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Posts posted by Mick

  1. I heard about sleep paralysis years ago and to combat that i no sleep on my belly with the sheats up over my head so if it happens NO FUCKIN WAY AM I SEEING OWT!


    It scared the shit outta me hearing about it it was on t.v. where a woman believed that on a night a blue woman came into her room climed on top of her and kept strangling her and she actualy feel it.

  2. It's just one panel of a guy who looks like Sting. Don't worry about S.T. #25 all J.C. completists.


    If you want to read the first appearance of J.C. you might as well buy the Trade. You'd save money.

    S.T. #37 usually goes for around $25 (American). You can get the Trade with the first appearance of J.C. and some other stories for (what?) $15(?).


    I just read the solicitation for the newest issue of S.T. and it said something about Abby in a rape counselling center....Dear God, why does Dysart and rape couselling center in the same sentence make me go, "NONONONONONO!!!!"?


    Which trade is it?

  3. Well, what are you into Mick? I seem to remember you like Marvel comics, no?

    If I'm wrong you may slap me.

    If I'm right you need all of Warren Ellis' Stormwatch trades...they should be pretty cheap and well worth every penny.

    You got a good local comic shop or a good online source?


    Not really if i go through to leeds it tends to be just the newer comics! oh then again i found this little shop in a realy obscure place in wakey the just sells old comics almost forgot i'll look out for them. But not just marvel i wanna try some new stuff anything at all.


    And when i saw this post 'spend micks money' fuck i thaught i'd been mugged by john unknowingly and he was just gloating at me.

  4. Christian while reading your post i was thinking wow this guy has seen as many as fucking me! I see shit like that all the time in fact the night before last i had a little one with my bin moving seriously half way across my empty beside me room!

    But anyway i was gonna ask do either of your parents see them then it was there in your post.


    Of course ghosts are real but you have to have something about them that makes them able to make contact ,appearance moving things owt like that, but its something thats in your family and is passed down mostly through the most sensitive, all my aunties and uncle on my mums side (inc my mum) have experiences my mum has had a conversation with them when she was prviously a nurse ( she went on to leave nursing because of it and after almost 20 years has only just gone back).


    Any way one of her experiences was about a little boy who followed her early when she went to work, when she was my age, she went to see a spiritualist about this and he was a child from a few generations back in our family who died he always watches our family members especialy the most sensitive to him.


    Last year i had a big row with my parents late night and took off to see my girlfreind who was home alone i went to hers and on the way i saw the same boy in the same place my mum had at the time it didn't twig but after about 10 mins of him following me and wouldn't reply to my calls (talking) i got freaked out and thaught of my mums story so i ran to him as i got closer a taxi cut off my view and then he wasn't there.


    Anyone who wants can dismiss the storys but there true and if you ever be apart of one you just know the feeling you get and its quite awful not just fear.


    Oh and by the way before my first experience i used to take the piss big time outta my mum because of her stupid storys but now im changed ghosts are real and i'd rather never have a fucking experience again!!!

  5. Hmmm i'll have a look but dont know if i can afford a trade at min thats why i was gonna just pick up 1 or 2 singles. Which one is the first appearance of Johnny c, THAT i would like to read.



    But im here to request a financer!


    I plan on going on a huge round the world elaberate expedition to find and slay the dreaded google bots source ..... and jeeves because hes a much shitter search!

    I will require 2 sea worthy vessels 50 men 200 women (yeah i imagine we would get lonely at sea and my girlfreind cant moan international waters and that)


    If anyone has th cash then you can help the entire world in ridding of this malicious beast!

  7. If you mean the Alan Moore trades, yes, it's absolutely a good idea, and they're brilliant. If you mean the new, currently-ongoing monthly series, NONONOFORTHELOVEOFGODNO. It's arse.


    Yeah i ws thinking the monthly title why whats so bad about it. Also remember i have never read a swamp thing so if its a comparison issue i it wont affect me.


    The writing.


    Look at the sales figures JMac has been posting in this thread. Note the catastrophic downward spiral they show, as the title sheds readers with each new issue. Do they suggest a title you want to jump aboard? Why do you want to read Swamp Thing in the first place? If it's because you're curious about what makes people go on about how good it is, you won't find any answers in this version of the title. Seriously, save your money. Go for the good stuff instead.


    Recommendations then mate.... im trying to branch out thaught swamp thing sounded good,branch - swamp thing .... i'll hold for applause.

  8. If you mean the Alan Moore trades, yes, it's absolutely a good idea, and they're brilliant. If you mean the new, currently-ongoing monthly series, NONONOFORTHELOVEOFGODNO. It's arse.


    Yeah i ws thinking the monthly title why whats so bad about it. Also remember i have never read a swamp thing so if its a comparison issue i it wont affect me.

  9. Hey! This isn't completely useless! Would I have just bid $500 for something completely useless?!

    Please, I hope I win....I hope I win....


    HA! obviously your insane bid has not registered because dollars are just monopoly money to us brits. notes are worthless to us in singular form OUR MONEY IS ROUND AND HARD LIKE OUR GENETALS

  10. OH MY GOD! He keeps contacting someone whos helping him take us over!




    Oh and im pretty sure jeeves is spiderlegs as on his one of his early posts he said

    travel under many names, some call me Teoma, others spider and some simply call me "Jeeves". Though this could be some obscure refrence i dont know!


    and as for googlebot.... im sure he's been one of the main guys thats been theorising who he is .... clever bastard!


    That or there both real and were all completely FUCKED!!!!

  11. Ah yes, there was that whole "New X-Men" becomes "Astonishing X-Men", "X-Treme X-Men" becomes "Uncanny X-Men", and "Uncanny X-Men" becomes "X-Men", while "New Mutants" is renamed as "New X-Men" thing, but they've shuffled the characters around even more since "Astonishing X-Men" went on hiatus.

    Man, writing that makes my head hurt really bad!


    Using themes that Grant Morrison left over from his run on "New X-Men"? A good thing.

    Reusing the exact same plots that Grant Morrison just got done using? A really shoddy attempt to write a comic when you don't have the time to write a comic!


    Peter Milligan's "X-Men" is far and away the best X-book currently. Hell, I'd say it's far better than Grant Morrison's run. No one else seems to be able to stand to read Milligan's "X-Men" though! I can see why....It's all one big joke to Milligan and most people don't understand the joke, but I've always been very fond of Milligan's sense of humour.



    That bastard milligan can burn! he's as bad as the Howard Mackie twat (not that i hold a grudge but the bastard destroyed spider-man luckily strasynski recovered him quickly)

  12. Just kill the bastard already!  It takes away half the point when everything John does gets undone again.  And also, reincarnating baddies every five minutes is meant to be a marvel thing!



    X-men: Magneto, you're back!


    Magneto: Yes it was a clone (gets killed)


    X-men: Magneto you're back, but we saw you get shot


    Magneto: Ah but I escaped  and healed up in the mountains. (Killed again)


    X-men: Why Magneto, I thought we'd DECAPITATED YOU AND MELTED YOU IN THE SUN! 


    Magneto: Why no, actually, I was holding some flowers at the time, and fell into the canal.  I've been in Spain all this time.  Allo darlin'.  (For those of you who didn't get those two mismatched analogies, you are truly lucky)


    I see so ... what your telling me is magneto is ... DIRTY DEN!! Oh god it all makes fucking sense now!!!! Hmmmm actually that would have made a realy enjoyable house of M.

  13. Great issue but cant help but to miss Mike Carey I started read HB with his run i picked up red sepulchre trade then started the monthly. Any way it looks like this arcs building to something good looking forward to next issue which just seems to get further away.....

  14. rich old bruce wayne and i just dont like the man.


    But thats why i'm here educate me show me some comics that i'd like then i can leave the safety of marvel im only 18 i've got alot of growing room haha.

    I have had alot of thaughts about looking into other comics mostly hellboy or swamp thing .... or both! And whats this 7 soldiers every one seems to talk about round here.


    Also how do i go about changing my name on here i think my present one isn't very sociable for lack of a better word rather just have Mick.

    RE: The name change: PM JMac, he'll sort you out


    RE: Marvel: You'll grow out of most of their titles as you get older. Start reading Grant Morrison and Alan Moore comics. (Actually, check out any of the writers listed on the "favorite writers" thread.) Wikipedia them if you don't know what they've done.


    RE: 7 Soldiers: Click here. The one we're all talking about is the Grant Morrison-penned one.


    RE: Rich old Bruce Wayne: :biggrin:


    Cheers for all the advice mate though i dont actually want to grow out of marvel i will pick up some other comics definatley leaning to Swamp thing now. I may check out 7 soldiers. I'd like to have another comic with a bit of mindless punisher violence though. Also for Mr.wayne i daren't say anything more as i know people love the old guy.

  15. I think marvel really because i've grown up with marvel everywhere and as i still do love the supers (heros), though johnny c and the punisher are my favourite comics, dc supers are a bit well ... naff there i said it marvel supers tend to have a bit more substance like pennyless spidey (before mr. stark came along) whereas dc supers where like rich old bruce wayne and i just dont like the man.


    But thats why i'm here educate me show me some comics that i'd like then i can leave the safety of marvel im only 18 i've got alot of growing room haha.

    I have had alot of thaughts about looking into other comics mostly hellboy or swamp thing .... or both! And whats this 7 soldiers every one seems to talk about round here.


    Also how do i go about changing my name on here i think my present one isn't very sociable for lack of a better word rather just have Mick.

  16. So i'm sure weve all been lonely and needed someone but and socialy retarded and dont make friends easily (mostly because some of us hate the entire world) for 10p APPARANTLY you can be saved.


    Anyway.... while bored in class searching on ebay to see if anyone was selling their soul, no one is SHIT, i found this...




    ... now i thaught haha pretty funny joke but the person who listed this sprang for a subtitle and a frame so maybe he actually expects to sell this ...... anyone wanna start a bidding war for something completely useless?

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