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Posts posted by jae

  1. I am legend sucked dog turds what a horrible rip on a classic story I enjoyed the omega man more. Why do they have to cgi everything I hate that...


    southland tales was hilarious... My best advice is not to try to figure out the movie and just let it happen but it does have its downers such as sarah Michelle Gellar getting outacted by porn stars... the best line was I'm a pimp and pimps don't commit suicide


  2. Latest South Park episode wasn't funny, just incredibly disturbing. wow.

    The Omen references pretty much nailed it though.



    I was laughing and when they paid homage to shirley's jackson's the lottery i busted up so bad. It wasn't in the vain of south park though but butters dressed up as a squirrel made me laugh

  3. Ahh, this is the second season. Shortened thought it is. I've learned to to get attached to my favorite shows as they alway get canceled.


    [Enter long list of canceled shows here]


    Still, i'm enjoying it while it's on. Black Jauer is the fucking man.


    Yes jericho has been canceled. I think Sci Fi channel might pick it up but I'm doubtful. think the show would have been better the first season if had gotten bleaker but thats my own opinion. A show like Jericho never belonged on CBS it needed more of an edge and should have been on Fox although the second season shows were awesome.

  4. Finished the twelfth card by jeffery Deaver and have to say it was not as good as some of his other but then again the stone monkey wasnt that great either My next book is Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K Hamilton



    I've read all but the last couple of Hamilton's Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series. I enjoyed the first few, including Guilty pleasures. Not so much the later books in the series. I'll be curious to hear your opinions.


    Well I liked Guilty Pleasures and I found it was guilty pleasure... pardon the pun but I picked up the laughing corpse circus of the damned, and lunatic cafe to read on the bus along with Cj Sansom's sovereign and Robert Macgammons's speaks the Nightbird Volume 2 Evil Unleashed

  5. I actually own a copy of watchmen and have only read it once... For some reasons I won't get into... But I love it still the same. I compare it to Clive Barkers Books of the Art (Great and Secret Show and Everville a third is coming in 09) I love everything about the books but there so damn influential that I woudn't read anything else, same thing with Galilee. I pick it up and open it to a passage and the writing is so beautiful that everything lacks in contrast.

  6. You didn't like it. I thought it was a great episode... I especially like the fact that we really only have five of the six and have to speculate about the sixth person... Jin's tombstone adds to more of the mystery of the island... Which the producers said would be answered this season...

  7. Someone had to do it. Anybody else read it? I am almost in despair as it shows occassional signs of turning into a romance.



    I found it quite droll and boring... I really can say i don't how this book became a bestseller it's not exciting or anything... It's like reading a textbook


    same thing with Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell nothing really happened in the book it was quite a dull read after the first 500 pages...


    If you want Historical fiction read Cj sansom matthew shardake series dissolution and darkfire are great novels and I also recommend morality play...

  8. Holy fucking shit

    Some major clues giving in this episode with Jin's tombstone and the dates on them I couldnt get a close enough to peek at the screen someone will figure it out though. I don't think he's dead though but I can't be for sure Zoe bell had a interesting part though albeit a very small role and omg it's Michael


    this show keeps getting better and better except for the Juliet episode

  9. No country for old men wow what great film... I can see people dislike d because it didnt follow the run of the mill thriller plot but I loved for that

    Wow. thanks.


    I never knew I was a philistine.



    Cuz i said you didnt like it What I said was I can understand why most people didnt like because it didnt turn into a big episodic guns blazing car wheels sputtering movie... Most people want nice and cliche... they movie was awesome and very non cliche I love Javier Bardems preformance and his tools of the trade and I never called you a phillistine you called yourself that

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