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Posts posted by Atticus

  1. On the subject of left ear / right ear gay/straight thing, that was knocking about when I was at school too. What amazed me was that folk, even at that age, believed it.

    I cut right through the problem when getting mine pierced at 16 by getting both done together.

    Took them out a couple of years back for meetings with a very conservative client, and got so fed up taking them out, putting them in again, that I just left them out one day.

    Very few blokes can get away with being over 30 with earrings though - it all depends on general dress sense and attitude in my opinion.

  2. A bit busy at the mo', so can't read this whole thread (and consequently may be repeating someone else's point) but I watched Panorama last night, and they were talking about the rise of support of the Christian right, who are fully against such a liberal candidate as John Kerry.


    It just got me thinking about the whole religion/politics things.

    Why are these "christians" (and I know that it doesn't include all christians) so in favour of such a right wing leader, and so abhorent of the liberal challenger, when Jesus's teachings were all so liberal?


    Turn the other cheek

    Love thy neighbour

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

    That one about if you have two shirts and someone has none, give them one of yours

    etc etc


    These are all damn good rules to llive your life by, and "liberal" by any measure. So why has this change occurred? Why are they hung up on intrinsically outdated & superseded Old Testament "an eye for an eye" bullshit?

  3. See? He even thinks like a professional killer!


    He says he's going to demolish a row of shops in London as part of his job.


    I want to know what evidence he's hidden in the walls, hoping that it'll be destroyed in the process...


    All sorts of things can be "disposed of" on building sites you know, James. Concrete can come in very handy.............


    Fifteen copies of 16 Naked Faeries for starters.


    nah, got them all pasted to the walls in my private room.

  4. Aye, you're right there John, but I also agree with James.


    I've only read just over half of Delano's run (including Original Sins), but even The Fear Machine could have done with being a few issues shorter.

    I'll probably still chase down the 15 or so that I'm missing though.

  5. Just looked at this thread for the first time.

    I'm going to have to remember some of those taglines from the DyD covers for my Italian classes. That would be excellent - "La bellezza del demonio!"


    Those comics do look cool, Rogan, but it's probably not the best use of your time to post them here. I can't really read comics pages on the screen either.

  6. Aye, but where was it? I wandered round round downstairs, and had a wee look upstairs where Ian Gibson was being interviewed and some folk were looking at portfolios (incidentally - I saw some young lad, no more than 16, with a portfolio of absolutely gorgeous pencilled proper comic pages. It's just not fucking fair).


    But I can't shake the feeling I missed a big room where everybody was having fun and getting free beer served by gorgeous women, who all said "shhh! he'll find us" every time I walked passed.


    Or maybe I'm just paranoid.

  7. That line still gives me a chill, John.


    Morrison's Animal Man was the absolute business. Top notch. And I could've cried at the ending. Well, if I wasn't such a big hard tough Scotsman, that is.


    The series as a whole seemed to vary between fairly good to tedious (with occasional bursts of brilliance) after GM left it. But I totally lost interest around #80-#90ish, when Delano was writing it. Absolute pants.


    Still, I've got me a signed #1 at home.

  8. I wrote a couple of really small, multiple choice text-adventures (one with ASCII graphics) for the C64 back in the day.


    Just brought back memories of sitting in my bedroom at 14 and typing lines and lines of BASIC programme for the Spectrum 45. All that "110 IF y>13 THEN GOTO 450" etc etc.

    Absolutely fucking useless in retrospect. Does anything still use BASIC these days?

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