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Posts posted by bighappygoth41

  1. Simvastatin is something you have to take for high cholesterol. Apparently, when you're a diabetic, you're automatically given it to take, whether you have high cholesterol or not...

    • Upvote 1
  2. I do love the show a lot, and it's hard to pick out just one episode, but if I had to it would have to be the reality crossover one, which I thought was done brilliantly and it was hilarious. My favourite main character would have to be Dean, but I do love Castiel and my favourite non main character would probably be Charlie. Very hard to pick specific ones, though as there's something about most of them I love. :boogie:

  3. So there's a programme about Supernatural, by way of setting the scene for season 9 about to start on E4.

    I can see a bit more of what's endearing about it, but much of what they are congratulating themselves for being the only series to do has been done elsewhere. I guess these two characters I haven't seen before, the Constantine Angel and the Crowley Demon Who Speaks Constantinian look more endearing.


    I'll seek out a couple of the episodes they showed.


    Doesn't it have any chicks?


    In answer to your question, the series does have quite a few ladies in it as it goes along. Some a lot more memorable than others, so I think there'll be something there to interest all men who want to see some 'hot chick' (demon and non-demon) action. I hope that answers your question. :biggrin:

  4. I also loved how they mixed Matt Smith's theme tune with Capaldi's, and of course The Doctor's speech was just awesome, and showed exactly how different him and Missy are. Obviously she's too far gone to even realise how very different they are. You'd have thought by now she'd have got that, but her level of insanity has overtaken that.

    I also hope we see her again as she was just wonderful.

    I'm already excited about the Christmas episode and I'm hoping it's as good as last year's. :smile:

  5. Well, that was a hell of a thing.


    Bloody grim, mind. They've been pushing the envelope of what you can get away with in a Saturday evening family show all season, and this took that about as far as I think they're ever going to be able to take it. It's also the first Cyberman story since the '60s to effectively engage with the nightmarish body horror that actually makes them conceptually interesting as more than just A.N.Other generic army of stompy robots. The Cybermen shouldn't be Terminators, they should be vampires, and this one sold us on that. Gaiman's 'Nightmare in Silver' last year was touted as the episode to "make the Cybermen scary again", but this one did a far, far better job of it.


    Death of Osgood was heartbreaking, as was just about everything with Danny. The fact that Kate survived felt earned in a way that very few of Moffat's non-deaths have done before, precisely because death was treated with an appropriate degree of gravity elsewhere in the episode. And of course the Brigadier should be the one to "save the Doctor's soul" by killing the Master for him (the fact that she'll inevitably be back, hopefully still played by Gomez, in no way undermines the effectiveness of that scene - Clara's line about "if you've ever let that creature live, all of this is on you" is arguably a cliche, but an effective one deployed well).


    Moffat's best season finale. Possibly the best season finale since the show came back. The best season since the show came back, in fact. And the best Doctor. Ever.


    And definitely the best Master. Also ever. "I just want my friend back" is up there with the "I Can't Decide" musical number in 'Last of the Time Lords' when it comes to note-perfect defining moments for the character.




    What he said. :boogie:

  6. I absolutely loved that movie. Had so much fun with it. I think I personally preferred it over Hot Fuzz.


    I totally agree with this. :boogie:


    As has already been said as well, it did sort of hit a few raw nerves of mine, but it just made me love it even more. I have no problem admitting I can be a bit stuck in the past, and I loved the story. I also thought that it was really nice to see Simon Pegg in one of his better roles, imo.

    • Upvote 1
  7. I am really liking her portrayal of an obviously-messed-up-more-than-before Master. I thought she was brilliant when she was the Headmistress in Bad Education. She was just as loopy, then. :laugh:

    I'm really excited about how Moffat will end this season. I'm sure he'll leave stuff hanging, as he seems to enjoy doing, which I do actually quite like, but I have to say that I've definitely enjoyed this season a hell of a lot and I'll be waiting impatiently for the Christmas one after the finale.

    Oh, one more thing. I admit that I thought it was just wonderful how the Doctor reacted to what Clara did. Just wonderful, aqnd some fantastic script writing.

    I salute you Mr Moffat! Please keep up the good work. :boogie::hattip:

  8. I'm a lot more easily pleased when it comes to Doctor Who than most on this site, but then I did grow up watching it so I've seen some pretty awful episodes.

    I said right from the beginning that Missy was going to be a female Master. I was thinking that mainly because of all the complaining about the next Doctor not being female (which is ridiculous, as there have been many, many strong female joint lead characters over the years, so personally, I don't feel there needs to be a female one), and I've noticed how Moffat likes to sort of give the audience what we want, but not entirely how we want it. In my opinion, he has done a bloody great job in taking over from Davies, but I won't go on about that as I know there are a lot of Moffat haters, which I feel is a bit harsh at times.

    He hasn't shied away from showcasing some new wonderful talent, and it seems to me that if Moffat does decide to leave, Jamie Matheson would be a wonderful replacement as I did adore his episodes.

    All of the above is just my opinion, of course, and I know it's not many people's opinions on here, which is fair enough.

    I'm not saying Moffat has always done well, but I just don't think he always gets enough credit for the excellent stuff he does do.

    I'm just hoping that the wonderful Capaldi will stay with the series for longer than Smith did. Fingers crossed...

    • Upvote 2
  9. The Trashman stuff is done in a much cruder style than his later stuff. I think a lot of the underground artists in the '60s looked down their nose at Spain a bit as he wasn't really into faddish lifestyle flourishes, and wrote very much from a working class Marxist perspective, rather than from a posturing middle class bohemian perspective. You don't get the impression from Trashman that he was at all impressed by some elements of the underground lifestyle himself, either.

    Apart from Trashman, the other thing of his I really enjoyed was his comics adaption of Gresham's Nightmare Alley, which is magnificent.


    (dogpoet, not BHG)


    I'm sure he's hit worse levels of reading despair after that point in his career though. I've just tried to put a lot of King's novels out of my mind. I can't remember what the most recent King book I read was....maybe Needful Things?

    But, he had that Body Snatchers rip-off (only in the snow) that's gotten pretty universal hate, and he wrote some dreadful piece of crap novel after he got hit by the car....something about a magical anteater in there I remember hearing....

    I used to enjoy King's novels when I was in high school though. I still have a copy of Night Shift in my collection. That's a pretty good collection, with a few really bad stories mixed in too (Lawnmower Man I'm thinking about....).


    Just thought I'd clear this up a bit:

    He wrote On Writing after the accident, and it's non fiction. He also finished the last Dark Tower after as he felt it needed finishing (about time, even if it was about a hundred pages too long...).

    The magical anteater was actually put into the screenplay he wrote for the wonderful Kingdom Hospital from a novel written by a couple of other guys (I think that's right, anyway).

    In my opinion, his best work would definitely have to include Eyes of The Dragon, which is just amazing. Most of the Dark Tower books are just brilliant as well, if you can look past his usual lack of allowing his stuff to be edited. :tongue:

    There's a lot of his stuff that has some wonderful elements in them, but are way too long. It, for example, but I could go on all day about his stuff, really. :boogie:

  11. I used to have some very strange crushes on male actors, which shows a bit in my little list:


    Labyrinth- crush on David Bowie

    Back To The Future- huge crush on Michael J Fox

    Rocky Horror Picture Show- another huge crush on Tim Curry


    Since I stopped having teenage crushes, I still enjoy the nostalgia when watching them over again, and I still feel they're all excellent films, but not just because of the main male lead... Which is nice. :icon_wink: :boogie:


    That was pretty good, but could anybody buy that Oswin wasn't a dalek for longer than about thirty seconds?



    For me it didn't spoil the rest of the episode one bit. I really enjoyed the depth of it and it was great to see Smith is still as good as ever. :boogie:


    But you are right about women and them new fancy pics. I think it'd be funny if guys posed and made faces the women do sometimes. Like the pouty faced, head tilt. You know of what I speak!


    You mean the duck face pics, right? I have none of those myself, and I don't use a filter or wear make up, really. I guess I'm just not your average woman... :wink: :laugh:

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