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Posts posted by Jon

  1. apocsol IS constanteen


    Jon can only use insults already used by other forumites, as he has no brain of his own with which to create insults.


    Spiderlegs took Jon's rib in hopes of proving the validity of the creationist version of the bible story, but instead was arrested for Grievous bodily harm and attempted murder, and given 20 years in a high security prison where he is to become the bitch of 'Big Graham'.



    Nah,its just that conceiving an original insult for you ots jut not worth my time

  2. dear diary:


    the other day i was watching TV alone in the hell house playroom, and i catched a fraiser marathon,and....well......ahhh,screw it, you know where the hell this is going, I MISS CHRISTIAN,WHY THE HELL ISNT HE IN THE HELL HOUSE. WE GET MICK BUT WE DONT GET CHRISTIAN?????....GOD.THIS WORLD IS GOING DOWN THE DRAIN!!!!!


    PS: mick, i love you maaaaaaaaaaan

  3. man,this is an akward situation you guys put me in ( not really that you guys are pushing me,but i do have to make a choice).


    I really think this death story is good and it would be great produced.But i also have to be honest with my limitations....Balthazar, i really dont think i can draw a full 7 or 9 pages comic book. not only because a time issue but also because of a drawing skills issue.So i guess if i really wantr to see this story done i will have to go for christian´s prose, mainly because i think it will suit my drawingns skills better than a panel story.

    But maybe you guys can exchange ideas and point of views and create something. :)

  4. He never PMed me about creating a prose short story with pictures....


    Sorry about that christian.


    About what balty wrote: i think it was a good story but not quite what i had in mind.

    As someone else said there shuld be more inner dialogue and i think this story should be more deep,more ironic...YES! thats the word,ironic....the whole point of john diying this way is the irony that it was life what killed him,not heaven or hell.


    On another note, your story scares the hell out of my drawing skills, so maybe you and christian could work together writing a prose short story that would be much easier to ilustrate and i think it would be somehow more interesting

  5. querido diario:


    hace dias que estoy en la casa infernal y todos hablan en ingles,asi que necesito hablar un poco en español


    solo voy a decir una cosa y si alguien lo puede traducir qu elo traduzca




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