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Posts posted by Trace

  1. I wanted to go and see Coraline today, but Mona made me go to a screening of A Clockwork Orange. The Departed just dropped off the bottom of my top10 list.



    Good, now you'll finally get this comic:





    Loved Shallow Grave when I was a teenager, haven't seen it since.

    Pretty much agree with Hugh on the other Boyle films.

  2. Probably in the range of 5 to 10 issues. The first "act" wraps up after #14.

    I rate Stray Bullets higher than 100 Bullets.


    Silverfish, Detective Comics, and Daredevil vs. Punisher are amongst his weaker stuff, though I still enjoyed them.

    I reserve my Lapham-boner solely for Stray Bullets and Young Liars.

  3. Slumdog Millionaire


    Meingott, that had some horrific pacing!

    I dig Danny Boyle but this feels like an average effort-- well below stuff like Shallow Grave and Trainspotting, a little bit above The Beach and A Life Less Ordinary.

    Also, a lot of the imagery is really fucking depressing.

    Gets my vote for most overrated movie of 2008.

  4. *I've just re-read this message before posting and realised I do go off on one a bit. I apologise in advance.



    ... but when the DVD started I had to put up with Gwyneth fucking Paltrow's soppy fucking miserable face telling - no, lecturing - me about the spread of Aids in Africa.

    It was one of those fucking ads that won't let you fast forward or skip to the next scene, you HAVE to fucking watch it.


    I fucking resent having her fucking preaching to me. I know this is a fucking problem. Most people have known this is a problem for longer than that torn-faced whinger. I don't see why we need her fucking coming over all "I know best and I think you should listen to me because I think this is cause worthy of my precious attention and you all should do something about it". Fuck off.

    Tell you what, when you crack a fucking smile and tell that prick of a husband to make some decent music that doesn't make me want to slash my fucking wrists then I'll double what I give to charity already. Deal? Until then take your fuck-me heels and pious fucking expression and fuck off.

    Never apologize for that. Never.

    Best thing I've read all week!

  5. Uhhh, if you haven't gotten to the "New Caprica" parts of the show yet, just walk away.

    Just walk away.


    The miniseries, and first season and a half are brill-on-toast. Then things get real inconsistent to the point we're at now which is, well, I don't even know wtf to make of the show anymore. The last 6 or so episodes feel like they belong to another show altogether.


    Not exactly a ringing endorsement, is it? Seriously, if you haven't already invested a bunch of time (say, 3 season's worth + miniseries/TV movies) don't bother seeing it through.

  6. Read all of the published issues of Young Liars, and let me tell you, this was the best series of 2008.

    To supplement my Lapham fix I'm now 18 issues deep in Stray Bullets, and blew through his Daredevil vs. Punisher 4 issue mini--- all very good.

    It's kind of hard for me to describe his style (he writes, pencils, and inks almost all of his stuff), but it's a nice blend of indie comics art style (think Clowes or Thompson) featuring weird, fucked-up characters (think Lynch), with conspiracy/pseudo-science craziness (think Morrison), told in a metaseries/intertwining-smaller-parts-of-a-bigger-whole kind of way (think SSoV, 100 Bullets, Local, etc).


    This is a creator I will be following for quite a while.

  7. Everyone who bought a Marvel comic this month, look at the artwork for the first page of the "War of the Kings" preview section.

    There are 5 males and 2 females on the page. Crystal and Lilandra are in the front, bending over, showing off their asses. Above them sit the 5 heads of the males. Look at that! Look at the expressions on the males' faces and where their eyes are looking! Jesus Christ!

    That's hilarious in a totally wrong way.

    For those of us who don't buy Marvel comics, can someone scan that in so's i can see it?


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