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Posts posted by bighappygoth41

  1. I've not heard much on the prologue, but one common thread/complaint has been how hard it is to understand Tom Hardy. The mask + his accent make it quite difficult to understand him.


    There are so many rumors and tons of speculation running around about the whole movie. It's kind of fun to watch but I don't care. In Nolan I trust. In many aspects, I think he's showing us one thing and will do another, going against expectations. Should make for one hell of a ride.


    Well, there's a few different Bane stories it could follow, and we know how much Nolan likes keeping to the comic stories, so who knows which one he's going to go for. Knowing Nolan, he'll do a great job, either way. :boogie::smile:

  2. Susanna Clarke put out a book of short stories. The Ladies of Grace Adieu, and other stories.



    I feel compelled to seek this book out, despite not yet being able to crack "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell." Which has obtain the sacred list of "huge books" that I hope to someday read, along with Don Quixote, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Republic......etc.


    I've got both Jonathan Strange and The Ladies of Grace Adieu, but not got around to reading either of them, yet. There are sooo many books in the bedroom I've yet to get around to reading, I do sometimes wonder if I'll ever read them all. My love of books does worry me, sometimes... :boogie::sword:

  3. By prologue I mean the opening scene, ie Joker's bank robbery.


    Yeah, I didn't bother with just seeing that, as I knew I'd want to see the rest, so I just waited for the full film. I think I'll do the same with this one. I'm sure it'll all be worth the wait, anyway. :x_ban:

  4. Word around the internet is that the prologue, starring Bane and Catwoman, makes the TDK prologue look turd-like. I don't like to listen to the hype, but the hype turned out right the last time.


    I never saw the TDK prologue, but I did go to the cinema to see it with my family, and I'll be doing that again for TDKR. I doubt I'll get to see the prologue for this one, but it says in Empire that it'll be some of Bane's back story, so that should be a great start, anyway.

  5. I've just got my usual broadband service changed to fibre optic broadband, all thanks to the lovely BT, and all for free. I'm already enjoying the increased speed, especially as I'm getting no more complaints from the kids about the signals dying... :boogie::smile:

  6. I think the one you have is one of the '80s Showcase (or whatever anthology it was) issues, not the relaunch ones.


    Right. Yep, it's an old one. It might be interesting to see if the relaunch one is any good, then.

  7. I, Vampire #3 was a little too Blade Trinity for me - "Oh, and here're the team of vampire hunters!" - but I'm still in.


    Yeah, I've got a copy of I, Vampire. Not sure what number it is, though. Not great, but it's not the worst I've read.


    I've just finished the third essentials volume of the Tomb of Dracula, which was breathtakingly brilliant. Fantastic stuff. (Yes, I know this is a DC thread, but I had to add that) :boogie::smile:

  8. Has anyone of you ever undergone a career change?


    I'm currently in the process of actually starting what would be classed as a 'proper' career, after many years of being a mother. They're not babies now, so I'm hoping to either get a job in the security sector, or maybe doing admin somewhere.

    Bit of a change from looking after kids and a household, anyway. Quite exciting, though, even if it is slow going. :smile::boogie:

  9. Very likely, but I don't want an animated Doctor Who story full of Disney looking motherfuckers in harmonising colours, dig?


    After seeing that manga style thing on youtube, I'm wondering if that style of animation might work for a full episode? It'd be interesting, at least...

  10. Only American Dad was kinda funny.


    We've just got the latest season over here of American Dad, and I have to say, I'm finding it much funnier than the more recent Family Guy stuff. Maybe Seth McFarlane has got a bit fed up of Family Guy, as it has been going a hell of a lot longer than American Dad. Either way, I'm enjoying the new stuff, anyway. Roger rocks! :smile:

  11. At the time, the problem was that they simply didn't have the budget for it - even doing the animation fairly cheaply, the b/w stories simply don't sell well enough to make it cost-effective. The only reason they managed the 'Invasion' release was because there was a budgetary surplus for some specific, slightly odd reason the details of which I forget, so they could put it together as a one-off project.


    That said, there's a DVD of 'The Reign of Terror' coming out at some point in the next few months with the missing episodes animated, which suggests that they've solved that problem - if that's the case, there should be some interesting releases coming up over the next couple of years.


    Great stuff. It's about time they've done that with another one with missing episodes. I really enjoyed The Invasion, so it'll be good to see that. :hattip::boogie:

  12. I've seen them a bunch of times, and would eagerly do so again - they're a great, incredibly consistent live band. They're playing Oslo again in December, but I am skint as a very skint thing right now, so can't really afford it.


    Are the prices for gigs over there as ridiculous as they can be over here, then?

    I do get pretty fed up with seeing that a band I really like is playing locally, and then being disgusted with the price they charge, especially when they're not even playing in that great a place... :mad:

  13. Audio adventure question:


    I saw a load of the Big Finish cds in a charity shop today, and was drawn to get a couple that I don't think were in the huge compilations of Who stuff Mark was good enough to copy me for the last secret santa. (I still haven't gone through all of those, I confess, but I don't recall the titles being among the stories in there.)

    It's quite possible these two are crap, which is why Mark didn't copy me them, but the thing that struck me on getting them back home, is that the one Sylvester McCoy story (The Genocide Machine) is billed as part one of something called Dalek Empire. Does the story work in isolation, or do I need to track down the rest of it for part one to make any sense?


    (edit: dogpoet posting using BHG's account because he didn't think to log out as her and log back in as himself, not BHG herself...)

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