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Posts posted by Atticus

  1. Eventually I woke up in Lewisham, in a strange flat, with no idea how to get home (cue 3 hour trek across London, via the Docklands Light Railway).



    Oi! Lewisham? That's my manor! Get back to norf london, you slaaaag!


    Anyway, sounds like a tremendous night. From memory, that's the sort of nights you do tend to have when you're a newbie in London. I might try at some point to add one of my own drunken ranblings.

  2. The VillageDoes knowing the final scene of Planet of the Apes ruin that film ?

    No it does not.


    Just watch it and enjoy the pleasant scenery, the unsophisticated characters and the mystery of what is stalking the Village. It Is A Fairy Tale !



    Well said, Ade. I enjoyed the film even though I had let my curiosity get the better of me and read the spoilers. I still found it chock full of suspense, and was still pleased with the ending (apart from M Night still getting his mug in in a reflection - we know you're going to be in there somewhere bud, just don't try to get too clever).


    Anyway, this weekend I went to see The Life And Death Of Peter Sellers and it was the best movie I've seen this year.

    If Geoffrey Rush doesn't get an Oscar nod for his performance then it's a mad, sorry world. The clips of him playing Sellers, but stepping "outside the box" to assume the roles of the major figures in his life were extremely well done, and he was entirely believable as the great man. The supporting roles too were perfectly cast - Charlize Theron was superb as Britt Ekland - the sense of being in the 60s was so complete you could've been watching a film made in that era (I was told today of the extensive CGI used to recreate scenes swinging 60s london, including traffic etc, but on Saturday night I just thought "how the hell did they clear so many London streets and get so many vintage cars??").

    The story grabs your attention from the first moments (after a superbly Sellers / Pink Panther-esque title sequence), where you see his ambition, the influences, and the touches of mental illness. His obsession with Sofia Loren is well played out, and ultimately tragic as unrequited love/obsession. Emily Watson is great as his suffering first wife, John Lithgow suitably smarmy as Blake Edwards, and Stanley Tucci great as a perfectionist Kubrick.


    Honestly, if you get a chance to see this film, go along. It could be argued that it's maybe 15 or 20 minutes too long, but I felt it had to be that length to encompass the significant elements of his career.


    Oh, and Sonia Aquino, in her first english speaking role, is absolute sex on legs as Sofia Loren.

  3. That and the "living a normal family life in the span of a day" was a lot like that old Star Trek: Next Generation episode where Picard lived a whole other life as some nobody in the span of a few minutes.  Which I think would fuck you up mentally but what do I know. 


    Aye, I thought that too. And hopefully JC will have some longer term effects of the memories that he's left with. Picard had that too, but 'cos he's such a cool excellent guy he managed to keep it under control. He the man.

  4. Just voted and saw the overwhelming "8". Come on now, who gave the "1"? Did Luis come back in?


    Anyway, I liked the issue, I was looking forward to seeing these "images of days yet to come", but like Mark was slightly confused by how the time scale fits into the present-day John.


    But I took it to mean that Rosacarnis took 24 hours from John's life (as agreed), but it was 24 hours from 3 possible futures for John. How does that sound? Not quite sure how that will end up with his kids coming back x-number of years to plague John in the present, but I'm sure there'll be an explanation for that someway along the line.


    Anyway, as a by-the-by, I was off ill for a couple of days at the start of the week, and took the opportunity to re-read Mr Carey's run from start to finish. Now, I know some folk had a few quibbles about some parts where not very much happened to progress the "Shadow Dog" story onwards, and I felt the same at the time ("The Pit", the Gruinard story) but after re-reading them, it was all excellently paced I thought. I enjoyed the way that there were other things going on around John and the supporting cast that got told during his learning about the BWNN. The Gruinard story, I'll break ranks and say that I loved the artwork - it was wonderful in it's minimalism & simplicity. And I would even put "Staring At The Wall" above "Red Sepulchre" as my favourite arc (although "A Game Of Cat & Mouse" is still my fave Carey one-off).


    All in all, I would change my vote for favourite HB scribe from Mr Ennis firmly to vote for Mike Carey. Sorry if that sounds like ass kissing, but as Clarence Whorley says, it ain't kissing ass if you really mean it.

  5. Well, if we're doing the introductions thing........


    I'm Hugh, although I'm still not changing my screen name despite what Funk, Mr Tambourine Man, Restless Stranger and the Constant Serpentine may do.

    I'm a fairly well preserved (or well pickled) 34, and managed to find my way from Glasgow to London over the course of about 10 years, where I work now as an architect. Just along the road from Mr Tambourine Man, apparently. I've been married to Jenny, (who shall also be known as Mrs Atticus) for nearly 7 years now and she's fabulous.


    I read a varied range of comics, from Hellblazer to Batgirl, and used to fancy myself as an amateur comic artist (which Pal & Josh are currently doing their best to encourage me - sorry I'm taking so long guys). I like a pretty wide range of movies, and have a fondness for detective novels (Inspector Rebus & Vice-Questore Aurelio Zen being my two current faves).


    I drink far too much red wine, enjoy Guinness when in the pub, G&Ts or gold tequila & lemonade when in the mood for shorts, and expensive single cask malt whiskies even though I can't tell the difference. I like a good smoke although I've recently cut down and unexpectedly found myself in the middle of a drought too.


    I spend my spare time watching Celtic on the TV and occaisionally watching Spurs in the South Stand (when my mate gives me his season ticket), sitting at home drinking lots and have dawn-patrol DVD sessions when my wife's away on work. Currently learning Italian at evening classes.


    I'm a tireless animal lover, as my 1984 conviction for bestiality will attest...............oh bugger.

  6. Hopefully, I'll be able to attach an mpeg here that a mate sent me the other day. Don't know if it'll run in the window or whatever, but here goes:



    Ah bugger. Didn't work. Ah well, it was funny anyway. Honest.

  7. That's one thing I never understood. Hawksmoor's dong scared a lady bad enough to get him out of a jam in Stormwatch. But in Authority he's quite the ladies man. What gives?


    Aye, but I don't think he was "quite the ladies' man" when Warren was writing it. The obsession with sex came in once Millar started writing I seem to remember (strange coincidence that). The strange pads on his feet, I'd would've thought that they're helping him interact with the city? But did he actually display any new powers between Stormwatch and Authority? His powers were never really fully investigated in Stormwatch - I liked that.


    I was quite prepared to accept that, despite his vomit-inducing genetalia (as seen in Stormwatch), that Angie would have no problems with this - the Authority members I'd imagine are quite liberal and broad minded (and I'm sure the Engineer could create a satisfactory- ahem - "socket" that could accomodate whatever alien thing Jack had between his legs). That relationship never seemed weird. But Morrison's last issue had Jack having a sexual relationship with a "normal" girl, which jarred with the aforementioned puking scene. I just chalked it up to bad writing and no care for continuity.

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