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Posts posted by Jon

  1. Where are you?


    sITTING IN my not very comfortable chair at work.That would be in Argentina


    What were you doing before signing onto the internet today?


    Smoking a fag while pretending to be doing some work


    What is your special talent/party piece?

    Being a sick fuck....oh,and drawing


    If you were an animal, what would you be and why?


    A roach...two reasons:


    1) My life as a roach would be pretty much the same as it is now

    2) I would survive when the U.S starts using nukes to conquer the world


    Which member of the Straight to Hell forum would you most like to be dumped on an island with?


    Christian.I would force him to reenact episodes of frasier for my entertainment


    Sing us a song.


    Happy birthday to you

    Happy birthday mr.presideeeeeeent

    Happy birthday to youuuuuuuu



  2. well,he doenst really have a story yet.But as for the character´s profile he is your tipical con man, a la ocean´s eleven.A guy with john constantine wits and ability to lie....but without the magic/supernatural factor.


    He is just your lovable scumbag, who always go for the less etical or moral way....the key word here is "lovable".He is a liying,cheating bastard....but a nice one,haha

  3. does the time i spend in front of my computer downloading comics count as "how much do you spend in comics"???' :)


    I just realised... Joker Avatar, downloading comics instead of buying them... Jon is actually Rogan!



    Come on you guys, are we doing this again???.First you all thought i was mick, then apocsol...now rogan.This cant be good for my sense of self,hahaha

  4. ohhh,ok


    I dont know whats the reason, i am always the underdog and thats probably why i havent had sex in months,hahaa.


    But its true, jerks usually get more girls that us underdogs....we have to work a lot harder. :)

  5. I think the cliche about nice guys never getting the girl is true to some extent but it isn't that girls prefer jerks.


    It is down to the fact that nice guys are often backwards in coming forward and tend to play down their sexuality whereas jerks are generally more honest about their sexual desires and are willing to hit on women.


    This changes over time as the nice guys mature and become more confident around women.


    You'll never bet anywhere unless you take your shot and you have to I guess tread that fine line between being sexually confident and open and being a rude [over-used word] of a jerk.



    I may be wrong cause i havent read every post in this thread but......what the hell does that have to do with grammar and spelling????

  6. You know, Jon, that Joker avatar is superb, but aren't all those other pictures are getting a bit neglected? Why don't you rotate them as your avatars, then people can get more of a flavour of your work? A John Constantine would be good.



    Yeah,probably a good idea beks.


    To be honest i have been wanting to change it for a while,but i always forget to do it,haha


    Anyway, i´ll do it tonight as soon as i get home

  7. Did you just call me a bastard? :ohmy: I was sincere! I like that word! It's cute.


    No sorry, i was saying a curse at myself, like when you do something wrong so. I wasn't being nasty to you girl.



    deal with it mate, you are and will always be "Mick: He who writes badly"

  8. That's why I love emoticons. They help convey emotion when typing.



    What i hate about emoticons is that a lot of them can be interpreted in various ways, so you can be caught in very embarassing and confusing situations

  9. People who text tend not to use anything because really, It takes too long and is damn impossible to use any form of grammer on a tiny flip phone. :lol: You're fingers get cramped and you also get charged per letter. So really thats why most people just use "l33t" type words. Though I find Texting and "Sidekicks" to be pointless. If I wanted to call to tell somebody something, I would just use my voice (even tho when I speak I tend to use one or few word sentences that get directly to the point.)


    True.But that wasnt the issue i was talking about.It doenst matter WHY they write like that, what matters is that this kind of thing is causing a "phenomenon" of sorts that makes people write like that everywhere, not just in text messages

  10. well, i am a copywriter.....not a writer but what the hell, i write for a living.So i have incorporated grammar and spelling to my every day life.

    Maybe it doesnt show in this forum because english is not my first language.


    Anyway,what i wanted to say is that the whole internet,chat and message text with cell phones is creating a generation of people who write awfully.They write fast and without caring about grammar and spelling,cause well....its the internet,who cares baout grammar and spelling.I dont find it ti be that big of a deal as long as it is understandable

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