but it took a grief counsellor to help me past some hurdles... yeh that's right big old hard ass me got sent to a NHS shrink and I was too polite to tell them to fuck off :biggrin:


    ...seriously she was really good, helped a lot.


    take care.

  7. I missed Johnny's question as well (bad manners for somebody with a Hawkwind/Motorhead handle) so I'd better clear this up.

    It's a horror novella, for a small press who publish a lot of these things. It deals with vampires, among other things.

    ...and you don't want to upset your neighbours either :tongue:

    Good luck with it and let us know when they're published and where we can get them from (will they be on sale locally?)

  8. In fact, it's one of the reasons this day is so important.


    Alternative viewpoint: it's the reason the whole thing is a rather pointless....

    It's not just pointless, it's dangerous if you give them one day they'll just want more, it'll lead to trouble I'm telling ya....


    Look see it's already started...

    One day? I want the whole year!


    of course I am only joking, now excuse me while I phone home to check what time my tea will be on the table....

  9. And whats up with those squares?

    I thought it was obvious... they are the metaphorical representation of Gabriel's version of Dante's Nine Circles of Hell... but as squares see, clever huh? Well actually they're rectangles but the intellectual point still stands.



    .... must try harder next time! :tongue:

  10. Just got a text file of the book what I wrote, as edited by a couple of editors. It seems they want to bring the publication date forwards, so they need it checking and returning by the end of the week if possible. I'm about halfway through and apart from some odd formatting (which could be more down to the document being written as an RTF in Word and opened in text edit on a Mac, it looks okay.

    I got the email at nine (actually, I got it a bit after seven, but I didn't know that I had it until nine), so I'm now going to go and get some sleep before my eyeballs fall out.

    That sounds positive, what is the book about? Sorry if you've mentioned it before but I'm crap at keeping up!


    Hey Sethos best wishes to your girl, treat yourselves to a holiday, if you can afford it, when she has recuperated.

  11. Judgement

    Apologies for the delay, I had good intentions to do a proper pen and ink wash painting, but I haven't had the time, so here's the photo collage I've put together as the source for a future painting...


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