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Posts posted by Mick

  1. Because Dean Ormston was drawing, I got the latest.

    It is an appaling case of the "Woman in Refrigerator" sub-genre: "Abused Women get Abused even more before Fridge Door is closed"


    What makes it worse is that a very similar character (in a totally different story) was on L&O:CI last night. That character had depth other than, "Here I am. Now I die."


    And to make matters worse Dean Ormston seemed to be half-interested in recreating Brecchia.

    I will get Jock's issue then I hope never to see this again.


    Anyone want a free Swamp Thing comic?


    Haven't read issue 25 yet but im really enjoying the run.


    To be honest i think its because i tend not to look at comics and scrutenise them down to the last detail and then compare them to everything else like most other people on the board do.


    Well, Personally it's not always deliberate.

    If I enjoy somethng, I want to emmerse myself in it, in those details

    This is not the same as killing a butterfly, to see how it works.


    Sometimes it's simply a case of if it's shit, it's shit.

    I dont envy anyone having to write Swamp Thing though.

    Alan Moores shadow still looms.-Millar did do some interesting things, and I enjoyed Veitch's run alot (or maybe just his Constantine appearances).


    Most of seeing new things is comparing them to things you have seen before.

    Thus the bigger the memeoral vocabluary, usually the harsher the judgement.


    But if you're enjoying the run, then you are enjoying the run.

    That can't be taken away from you.


    Criticism should be less of it's shit, dont even piss on it and more of well if you liked it you should read Alan Moore's blah blah.


    I'm not saying dont judge it if you dont like it you dont like it hell what do i know so far iv'e only read three swamp thing comics but so far enjoying it i was just saying that. I was also giving something positive to the writer because he's getting alot of knocks here but i dont wanna step on anyones toes i personally haven't read alan moores run though from what everyone heres put its fantastic, thus i cant judge it against anything. Also looking up swamp thing on wikipedia suprised me that neither man-thing nor swamp thing are a rip off each other just a great coincidence that it was a kinda shared idea.

  2. Adrian, your article is persuasive, yet I must question, what are these "sucks" that you are allowed to publish in Amerika? That sounds confusing and slightly disturbing. I have not heard of these wonderful innovations of the Capitalist system because of my Commie leanings.


    Seriously though, I know this is a joke, but the evidence presented is counter-intuitive! One article claims to be from a Socialist publication, while the OTHER is supposedly from Dr. Wertham, one of whose warnings to parents against comics with the danger of comics subverting American children to Communism.....hmmm


    I also ask what are sucks i looked so hard to see what the hell that was meant to be

  3. Because Dean Ormston was drawing, I got the latest.

    It is an appaling case of the "Woman in Refrigerator" sub-genre: "Abused Women get Abused even more before Fridge Door is closed"


    What makes it worse is that a very similar character (in a totally different story) was on L&O:CI last night. That character had depth other than, "Here I am. Now I die."


    And to make matters worse Dean Ormston seemed to be half-interested in recreating Brecchia.

    I will get Jock's issue then I hope never to see this again.


    Anyone want a free Swamp Thing comic?


    Haven't read issue 25 yet but im really enjoying the run.


    To be honest i think its because i tend not to look at comics and scrutenise them down to the last detail and then compare them to everything else like most other people on the board do.

  4. Phat and Vivisector from X-statix (X-force)  are openly gay and not on that gay league website.


    I really hated the Dark Knight strikes back for all the reasons you stated. It is just to easy to poke fun at Hawk and Dove in a juvenile way.


    JArvis was gay really?


    I wonder if  Dr.STranges butler's is also.


    Just to make sure your clear The ultimate jarvis which is tony starks butler from the ultimates...

    Not the 636 jarvis butler to the avengers

    Yeah he was and he creeped the hell outta tony but was a close freind and a bitch unfortunatley nstasha but a bullet in his head.

  5. Run, run from his wrath!  And if I get banned whilst I'm trying to escape, remember me for the geeky arsehole that I am today!


    I'll start a loving memorial thread dedicated to the greatest hero ever to grace the board.


    Whilst escaping please be sure to watch out for googlebot ..... he's johns creation dont let him fool you.

  6. Mine would be trapped in the same day over and over, where it is grey, cold, pissing down and I am looking out of a window onto a grey courtyard, and the room I am in is similarly grey and featureless.



    (*just havin' a larf Incs! :D Love ya really)


    You live in engalnd ... surely your just about used to this?

  7. Hmmmmmm i'm becoming more and more confused it seem the only thing people have agreed on is fell and i'm sure when i post this someone will say different. i dunno.


    Mark what do you think would be up my street? besides 2 pubs up each end, too bad there shite ones.


    Oh 1602 that sound pretty good too.


    Btw haven't noticed anyone post this yet, as no one seems to read swamp thing, bu in issue 23 Johnny C makes a one panel appearance looking pretty rough. Oh i m actually enjoying swamp thing by the way so apparently gotta thing for things no one else likes.... like gambit who does and will continue to rule entirely!


    Oh again and exterminators might try that.

  8. Marvel would have cancelled Hellblazer very early in the series.

    Marvel doesn't have the financing of DC to continue publishing comics that are not making a certain level of profit.

    And, Marvel does a horrible job with "mature reader" comics. They just don't seem to have the patience to bother too long with non-superhero Marvel properties.

    Right. That's why they pulled Alias after half a dozen issues.


    Coulda sworn i have read an issue or 2 in the 20s it had purple man in it.

    Sarcasm. It did last twenty odd issues and it was a mature readers comic. It did have superheroes in it though, admittedly. Possibly the same goes for the current run of The Punisher as well.


    Cant be sure as cant be arsed looking through my comics but i dont remember seeing one super in the current punisher run unless you calss a boozed up nick fury looking for a prostitute a super.


    And tony b im sure marvel would if they had a collective mouth big enough to.

  9. Marvel would have cancelled Hellblazer very early in the series.

    Marvel doesn't have the financing of DC to continue publishing comics that are not making a certain level of profit.

    And, Marvel does a horrible job with "mature reader" comics. They just don't seem to have the patience to bother too long with non-superhero Marvel properties.

    Right. That's why they pulled Alias after half a dozen issues.


    Coulda sworn i have read an issue or 2 in the 20s it had purple man in it.

  10. If i had to answer the question to a child, as i would anything sex related, the former.

    Really, we're talking about a drawing of two guys KISSING here, not assfucking. Do you get angry when you see hetero couples kissing in comics too?

    Really, given all the crap that's spouted about formative influences, I don't see why kids who grow up fancying the same sex aren't entitled to a few role models in the comics they read before hitting puberty.


    Ok then let them grow up with role models like i said about colossus it shows that it all gays aren't like the stereotype which i think is a fine way what i was meaning was the way there presented in vertigo which you have to admit is a bit smutty for kids.

  11. No but i'd be angry at a media which produces for children showing them something that they have no  reason to be exposed to as i would them showing spidey actually having sex not something they need to know if the must they can make remarks that hint that way for the older readers. HAving girlfreinds is something there already exposed to it isn't something new to thm but a same sex relationship is something new that they do not need to know at that point in there life.

    And again I ask: Why? What possible harm would it do to the kids to know that homosexuals exist? :huh:

    Noone is saying they should draw guys fucking each other here.


    To be honest i dont really give a fuck i was helping explain why they dont tend to print them and adult comics do.

  12. Theres a reason for the marvel thing i mean kids of all age read such as spider-man and i know if i were a parent and my kid came up to me and ask 'dad why is peter kissing harry' i'd have a few choice words to say at marvel.


    I'm not saying theres a problem with there being gay characters but kids dont need to see it i'm not being funny about it but it's a bit too different from what kids see as a perspective of the world. There's no reason to hate any publisher for that fact it's just they wouldn't want angry parents.

    See, the funny thing is that to me, that's EXACTLY what you're saying. I really wonder why you'd be angry at Marvel, or even think it was an awkward question if your kid (hypothetical?) asked you why two guys kissed. Your argument, if taken to its logical conclusion, means that children shouldn't be "exposed" to practicing homosexuals at all. What would you do if your kid saw two guys kissing in the street then? Get angry at them for kissing?


    No but i'd be angry at a media which produces for children showing them something that they have no reason to be exposed to as i would them showing spidey actually having sex not something they need to know if the must they can make remarks that hint that way for the older readers. HAving girlfreinds is something there already exposed to it isn't something new to thm but a same sex relationship is something new that they do not need to know at that point in there life.


    Also ULTIMATE COLOSUSS IS GAY so there is a marvel character and i think there handling that in quite an appropriate way it also does address that some people have irrational fears towards gay people and that there not needed which i do think is quite a good way at handleing that. Especially the fact that its a huge guy like colossus hich helps take away the awful stereotype such as jack from will and grace.

  13. Shade wasn't actually gay or bi, was he? He could change his sex.


    Northstar from Alpha Flight was gay....that was his whole purpose....to be a gay character....

    As far as I know, he's the only homosexual character from Marvel. I believe Marvel has a policy which states that homosexual characters cannot appear in all ages geared comic books.

    Yeah, I know. All you Marvel haters, you've got a valid reason to say you can't stand Marvel Comics now.


    John Constantine is obvious as a bi-character from Vertigo.


    Animal Man's wife turned bi-sexual out of nowhere during Jamie Delano's run. It was all quite awful, so let's forget about it.


    David Wojnarowicz was gay! :lol: -Yes, I know he's a real person, but he wrote himself into an autobiographical comic, so I'm counting it! "Seven Miles a Second" is the comic, and everyone needs to read it!


    "Stuck Rubber Baby"'s protagonist was gay, although that's also a biographical comic (the character's based on the writer Howard Cruse, right?), although I don't believe it's completely factual....? I could be wrong.


    My mind is drawing a blank now!


    Theres a reason for the marvel thing i mean kids of all age read such as spider-man and i know if i were a parent and my kid came up to me and ask 'dad why is peter kissing harry' i'd have a few choice words to say at marvel.


    I'm not saying theres a problem with there being gay characters but kids dont need to see it i'm not being funny about it but it's a bit too different from what kids see as a perspective of the world. There's no reason to hate any publisher for that fact it's just they wouldn't want angry parents.


    As for vertigo they can do that it's made for adults and as for peoples problems with seeing so many it's the way of the world lot's of people are gay and i think just having the odd one character gay just would be a massive waste of time because in real perspective most people know a few people that are gay, i have at least 2 close mates that are and know a few more.


    I think gays being in comics should not be a major issue it's like saying hey how come there is/isn't so many (any kind of culture) people in this title!

  14. Against your wishes i went a picked up a couple of swamp thing anyway... nowt else took my eye .... i have only read issue 21 so far but i really enjoyed it thaught it was funny and a bit creepy. I'm not as well travelled as you guy's so my taste may differ a bit but i enjoyed it.


    Edit! Any one else notice John Constantine in Issue 23?

  15. You're better off buying "The Invisibles" in Trades.


    I'd also keep away from "1602" until you've read a lot more Neil Gaiman. I can forgive Neil for "1602" because I know how damn good a writer he actually is. If one of your earliest tastes of Gaiman is "1602" you might mistakenly believe that's the best he's capable of.

    Right, but I'm recommending it to a person who's read mostly Marvel titles, particularly X-Men stuff. I think it'd be a good "baby step" before he moves on to Sandman or any of Neil's more sophisiticated work.


    The Invisibles are great in trades, very well divided. I only mention the single issue option because I found them online at a very cheap price (as little as a $1.00 per issue). But I suppose one can find the trades online cheaply as well.


    Well i have only really read marvel so might be ok for me...


    Dave i have only actually read issue 21 of swamp thing but i realy enjoyed it

  16. If you ever save up enough $ for trades, then you must MUST get the Invisibles.  It will change your life.


    Actually, come to think of it, you can get the back issues for pretty cheap online.  Good on up to Very Fine conditions will go for less than current comic pricing (about $2.50).


    As for a Marvel title:  1602 by Neil Gaiman.  Again, back issues shouldn't cost too much, but there is a trade.


    I buy trades all the time but at min my money goes on hellblazer trades. HB being top priority!


    As for Batman ..... just dont start me as much as im willing to try god damn you'll have to give me a REALLY good reason to read him same for the blue and red flying bastard!


    The exterminators actually iv'e seen that and it sounds quite good think your onto summat with that!

  17. That fell sounds quite intresting i'll be going on thursday (one week off) so i'll save all your suggestions on a list but i suppose fell i could pick up all four issues to date.


    This week against most recommendations i could not help my curiosity and picked up the last few swamp things. ....


    Didn't see emo boy btw was probably buried somewhere but will have to keep my eye out and iv'e only just got the rest of your suggestions i'll def look for next wave and invicible anything dumb and fun sounds good to me. Keep them coming i can always stretch the comics over a few weeks.

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