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Posts posted by Mick

  1. Wow,

    i dunno if i answer these questions will i be put on some kind of list and rung every 5 seconds asking if i want to join telcom 3 ... damn that already happened. ok well i cant realy remember your questions but my names mick from yorkshire and i have never ever been a communist ... or a nazi, or bmp or any other racey groups people dont like but i have already introduced my self of the introduce your self page though i doubt many people read them.


    This is a good idea for a page as alot of people here are predjudice against newbies. And cruise ship people i like nice people like haven representatives ive heard never been on a cruise myself im too much of a skint student who will never trust a student loan, to ever be able to afford a cruise.


    I hope my grammer and spelling are good enough for everyone as ive found alot of people on here get a bit pissed off with my rushed text message language. sorry for any mistakes.


    Thanks for being so freindly by the way. and by the way hellboy, i went to ok comics pretty nice store freindly staff too.

  2. How to tell if your a goth.


    Listed below are some warning signs to indicate if your child may have gone

    astray from the Lord. Gothic (or Goth) is a very obscure and often dangerous

    culture that

    young teenagers are prone to participating in. The gothic culture leads

    young, susceptible minds into an imagined world of evil, darkness, and

    violence. Please seek immediate attention through counseling, prayer,

    and parental guidance to rid your child of Satan's temptations if five or

    more of the following are applicable to your child.


    -Frequently wears black clothing.


    -Wears band and/or rock t-shirts.


    -Wears excessive black eye makeup, lipstick or nail polish.


    -Wears any odd silver jewelry or symbols.


    -Shows an interest in peircings or tattoos.


    -Listens to gothic or any other anti-social genres of music. (Marilyn Manson

    claims to be the anti-Christ, and publicly speaks against the Lord. Please

    discard any such albums IMMEDIATELY.)


    -Associates with other people that dress, act or speak eccentrically.


    -Shows a declining interest in wholesome activities, such as: the Bible,

    prayer, church or sports.


    -Shows an increasing interest in death, vampires, magic, the occult,

    witchcraft or anything else that involves Satan.


    -Takes drugs.


    -Drinks alcohol.


    -Is suicidal and/or depressed.


    -Cuts, burns or partakes in any other method of self-mutilation. (This is a

    satanic ritual that uses pain to detract from the light of God and His love.

    Please seek immediate attention for this at your local mental health



    -Complains of boredom.


    -Sleeps too excessively or too little.


    -Is excessively awake during the night.


    -Demands an unusual amount of privacy.


    -Spends large amounts of time alone.


    -Requests time alone and quietness. (This is so that your child may speak to

    evil sprits through meditation.)


    -Insists on spending time with friends while unaccompanied by an adult. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


    -Disregards authority figures; teachers, priests, nuns and elders are but a

    few examples of this.


    -Misbehaves at school.


    -Misbehaves at home.


    -Eats excessively or too little


    -Eats Goth-related foods. Count Dracula cereal is an example of this.


    -Drinks blood or expresses an interest in drinking blood. (Vampires believe

    this is how to attain Satan. This act is very dangerous and should be

    stopped immediately.)


    -Watches cable television or any other corrupted media sources. (Ask your

    local church for proper programs that your child may watch)


    -Plays videos games that contains violence or role-playing nature.


    -Uses the internet excessively and frequently makes time for the computer.


    -Makes satanic symbols and/or violently shakes head to music.


    -Dances to music in a provocative or sexual manner.


    -Expresses an interest in sex. I'm sorry. Anybody who likes sex. Is a goth. The Catholic Church of St Mary Says so!! :lol:


    -Masturbates. Inca... :icon_cry:  You're a goth. A long with everybody else.. :icon_cry:


    -Is homosexual and/or bisexual.


    -Pursues dangerous cult religions. Such include: Satanism,

    Scientology, Philosophy, Paganism, Wicca, Hinduism and Buddhism.


    -Wears pins, stickers or anything else that contains these various phrases:

    "I'm so gothic, I'm dead", "woe is me", "and Im a Goth".


    -Claims to be a Goth.


    If five or more of these apply to your child please intervene immediately.

    The gothic culture is dangerous and Satan thrives within it. If any of these

    problems persist, enlist your child into your local mental health center.


    ~St. Mary's Catholic Church"




    WELL FUCK ME SIDEWAYS. how did you all find my list to tell if your a TEENAGER.

  3. Im not buying the pic is off spidey in the sybiote suit it just looks like a dark pic to me ... but the pic has also filled me with hope because if thats an early release picture it looks like the films going to take a darker tone, think of all the other films all bright and yellow/orange coloured but this wow already excited.

  4. HAHA cant believe someone made this, guess it has summat to do with a couple of my posts well i voted for the top one cos i do and i can lie ... looks like im losing this one damn deportation sucks!!! In fact breakfast time now so its time for my second cup of the day (and its only 10 to 9 in the morning)

  5. I could tell you what i think should happen to the guy, but it never will, and most people would probably vomit but i hate rapists with a fucking vengence and i dont think death is justice enough for the bastards there fucking sick excuses for human beings (and i know i say this alot) but the fucks get it HELL!! (which still isn't harsh enough for them) and this guy not only a fucking rapists but a bastard paedophile as well thats just so imensley fucked up i could be sick knowing this person exists!!!!!!!

  6. Id rather not stink, be unhealthy, choke and just plain be uncomfortable just because you got yourself an addiction i dont like it any more than i would someone doing heroin in the same room as me... or the same bloody planet for that matter ,not the smoking but the heroin, you can still kill yourselves in the comfort of your own home if thats what you enjoy. I cant force people to stop and cant realy tell them to if its their decision to but if want to DONT RUIN MY LIFE TOO!

  7. Preacher Gone to Texas, Till the End of the World, and Ancient History. Love that Ennis.


    Only really read ennis' punisher and hellblazer love his punisher i think its what he was always meant for, dread the day he leaves it. His hellblazer .... mm wasn't too keen on i mean it was good and had ennis' dark twisted kinda side (son of man was fucked up) but not the best iv read but cant pass too much judgement as hevent read all hb writers yet.

  8. Yeah found travelling man (i found corn exchange by following the moshers) yesterday wasnt as chuffed as i am with the one in york no back issues but still good cheers mate will def be checking them out cheers.

    And yeah i know i should support leeds but like i said i picked my team and you stick with them for life.

  9. wow i am there tomoz def! looks great as you can tell dont see many comic shops so that looks like some kind of heaven!

    Ha ha just noticed your sig, i do assume its football right, but i cant start more shit with you by starting with that..... i just support a more geordie freindly place (i have no idea why i support them i know i live close to leeds just have since i was a kid).

    But thanks alot im sure ill be able to find thorton arcade easy enough can i also bother you ask were forbidden planet is mate... :biggrin:

  10. Also recently picked up (last week) new avengers breakout and HB staring at the wall read new avengers and thaught it was great i used to hate the avengers and just saw the new avengers the same ... but i was wrong!

  11. Thaught i was doing well spend about £20 - £25 on comics (dont know dollars rate) but then reading an earlier post it includes trades damn im knocking up about £45 quid a month at least! (and im only working part time as at college through week)

    But think of it this way ... i could be spending it on drugs or smoking so dosent seem as harsh .... drinkings a diff matter

  12. Cheers thanks for that! sos was me posted before but for some reason wasn't logged but seriously i dont feel need to go into other areas of the forum and take piss outta characters that i dont like such as batman im not perticulary fond of him but i dont go into that thread and say hes shit because thats just a opinion i have and dosent mean i should slander him hes just not my cup of tea same as you with gambit so why come on here and rip the piss out of him?

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