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Posts posted by Rogan

  1. early in the episode in the safehouse, chas and john have a little dialogue about zed. i did not understand the last two or three sentences. can someone please write them down?


    Addic7ed.com got you sorted:



    00:07:42,631 --> 00:07:43,799

    The girl's got skills.



    00:07:43,831 --> 00:07:45,999

    Yeah, and she's easy on the eye.



    00:07:46,034 --> 00:07:47,768




    00:07:47,802 --> 00:07:49,770

    She showed up last week out of nowhere.



    00:07:49,804 --> 00:07:51,505

    She may be legit.



    00:07:51,539 --> 00:07:55,442

    Or she may have more... unseemly motives.



    00:07:55,476 --> 00:07:58,445

    Either way, I'm best keeping her close



    00:07:58,479 --> 00:07:59,746

    for now.



    00:07:59,781 --> 00:08:02,983

    See what you can dig up on her, will you?

    • Upvote 1
  2. Just exaggerating for comedic purpose: Gay marriage is not [traditional] marriage - Depression Quest-type games are not [traditional] games. Rhetoric spun by people. Since there WERE instances of gay marriage throughout history, and that text-based choose-your-own-adventure computer games were among the very first games I've played on my PC, it is a fallacy of a similar kind, prepackaged for serving to people who are angry at something but need to find "acceptable" reasons.

  3. I've seen Depression Quest videos and it's not a "game". It's a "Choose your own text adventure", with no sound, no graphics or anything remotely "game" like. If you want to see what it's like. You can pick up those R.L. Stine Choose your own adventure's books or any other Choose your own adventure book.


    This reasoning kinda seems like the one in the gay vs. "traditional" marriage debate.

  4. vociferous

    you big people

    Here's a man who doesn't know me lol

    i have seen a picture of you and your daughter. you were clearly bigger than your daughter and you really looked like people.


    Isn't this how doxxing starts? ;)

  5. GamerGate IS losing, fortunately, hell - when 4chan decides it can't have you there anymore, you're really failing. Plus,


    Hopefully, they'll soon join 9/11 truthers and "moon landing was a hoax" folks in the pop-culture consciousness:




    Kluwe began by noting that it was strange that Baldwin, a critic of journalistic ethics,requested that the interview be conducted on Twitter, which is not conventional journalistic procedure — but that he understood the desire to work in a format in which ideological opponents would not be able to manipulate your words.

    He said that decision is part and parcel of the conspiratorial thinking that undergirds the GamerGate mindset. “Those who support it will do anything possible to avoid the facts of the situation,” he said, “and if you don’t present things in their view, then you’re probably a part of the conspiracy. Because GamerGate is, at its core, a conspiracy theory — the facts are indisputable, the whole thing was started to harass Zoe Quinn and Brianna Wu.”

  6. Great and insightful post, inca! [and really good seeing you here again]


    Don't have much to add right now, except the funny trivia that


    I hope that the following is correct, I believe that the rise in misogyny on the internet is actually the death throes of this belief in The West. I would quote Gandhi "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win"



    I've been seeing GamerGate folks take this exact quote as proof of their impending "victory" :D

  7. Well, last episode was mostly fun and it teased Gorilla Grodd, so I'm pretty pleased. But looking at Chloe on Agents of S.H.A.M.E., Laurel on Arrow, Zed on Constantine, Barbara on Gotham and Iris on The Flash [honorable mention goes to Lana on Smallville], I am now convinced that comic book adaptations should stop trying to have a love interest built-in from the get-go, but rather just make a [mixed-gender] team cast and see if any two characters develop some chemistry and plot from whatever sticks.

  8. Yes, there is a definite scale of geeky subculture creepiness, where "you MUST have an opinion on the Moore/Morison feud" and "DC or Marvel?" are marked as quirky, yet ever so slightly unsettling, but the other end of the spectrum runs deep within the dark corners of the internet, where several different identities/tendencies intersect [because people contain multitudes of identities, yet can often find it hard to look at/keep them separate from their other convictions and interests]. So it can even be like "if I don't speak up when they come for Duke Nukem's misogyny, who will be there to speak up when the SJW's/PC police come for my loli hentai 4chan porn?"

  9. But the claims of journalistic integrity and other BS masquerading as truth actually helps con people who have been bullied or are simply concerned about the bad [corporate-capitalist-freemium-whatever] directions the gaming industry has embarked upon [along with most of the entertainment industry], to strike against the very few positive side-effects of said directions [which is that inclusivity has opened up various other markets for the said industries].

  10. That is, I think that, like the articles we've been linking here suggest, this batch of "bullied" gamers consider political correctness, racial sensitivity and being called on misogyny - bullying. And that is what they're reacting to, not to lack of recognition or being considered lesser, basement-dwelling beings. So if you change the definition of bullying, it's easy to be the underdog and even if you're proven to be doin something wrong, to construct an entitled narrative of "but we were bullied first". And they're actually using the mechanisms developed by the disenfranchised groups that they feel are threatening their domain to respond [which is both clever and deviously loathsome].

  11. Oh, I read and liked the article, and I agree with it, but I was just responding to the whole reasoning that the bullied become the bullies [that is being perpetuated as some sort of an explanation by wolvy] which I find inherently flawed because you also see many of the older gamers who actually grew up in those "bad old days" they describe, who are now standing up against GamerGate, as much as you have kids who grew up in a culture where pretty much everyone plays games, be it on their phone, computer, tablet or console, and where there is less and less shame and bullying [but the bullying among themselves, however, is on the rise] become cyberbullies.

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