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Posts posted by TheDevilYouKnow

  1. RIP constantine. you weren't the hellblazer adaptation we deserved, but you were the one that we needed.


    is there any point in atleast slightly hoping netflix'll pick it up somewhere down the road ? arrested development was cancelled back in 2006 , then revived in 2013 , years later. maybe in a few years the same could happen for this ?


    maybe not...


    maybe it's best to start over. as good as it was, it still wasn't hellblazer good. i really liked matt ryan's performance though.

    • Upvote 1
  2. The idea of John Constantine being a recurring character for a series based around Tales of the Unexpected style stand-alone stories actually sounds pretty damn good.

    There wouldn't be any need to worry about the characterization of Constantine very much. There'd be some, of course, but it wouldn't be as glaring if the authors didn't understand the character (ala New 52 version, which also lacked characterization).

    John could be used much more like during Moore's Swamp Thing. He's a mysterious character who always happens to show up in all the right (or wrong, depending on perspective) places and seems to have all the answers.

    I wouldn't even mind if John was portrayed as something more of a psychopath.

    No, it wouldn't be HB, but if HB is never coming back, this might be the next best thing. I'm not saying that's what this series will be, but it wouldn't be all that bad, honestly.


    Are we sure this book is an ongoing? Some of the new launches announced by DC have been announced as minis now. Prez is a 12-part series, for example. I think it was originally given the idea that it was an unlimited series.

    like azzarello's run ? which next-to-no one liked ?
  3. azzarello missed the essence of what made john human and tried to make him come off as some sort of sociopath, so he loses points. i liked hard time and freezes over though.

    jamie delano is obviously one of everyone's favs.

    alan moore, the originator <3

    garth ennis i enjoyed for the most part , just reread the "confessional " story and i'll be damned if that isn't brilliant.

    mike carey's was pretty awesome.


    and i'll admit, i agree with your thoughts on keanusteen. that movie was also what got me into the character.


    new 52 can sod off.

  4. this one dropped in quality to me. I'm kind of tired of John casting a spell or more in every episode. He's a con man not a warlock. I'd like more stories of him grifting or pulling off something with his wits and less of always knowing the exactly perfect spell to do whatever is pressing.

    that's what i enjoyed about the last ep . pickpocketing the cop like a boss/ " well, we all know i'm a master at the art of pretending to be a gentleman :) "


    the last scene with him talking about imagining everyone he cares about dying felt pretty hellblazer esque to me though.

  5. apparently people on Tumblr are still mad and bringing up old stuff just to stay mad at the show. They ask for bisexuality, the show gives bisexuality, and they're still mad. Plus, I don't think someone who is bisexual just randomly yells it out to the world. In a normal situation I would think they would give small hints of flirtations here and there, which is what John has done.

    the biggest complaint i've seen on imdb is that john is too much of a happy-go-lucky do-gooder in the show.


    the guy nearly drowned a baby to death in episode 8.....


    some are even complaining about the non-smoking when he's seen with a cigarette atleast once in every single episode....


    as for tumblr, their opinions usually aren't worth much. neither are the opinions of those on imdb either usually :P

    • Upvote 1
  6. was john's bisexuality really that big of a deal in the comics anyway ? i remember like one quote about it in the comics and the obvious mentions and , ew, doggy blowjob in azzarello's run ( which would technically make him into beastiality in that case, even if he was drunk off his ass and tricked into doing that, so i guess he really is one kinky bastard) . otherwise he's a relentless womanizer most of the time. been a while since i read up on some good ol' fashioned hellblazer anyways though.

  7. ok, "Reed" :boogie:




    why are we just now finding out about it? it came out in november. must have taken a while to build up a buzz.


    here, because i love you, Phillip Morris!




    he's gonna hyperventilate if he keeps hotboxing like that.

    that was a DAMN good fan film ( that gif there ) , i must say. was i the only one fairly impressed by this ? i mean , the guy playing johnny could've done a liiiiittle bit more acting, but then again it was pretty "constantine" like not to play it up so much , i guess.
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