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Tim Bradstreet

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Posts posted by Tim Bradstreet

  1. Hey, thanks for the congrats Hagren.

    I've never personally had any problems or slip ups with paypal.

    Hope you change your mind at some point cause you NEED a proof ;)


    Yeah Andy, that is an inventory cover I did back when I was in Italy.

    I do so hope it get's published at some point.


    OK, I want to thank all of you good people for ordering proofs. And not just for ordering them, thanks a ton for hooking up with Ade and making sure payments got thru promptly. It's so easy to put that kind of stuff off and you all kicked ass and made it happen. And again Ade, you are the best for coordinating. No way we could have done this without you.


    Hope you all get your packages soon.


    Please post here with feedback.


    Cheers - TB

  2. I saw that screened at the British Crime Film festival last year followed by John Boorman meeting Don Westlake for the first time (!)

    That was a great experience.


    How VERY fucking cool. And he's still a master in my opinion.


    On another note - I just had to contact Adam White at ComicsCritique.com to ask him why he decided to take such a swing at me and my work. Adam was very sorry to have spokun thusly and assured me that the review that was posted was a draft that got put out on the net unexpectedly - That it was an early draft. He took pains in assuring me that the comment pertaining to me was simply filler that he intended to clean up before publishing.


    Who's to know for sure? But it would explain why the piece may seem inaccurate, or puffy, or rude.


    All I know is that honor is restored. I accepted his apology and that is that.

    He seems like a good bloke. No harm done.


    I too am glad to see that HB is getting some positive press, Hell, any press at all.

    Hopefully Mina and Manco will continue to raise their game and provide us with a quintessential

    chapter in the life of our favorite con artist.

    They seem off to a good start.

    - TB

  3. Right now I'm in "Point Blank" obsession month, since it was FINALLY released on DVD.


    A classic example of American and British inginuity.


    Lee Marvin and John Boorman, oh yeah.


    - TB

  4. Adam White wrote: Hellblazer #216

    "I would also like to note that the new cover artist, Greg Lauren, gives the book a fresh look up front, a colossal improvement over Tim Bradstreet’s colored photographs. "



    Wow, from the sound of that you would think I must have taken a shit in this guy's bowl of Chili.


    Definitley NOT a fan I'm guessing.




    - TB

  5. Mike -

    I got nothing to add here except that reading your scripts each month was a distinct pleasure.

    I feel like the best work I did on this title was during your run and that is a testament to your inspiring words. I'd work with you again any day of the week and hopefully I'll get that chance someday. Until then my friend. Greatest success with all of your new endeavors.


    Next time I see you the first one is on me.

    - Tim

  6. What're you people gibbering about - he's clearly white!





    Nah, that's just Roland Gift. ;) (awesome comment John)


    Talk about over anylizing! Sheesh!


    Write it off to the fact that all colorists were not created equal.

    This is comics for God sakes. When has there ever been perfect continuity?

    Let's not even mention the complete lack of quality control at the printer. Sometimes I don't think anyone checks out the printed page VS the originals or files. The phrase "press check" doesn't even exist in the comics world.


    Hey, didja spot the Nergal eyes and the hidden FotF painting on the wall in the pub?


    - TB

  7. I'm confused about what Josh thought was confusing about the people who thought the angel was confusing. The confusing thing about this confusing situation is that I don't understand why people don't understand, I mean it's confusing! I understand how some people would be confused, but what I really don't understand is why they would be confused by this particular bit. THAT'S the confusing part, and it's the part I don't understand. And then there's the angel. Talk about confusing! Then throw in Josh, then the people (confused) who didn't understand and were confused. It's hard to understand where the confusion began. It's even harder to understand where the confusion will end.


    Me too, but it's only because I don't understand.


    What were we talking about?


    - TB

  8. Regarding another run of prints, I am thinking of sorting something out with Tim for the Bristol Expo, but when these ones have all been received by their owners, let's start discussing the next print run.


    And meanwhile we should all contact Vertigo and advise them of the beauty of a Bradstreet Hellblazer collection.


    I really believe that when you folks who ordered prints receive them, you will be raving about them prodigiously. I'm not kidding. The printed product Vertigo puts out PALES by comparison.

    Every time I print one of these things out I still gawk at them. This printer is amazing and I've never had better quality at a professional printer, not even close.


    I really enjoyed going through and printing these off because I had to go through some older covers which I'd never printed proofs of before and they look smashing. 175, Mikes first issue with JC holding the pint, with the UK mail stamp in the top right corner has to be one of my favorites. A favorite for many reasons but mostly because I think it sums up John and this book very well with one single image. Even without a "magical" element.


    I've been talking with Ade about doing some small, limited portfolio runs and that could be really cool. Package together like 6 - 10 covers at like 9X12 with a cover folder (featuring new art) to protect it.

    I'll keep you all posted on that.


    Anyway, please comment back here when you get your proofs.

    - Tim

  9. OK kids who ordered proofs.

    They are finally done and will likely go out to Ade on Monday.

    I think you are in for a real treat when you see these things printed on this watercolor paper.

    I've said it before, I think they are as nice as the originals.


    To the rest of you naughty ones, you will be oh so jealous.


    The door remains open though. If you would like to do this again I'm more than willing to put together another order if there is demand and Ade doesn't mind helping out.


    Orders need not be limited to Hellblazer. Punisher, the new Sandman Mystery Theater mini, and anything else I've done is fair game as well so you all just let me know.


    I'll post again here when the order leaves for it's final destination before being split up and doled out by Mr. Brown.


    Also - Many thanks for all the congratulations. Mama and Lydia are doing great!

    Cheers - Tim

  10. McKean's been there and done . . . God I hate that expression.

    Anyway, no, not McKean . . . Even better.


    And I mean that in a "Dave's already played on this playground" kind of way.

    I mean in the sense that this will be fresh.

    Not in a "Dave VS this other guy" - artist VS artist kind of way.


    What I mean is . . . . McKean would be AWESOME, but here's something you haven't really seen before.


    - TB

  11. Nah, you're good for all types of things Ro.

    I think you'd make a terrific towell boy by the way.

    And welcome back.

    It hasn't been the same here without your mean spirtited mean-ness ;)


    Your so mean!


    I'm telling you, just plain mean man.


    Mean as Ed Gien with a mouthfull of spleen.


    - TB

  12. And there you have it.

    I'd like to tell you what I thought of the issue but DC has been lagging on comps. The last one I got was issue 211!!!. I am about to get Medieval on someone.


    Again I'd like to thank you one and all for the constant support during my run on the title.

    It was without a doubt a fantastic ride with JC and company. Biggest thanks to Axel Alonso, Karen Berger, Will Dennis, Jon Vankin, Casey Siejas, Jenny Lee, Warren Ellis, Brian Azzarello, Mike Carey and the rest of the gang.


    I love seeing Mike go out on such a high note, and with that last cover I feel I did the same.


    I bid you all adieu for now as this chapter has come to a close, though I'll never be far away and will most certainly be checking in from time to time.


    And with that I leave you with my parting gift. Those so terribly hurt by my leaving the book take heart ;) I've got wind of what I think is very special news indeed about the next "regular" cover artist. I wish I could be the one to break the news but everything will come to light in due course.

    Suffice it to say that my blessing is on this WHOLE HEARTEDLY, not that anyone needs my blessing. I have already seen one of the covers and I literally swell with pride. You will be in VERY good hands my little sweethearts.


    Cheers to all and to all a good night!


    - TB

  13. Last chance folks -

    I'll start printing later tonight but the order will not go out until at least Thursday or Friday so you still have time to place an order if you wish.

    Prints will not likely be distributed until after Christmas unless you have plans with Ade to obtain them before hand. After Christmas gifts are my favorite anyhow ;)


    - TB

  14. Yes kids - As Ade says, we still have until Monday for any final orders.

    And since I'm 7 hours behind you you actually have until late Monday to place an order here. I will be checking with Ade and updating our list one final time on Monday. We'll make sure to get your last minute requests for personalize or no, signed or no, and so forth included before I package this stuff up later in the week.


    I want to thank you guys for showing so much interest. It means a lot.

    I'm not doing this for the cash (although that never hurts ;)

    I'm offering these to you guys because you showed me so much support and many of you may not have bothered with it simply left to order from my sales site. Overseas orders seem always to find a way of getting fucked up (just ask Ade).


    So again, Thanks. And a very big thanks to Adrian for organizing this and taking on the tough task of making it all happen.

    Hoisting one for you as we speak mate.

    - TB

  15. Aack!

    Now I screwed up. I should have just kept track of this while I was doing it ;)

    The Eye I spotted for you that I claimed was Gemma's from 205 is a different eye (Big No-Prize to the one who gets the mis-guessed Gemma eye first). The Gemma Eye from 205 is the one far upper right corner. We're missing an eye folks - get to work.


    On top of that we somehow wholly missed Punk JC from 162 in far bottom right corner.


    And Ade, how dare you . . .

    Tha main John shot is from issue 215 for goodness sakes :blink:


    I kill me.

    - tb

  16. Ade -

    As always you are on point.

    Some of the smaller chips have bits of 142 on them, tiny shards of cathedral.

    And there are a few bits of fly eye (from black flowers) flying around as well.


    I certainly see how you might be led to believe that the profile shot I used for John in 188 makes other appearances in the series but I tell you quite honestly, they are not the same shot at all.

    The lighting for one is different on each of them. The shots were taken at different times during the course of my photo shoots. It's probably just a weird thing with me as for some reason I like the drama of a profile. So when you are working with the same face you are bound to get similarities. The 202 shot was taken much later than the previous shots. I shot that right before going to Italy. You are correct about the mug shot (also not the same shot as 188, 193. and 202).

    I used it twice because I thought it made sense that John's same mug shot would show up in any officially compiled file.


    Also, right to the right of the Jock graffiti from 162 is Gemma's eye from 205. Above that but below the 181 shard is John's hand with cigarette from the Rare Cuts trade paperback.

    The shot which you have marked 183? directly south of John's unlit smoke in the main shot is from the Good Intentions trade paperback. The Raven skull is from 185. The shard that sits atop the 175 shard (bottom/middle) is my unpublished version of John flipping the viewer off (American style) making it's first appearance from under the patch I made for it on issue 167.

    If you look at J.White's avatar you can get a better look at it. It's the same shot I used.


    Speaking of which, I had better send a scan of that over to John. I don't think you guys have ever seen the unexpurgated version of 167.


    Cheers - TB

  17. JOCKety!

    Bend over for your big fat kiss.

    You better be coming back to San D this year.

    It just wasn't as much fun with you trapped in the Channel.

    If you know you're coming I'll hold onto your proof of 181 until the show where I could hand it to you directly. no shipping = tranquility.


    James -

    I sensed it would be hard to push past upstairs and rather than fruitlessly hope they'd go for it I decided on a backdoor plan (as I so often do). I think it's more challenging to sidestep the censors anyway. Vankin gave me good reason to think it would encounter trouble when I showed him the photos in Chicago. I shot coverage of both with and without ciggy but we opted to dodge the wrench.


    - tb

  18. Hey Spider -

    I'll be back in Dallas for the April show. We have a pretty good lineup coming down so stay tuned to the Dallas Comicon website to see who's going to show. Looks like me, Jane, and Niles again promoting Bad Planet and a few movies plus I think Lewis Larosa, and I'm fairly certain my pal Paul Gulacy will be in the house. I'm trying to get Steranko to go too. That would be MINT. Three generations of the influence and the influenced in the same place. All that and there might be another Bernie Wrightson invasion. Some cool media guests from what I hear too.


    And the truth of the matter where the pro/fandom thing is concerned is the simple fact that I don't hold myself in any certain high regard because I happen to work professionally in the medium. It's weird because I saw guys like Bob Layton go from being a pretty cool freelancer guy in the late 80's to a sunglasses wearing suit when Valiant took off in the early 90's.

    He became unapproachable. Now I'm sure Bob's a nice guy and I do not profess to know him well enough to categorically state that he became an ass. All I have is my perception. And my perception is that when certain people reach a certain amount of notoriety in this or any other business they can become snobbish, narcissistic bores who's own fecal excrement smells of lilac and dollar bills. Once you've caught a whiff of that brand of - what they call - star power, you are either turned on or turned off. I am very turned off if I sense that people start buying their own press, especially if I knew them when. I guess I just don't understand why putting yourself above other people is such a great tonic for what ails ya.


    All right, enough of this tomfoolery.

    I hope you guys dug the tip of hat, the nod of the head. You deserve it.

    I am as excited as you are to see 214 hit the shelves.

    It's your issue.

    Cheers - tb

  19. When Kurt contacted me about this interview I told him that no one as of yet had gotten the scoop on me leaving the book. I gave him some insight on the last three issues and linked him to the 214 string on the forum. We thought it might be cool for readers to know that the pro/fan relationship isn't as divided as most may think it is. That sometimes fans can have a lot more to do with the process than just sitting on the sidelines bitching or cheering. To us it serves as an interesting perspective on the power of fandom on the internet. I don't think we said enough about it. 10 years ago this situation would never have happened but these days with forums and dedicated websites, fans get to have their say and are able to impact the medium in a way no one ever perceived.


    I think that's pretty fucking cool.


    - T

  20. Brilliant cover. The only thing i dont like about it is that tie JC's wearing....


    Fuck sakes, always a critic ;)

    Write that off to the only tie Stevhan had in his apartment that he could find (he'd just moved again for the 8th time in ten years). I thought it was too lame to omit so I went with it.

    I thought, even Constantine has got to get to a point where all the plain colored clean ones are dirty and he's got to just go with what he has. I'm thinking he stole it from Chas in a pinch.

    - TB

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